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Presentation on theme: "FLIPPED CLASSROOM ACTIVITY CONSTRUCTOR – USING EXISTING CONTENT"— Presentation transcript:


2 About this constructor
This activity constructor document is aimed at assisting teachers in designing Flipped Classroom Activity in their own course using existing content. This guide will deal with Open Education Resources (OER’s) or those licensed under Creative Commons. The slides with white background are information sheets. The slides with Pale-yellow background require you to provide inputs. Replace the text written in BLUE with your input. This will be followed by an example input.

3 Table of Contents SECTION SLIDE # 7 18 25 ABOUT YOU 4

4 About you Chetana Kamlaskar, working as a Assistant professor in the School of Science and Technology, Yashwantrao Chavan Maharashtra Open University, Nashik, Maharashtra. Wish to design a flipped classroom on “IC 555 Monostable Multivibrator”

5 Chetana Kamlaskar IC 555 Monostable Multivibrator Basic Electronics
2nd Year UG Students in Electronics Engineering YCMOU, Nashik

6 Out-of-class Segment This section helps you design the Out-of-Class segment of Flipped Classroom Strategy.

7 About Out-of-Class Segment
Meant mainly for Information-Transmission to student. Mostly help achieve lower-order cognitive levels (Recall-Understand-Apply) Teacher takes time to search and locate videos. Out-of-Class activity should not be too lengthy, (ideally think of 1 lecture being transferred outside)

8 Out-of-class Activity Design-1
Learning Objective(s) of Out-of-Class Activity At the end of watching the videos student should be able to Explain function of each pin of IC555 with pin diagram (Understand Level) Draw the circuit diagram of monostable multivibrator using IC555 (Understand & Apply Level) Illustrate the working of IC555 in monostable mode with waveforms (Understand Level) Selection of the component values ‘RA’ and ‘C’ to produce desired output pulse width in IC555 monostable multivibrator (Apply Level) Key Concept(s) to be covered Basics of IC555 in monostable mode Operation and waveforms of IC555 in monostable mode Expression for output pulse width in monostable mode

9 Guidelines for Video Selection - 2
Keep the length of video short (not more than10 minutes).This is because it has been found that shorter videos are more engaging[1]. If the topic is too big for a single 10 min video, split the topic into multiple videos and give instructions to pause.(E.g. Pause at 4:30 sec) Select videos that have both text and audio narration. This will help in assimilation of content easier[2]. Guo, P. J., Kim, J., & Rubin, R. (2014, March). How video production affects student engagement: An empirical study of mooc videos. In Proceedings of the first ACM conference on scale conference (pp ). ACM. Mayer, R.E. (2008). Applying the science of learning: Evidence-based principles for the design of multimedia instruction. American Psychologist, 63(8),

10 Out-of-class Activity Design - 2
Main Video Source URL License of Video Standard YouTube License Mapping Concept to Video Source CONCEPT VIDEO (Single) DURATION (in min) IC555 as a Monostable Multivibrator: Pin Configuration Circuit diagram Working Waveforms Expression 0:00 – 10.13 10.13 TOTAL DURATION 10.13 min

11 Guideline for Designing Assessments
It is recommended to provide few assessment with each video resource. The assessment has to be at lower cognitive levels (Recall – Apply), aligned to the learning objectives. It is recommended that you evaluate these assessments before the in-class to understand the level of students.

12 Out-of-class Activity Design - 3
Aligning Assessment with Learning Objective Learning Objective Assessment Strategy Expected Duration (in min) Additional Instructions (if any) Explain function of each pin of IC555 with pin diagram Q1 a) Draw labeled pin configuration of IC555 timer Q1 b) Describe the pin functions of IC555 timer 10 minutes Watch Video and then answer Q1a and Q1b

13 Out-of-class Activity Design - 3
Aligning Assessment with Learning Objective Learning Objective Assessment Strategy Expected Duration (in min) Additional Instructions (if any) Draw the circuit diagram of monostable multivibrator using IC555 Q. The incomplete timer circuit is shown below fig(a). Draw the missing components in the correct positions, adding suitable labels. The missing components are shown below in the fig(b). (a) (b) 5 minutes Watch Video and then answer

14 Out-of-class Activity Design - 3
Aligning Assessment with Learning Objective Learning Objective Assessment Strategy Expected Duration (in min) Additional Instructions (if any) Illustrate the working of IC555 in monostable mode with waveforms Q. For the given circuit, draw waveforms at pin 6 and pin 3, with reference to trigger input. 5 minutes Watch Video and then answer

15 Out-of-class Activity Design - 3
Aligning Assessment with Learning Objective Learning Objective Assessment Strategy Expected Duration (in min) Additional Instructions (if any) Selection of the component values ‘RA’ and ‘C’ to produce desired output pulse width in IC555 monostable multivibrator Q. For IC555 monostable multivibrator, choose standard values of resistor ‘RA’ and capacitor ‘C’ to produce output pulse width of a) 100 msec b) 1 sec c) 10 sec 10 minutes Submit answers to all questions 4 hours before coming to class. (Note: assessment submission is linked with attendance) Total activity duration 30 min

16 In-class Segment This section helps you design the in-class segment of Flipped Classroom Strategy.

17 About In-Class Segment
Make sure that In-Class segment contain activities for effective learning In active learning student goes beyond listening, copying of notes. Execution of prescribed procedures. Students are required to talk, write, reflect and express their thinking. Engage students in higher-order thinking (Analyze-Evaluate-Create). Ensure that students get feedback on their work, either from peers or you. Ensure to provide summary that connects Out-of-Class and In-Class activities.

