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Science Remind App Classroom

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1 Science Remind App Classroom
Scholastic Book Order: If you chose to order from Scholastic, please have your orders in by Friday, September 15, 2017 Science Remind App Our first unit in Science is Lifecycle of a Butterfly. We should be getting our caterpillars soon. We watch caterpillars turn into chrysalis then see them emerge into a butterfly. WOW! Come in throughout the month of September to see for yourself. Included with the newsletter are instructions on how to set up the remind app with our classes. This is a quick and easy way to communicate back and forth. You can sign up through text or . If you have any questions please come and see one of us. Classroom For the upcoming year students in 3P and 3B will be in small class sizes for language and math classes, some students will be with Mr. Barkwell the others will be with Mrs. Palamarek. Mr. Barkwell will be teaching Music. The remainder of the classes will be taught by Mrs. Palamarek. Should you have any questions about the layout of the classrooms, please come in and see one of us.

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