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8th Grade Parents’ Night

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2 8th Grade Parents’ Night
FEB. 4, 2015 Mrs. Danielle O’Conner, Superintendent Mr. Scott Cooper, Principal Mr. Jim Hale, School Counselor Mr. Randy Sitler, School Counselor Mr. Matthew Moore, School Counselor

3 Graduation Requirements
4 Year Plan Credit/Testing Requirements


5 Credit Requirements Advanced Regents Regents Credits 4.0 English
4.0 Social Studies 3.0 Math 3.0 Science 2.0 Physical Education 1.0 *Spanish 1.0 *Art/Music 0.5 Health 3.5 Electives TOTAL: 22 credits for graduation * Student must have 3 credits in Spanish or 5 credits in the Arts or Career and Technical Education. 1.0 Spanish 1.0 Art/Music

6 Testing Requirements Advanced Regents Regents Regents Exams
Comp. English Glob. Hist. & Geo. US Hist. & Gov. Algebra Geometry Trigonometry Earth Science Living Environment Or Chemistry Spanish 3 * A score of 65% or higher is passing US Hist. & Gov. Int. Algebra or Geometry Earth Science or * Students w/a disability have a safety net for Regents exam scores.

7 4 + 1 Option New Testing Pathway Comp. English US Hist. & Gov. Algebra
Still Need: Comp. English US Hist. & Gov. Algebra Earth Science or Living Environment The Global Hist. & Geo. Regents Exam may be replace by one of the Exams listed below: Geometry Earth Science, Living Environment Spanish CTE Exam

8 Weighted Grading System
Used for Class Rank Only Each class is given a 1.0, 1.05, or 1.1 weight Only the top 6 credits are used Example: Math for Everyday Living x 1 = 93 Trigonometry 89 x 1.1 = 98

9 Things to Note Dropping Classes Failing a Required Course
Students may drop a class without penalty during the first ten days of school. Dropping after the first ten school days will result in a drop/fail being recorded on the report card and transcript. Failing a Required Course Students are encouraged to retake the course in summer school. Students who do not attend summer school must repeat the class the following year.

10 Things to Note Physical Education Requirements Attendance Policy
Rubric Point System 1 Point = Insufficient PE Attire, Participates (25%) 2 Points = Sufficient PE Attire, “Minimal” Effort (50%) 3 Points = Sufficient PE Attire, “Moderate” Effort (75%) 4 Points = Sufficient PE Attire, “Exemplary” Effort (100%) Attendance Policy 28 days missed = loss of credit Excused or unexcused Communication of extenuating circumstances Home Instruction

11 BOCES Vo-Tech Programs
Auto Body Repair Auto Technology Construction Technology Information Technology Conservation Cosmetology Culinary Arts Diesel/Heavy Equipment Repair Graphics Technology Health Careers Motor Sport Fabrication Criminal Justice Small Animal Science


13 Frewsburg has many exciting opportunities!!!
Distance Learning Frewsburg has many exciting opportunities!!! Business Law Agricultural Business Holocaust Animal Science Psychology Accounting (JCC) Civil War History of the NY Yankees Futuristic Studies * Subject to change

14 Frewsburg Central School Website
Frewsburg Central School ( View teacher web pages to look up homework & test dates. View upcoming events at the school Find teacher s

15 Closing Comments Thank you for coming

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