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Desert Sage Preschool August 2017 Newsletter Important Dates:

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1 Desert Sage Preschool August 2017 Newsletter Important Dates:
IMPORTANT REMINDERS!! Please visit our websites weekly to view lesson plans, newsletters, and the monthly snack menu. FLIP FLOPS ARE NOT APPROPRIATE FOR SCHOOL as stated in our school dress code. Please label your child’s backpack and any other personal belongings. Please DO NOT send toys to school. We do not want them to get lost or stolen. Please remember to call in your child’s absence! Thank you! Attendance: Transportation: Important Dates: August 3, Curriculum Night 6-7 pm August 9: First Day of Preschool September 4: Labor Day, no school WELCOME To PRESCHOOL! We have two Pre-K teachers this year at Desert Sage. Your child’s teacher this year is: Ms. Sara Ms. Andi The first few weeks of school are a time to get to know each other, make new friends and learn the classroom procedures. The first day of school drop off should be positive and upbeat. Please walk your child to the Kindergarten playground, sign them in using both your first and last name, give a kiss and wave goodbye. Parents cannot be on the playground during the school day due to school and district policy. Your child should bring a backpack with a change of clothing and any toileting items they need. We will be posting important information on our websites including lesson plans, monthly newsletters and the monthly snack menu. Go to to find us. We look forward to a wonderful year! We have water fountains available in the classroom. Feel free to send in a water bottle for your child. We are outside daily. Please put sunscreen on your child. Hats are acceptable.

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