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Independence Movement in India

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1 Independence Movement in India
Unit 6: Modern India

2 Sepoy Mutiny British East India Company Who are the Sepoys?
Hired Indian Soldiers Hindus and Muslims Revolt against British Reasons Racism Perception of Conversion Nationalism Cartridges greased with Pork Fat

3 Sepoy Mutiny Sepoys gain control of Delhi
Eventually driven back. British Gov’t seize control of India Government of India Act 1858 No longer BEIC controlled Raj- British appointed leader of India. Racism increases tensions

4 Britain’s Jewel in the Crown
Bad for India Good for India GB restricts Indian industry Indians must buy GB goods Cash crops disrupt agriculture Famines in late 1800s GB controls political power Railroads/infrastructure Phone lines Better sanitation/ public health Schools and literacy No more local warfare

5 Aftermath of Sepoy Rebellion
Unit 5: Modern India

6 Ram Mohun Roy Father of Modern India Give up traditional ways.
No more arranged marriages. Only way to escape foreign influence

7 Nationalism Continued
Indian National Congress Formed in 1885 Hindu Muslim League Formed in 1906 Worked together to gain independence

8 A Promise Not Kept…WWI British Entice Indians to fight for British in WWI. In exchange for self governance After the War…No Independence for You! Violence ensues Rowlatt Acts (April 1919)- Jail Protestors of British without trial for 2 years

9 Amritsar Massacre Indian angry about Rowlatt Acts British Response
10,000 Hindu go to Amritsar Fast, Pray, Political speeches British Response Send Troops to disperse protests Fire upon the crowd GB Report: 400 killed Indian Report: Over 1,000 killed Nationalist movement explodes

10 Who’s Got Two Thumbs and Is Kind of A Big Deal?
Unit 5: Modern India

11 Mohandas Gandhi 1869-1948 Born as a Kshatriya Studied in London
Wants Equality Studied in London Takes a job in South Africa Works against discrimination Develops Satyagraha “Devotion to truth” Civil Disobedience- Nonviolent Blend All Religions Becomes known as Mahatma “Great Soul”

12 “An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind”

13 Mohammad Ali Jinnah 1876-1948 Studied at Bombay University
Became a lawyer Elected President of Muslim League in 1916. Already a member of Indian National congress Split with INC in 1920 over non cooperation. Leader of the Pakistan Independence movement

14 Gandhi’s Civil Disobedience movement
Unit 5: India

15 Gandhi's Theory on Civil Disobedience
Does one have a moral obligation to always obey the law? Should one obey an unjust law? Civil Disobedience-disobeying unjust laws

16 Gandhi's Non Cooperation Movement: 1920
Boycotts Refuse to buy British Goods Refuse to attend government schools Pay taxes Vote in elections Ride railroad 1 day work stoppage Gandhi and Jinnah split over the issue

17 Non Cooperation Movement results
British economy suffered. Jails became overcrowded. Muslims and Hindu’s Split Several British officers were murdered. Gandhi Calls off movement

18 Salt March: 1930 British have monopoly on Salt.
Control sale and tax Gandhi wants to break monopoly March 241 miles to Dandi Spoke to crowds Followers grew larger Picked up natural salt when he reached Dandi 60,000 arrested w/ Gandhi

19 The Tides Begin to Turn Unit 6: Modern India

20 Movement Towards Victory
1935 Government of India Act: Limited self gov’t Democratic elections Tensions still exist between Hindus and Muslims Why? Who will Rule?