18 In-class Activity Design -1
Learning Objective(s) of In-Class Activity At the end of the class, students will be able to, Design interesting real-life problems using IC555 monostable multivibrator (Create Level) Implementation of IC555 monostable multivibrator either on breadboard or using Simulation software (Analyze Level) Key Concept(s) to be covered Use of IC555 monostable multivibrator expression in real life problem solving Implementation of IC555 monostable multivibrator

19 In-class Activity Design -2
Active Learning activity(ies) that you plan to do Design of real life problems solving using Think-Pair-Share Concept clarification using Peer Instruction

20 In-class Activity Design -2
Peer Instruction Strategy – What Teacher Does Pose the three PI questions at the start of the class and provide summary of basics of IC555 and principle of operation of IC555 as a monostable multivibrator. Q 1: What should be the relation between trigger pulse width and output pulse width for normal operation of IC555 in monostable mode? a) trigger pulse width will be same as output pulse width b) trigger pulse width will be greater than output pulse width c) trigger pulse width will be less than output pulse width d) No relation between trigger pulse width and output pulse width

21 In-class Activity Design -2
Peer Instruction Strategy – What Teacher Does Q 2: Is the triggering given in monostable mode of IC555 is edge type or level type? If it is edge type, whether it is trailing or raising type? If it is level type, whether it is high or low? Q 3: What is the effect of Vcc on output? a) The amplitude of output is directly proportional to Vcc b) The amplitude of output is inversely proportional to Vcc c) The pulse width of output is directly proportional to Vcc d) The pulse width of output is directly proportional to Vcc

22 In-class Activity Design -2
Peer Instruction Strategy – What Student Does For each question they will first vote individually. Then they will discuss with peers and come to consensus. Listen to instructors explanation.

23 In-class Activity Design -2
TPS Strategy – What Instructor does First provide a premise As a technocrat, you are interested to locate a sensor circuit at the front door of your home for sound an alarm when anyone open or pushed the door. The same sensor circuit you would like to use to detect thieves or intruders also. You will like to use LASER as light source and LDR as a sensor in the circuits . The circuit shall give a high output to buzzer if LASER light gets interrupted and you needs to know that someone has opened the door. Such a interesting circuit can be constructed using IC555. Let us try to design sensor circuit as given below which uses LASER as light source, LDR as a photo sensor, IC555 in monostable mode and buzzer. Circuit diagram

24 In-class Activity Design -2
TPS Strategy – What Instructor does Think (~3 minutes) Instruction: LDR is light dependent resistor( in absence of light the resistance of LDR is maximum and as light intensity increases the resistance decreases). Assume LDR dark resistance of 300 Ω and light resistance of 80 Ω. As given in the figure, we need to generate trigger when LASER light is interrupted that means for LDR value is 300 Ω, Vx should be (1/3)Vcc. Based on this first calculate value of Rx. Then verify Vx>(1/3)Vcc for given light resistance 80 Ω and calculated Rx value. Think individually and identify the value of Rx such that as LASER light interrupts Vx becomes less than 1/3 Vcc and it generates trigger pulse.

25 In-class Activity Design -2
TPS Strategy – What Instructor does Pair (~6 minutes) Instruction: Now pair up and compare your answers. Agree on one final answer. While students are pairing and discussing, instructor goes to 2~3 sections to see what they are doing. Now, depending on light on LDR is interrupted or not, develop a table and select standard value of Rx, as shown in table. Also ensure that Vx is greater when LASER light falls (Not interrupted)on LDR. Then instruct to students to calculate the value of RA and C of the monostable multivibrator for variable time period output from 1 sec to 10 sec using tp = 1.1RAC. [May use RA and C values calculated in Out-of-class Activity ] LDR resistance LASER light Vx = Vcc*Rx/(Rx+LDR resist) Rx (Ohm) Dark resistance : 300Ω interrupted (1/3)Vcc 150 Light resistance: 80Ω Not interrupted > (1/3)Vcc

26 In-class Activity Design -2
TPS Strategy – What Instructor does Share (~9 minutes) Instructor asks a group to share their answer with class and see whether there are different answers. After sharing is done, instructor gives feedback on the correct solution and how a potentiometer can used instead of fixed resistor RA to increase the time duration of buzzer sound. Thus, finalize the circuit with all required standard component values. In the next iteration of TPS, in the Think Phase we ask students to implement this circuit on breadboard or on simulator. In the pair phase we ask students to compare the answers. In the share phase again the different answers are sought.

27 In-class Activity Design -2
Justify why the above is an active learning strategy In both the above strategies, students are required to go beyond mere listening and execution of prescribed steps. They are required to think deeply about the content they were familiarized in out-of-class and do higher order thinking. There is also feedback provided (either through peer discussion or instructor summary)

28 Thank you


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