21 Final Push WWII Who will rule? Muhammad Ali Jinnah
British Exhausted Negotiations begin Who will rule? Hindus or Muslims Muhammad Ali Jinnah Pushes for Pakistan Violence erupts in Calcutta August 1946 Thousands dead & Injured

22 Partition of India Unit 5: Modern India

23 Partition of India Ensure Security
India is Split July 16, 1947 India and Pakistan formed Muslims: NW & East areas become Pakistan Hindus: India sub continent

Scramble between Muslims and Hindus Sikhs have to make a decision 1 million people die in the riots and fighting Gandhi is assassinated

25 Partition of India

26 Gandhi on Partition “What is there to celebrate…I see nothing but rivers of blood?” Tried to protect Muslim Refugees January 30, 1948 Killed by Hindu extremist

27 Tensions begin to Rise Unit 6: Modern India

28 Dispute of Kashmir Kashmir wanted Independence Pakistan claimed Region
Hindu Leader Muslim Population Forced to sign treaty with India under threat of invasion by Pakistan Pakistan claimed Region UN involvement Vote? Cease fire and quasi border established

29 Significance of Kashmir
Geography Control the Indus river Religious Sites Amaranth Holy Hindu Site Stalagmites Form that hold secrets of life according to Hindus Pilgrimage Muslim Separatists Gov’t Creating temporary cities. Muslims believe they are attempting to change demographic

30 India and the Bomb “The Smiling Buddha” Pakistan tests in 1998
Nuke tested in ‘74 Pakistan tests in 1998 Nuclear Power Today Non Proliferation Treaty USA, Russia, UK, France and China Not Members India, Pakistan, North Korea

31 Dealing with Freedom Unit 6: Modern India

32 Pakistan Dealing with Independence
East Pakistan vs. West Pakistan Separated by 1600 KM Gov’t dominated by West East felt underrepresented Coalition fails West Pakistan invades Kills 1.5 million India intervenes East Pakistan=Bangladesh in 1971

33 India After Independence
Unit 5: India

34 India Dealing with Independence
1st PM-Jawaharlal Nehru Governed for 17 yrs. Democracy & Modernization Neutral during Cold War

35 Indira Gandhi- Prime Minister 1967-1977 and 1980-1984
Nerhu’s Daugther Major Issue Sikh Extremists Response Indian troops storm Golden Temple at Amritsar in June of 1984 Sikh Response Body Guards assassinate her

36 Atal Bihari Vajpayee: 1998-2004
Increase Nuclear Capability First Nuclear Device detonated in 1974. Pakistan Response Test first device in 1998. World Response Uneasy about Kashmir USA withholds aid Atal visits Pakistan Tensions ease

37 Manmohan Singh: 2004-Today
Reelected in 2012 Major Issues Population #1 by 2035 Globalization Wealth disparity First Sikh to hold office of Prime Minister

38 Globalization and India
Unit 6: Modern India

39 India’s Population Boom
India will over take China by 2035

40 Economic Development Supply and Demand Free trade Profit Motive
Free Market Controlled Markets Supply and Demand Free trade Profit Motive Gov’t Controlled High Tariffs/No Trade Communism Inefficient Creates Massive Wealth and Inequality Inherently Wasteful/No Incentives to Progress

41 India’s Economic Development
Command Economy (1947 – 1990) After independence, India tried to develop rapidly. “Permit Raj-” all economic development planned by gov. Up to 80 agencies to get a permit to open a private company Protective tariffs Economy stagnates Too much regulation No foreign investment

42 India’s Economic Development (1991 - Present) Free Market Capitalism
India de-regulates econ. Privatization Tax reform Foreign Direct Invest. way up Gov. controls Inflation

43 India’s Economic Development (1991 - Present) Free Market Capitalism
Income per capita

44 India’s Economic Development (1991 - Present) Free Market Capitalism
Indian Exports Common luxuries?


46 Problems with Indian Economic Development
Poverty – Unequal Income Distribution Child Labor – few labor laws Pollution – few environmental laws Lax Regulation – How do you attract investors AND regulate working conditions, still pay your workers well & stop companies that pollute? BBC ON THIS DAY | 3 | 1984: Hundreds die in Bhopal chemical accident

47 Problems with Indian Economic Development (for the US)
Outsourcing How can the US compete with countries that have no labor or environmental laws & do not regulate their industries? The Simpsons - Outsourcing India - uZood Video

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