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Advertising Report by max paul.

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1 Advertising Report by max paul

2 What is Advertising? Advertising is any paid for communication designed and intended to inform or/and influence people. The main methods used as advertisements are… Newspapers - Magazines Direct mail Radio Cinema Outdoor Internet TV advertising is one of the most expensive forms of advertising.

3 Examples of specific uses of advertising.
For example if you are trying to sell something there are a few methods such as putting it in an Ad paper or even online such as Ebay. If you want it to be a little more local you can post an ad on a social networking site so that people you know have a chance to buy it off you. If it is a big company and are trying to promote a product or awareness for something ten they probably use radio, direct mail, social network and magazines as these are the most commonly used media platforms. If it’s a film or television show then they hire a marketing team to create a trailer which will probably be shown at a cinema and social networking sites and also outdoors with posters as it gives the consumer a chance to visually see what it is they’re trying to sell.

4 Pathos, Ethos and logos. Pathos - persuading the audience by emotion. The language used can affect the audiences response, for example if you want a positive response use would use love, excitement, humour desire or nostalgia . If you want a negative response you would use disgust, horror, sadness, worry or fear. Ethos – to convince people that your product is something worth buying. Tends to be a product or company that is likeable or respected. Ethos also appeals to fundamental rights. Logos - Logos (logical or fact appeal) means persuading by the use of reasoning. It focuses on the facts, statistics, evidence and historical data. This can also mention surveys and studies.

5 What is branding? Branding – “the process involved in creating a unique name and image for a product in the consumers mind, mainly through advertising campaigns with a constant theme.” -

6 How does the advertising industry work?
Depending on what time of day it is depends on how much its going to cost a company to promote their product, for example prime time is a time of day where most people are coming back from work and want to watch the TV and relax this means there would be a lot of people viewing their advertisement and this give the TV channel chance to charge companies more for displaying their advertisement. Companies try to get their advertisement sown on the channel or TV show with the highest ratings this means that more people would be viewing their ads, some companies go for shows that relate to their product or message, because if the consumer likes the program then they might like the companies product. For example a baking program like the great British bake off The BBC has no ads, this is because they use TV licencing this means that people that have a TV or use their websites pay a certain amount of money a month to use their services.

7 What forms, styles, codes and conventions are typically used in television advertisement.
Time - TV ads should be short (15sec – 1min). Colour - Most ads should have bright colour depending on the product. Music - Ads will have music to go with the theme of the advertisement. Visual/moving images - All tv ads have Visual/moving images. Direct address - Some tv ads will have Direct address depending on the product or brand. Pack shot - Most ads trying to sell a product will have a Pack shot at the end of it. Slogan - a catchy phrase show at the end of most ads Anchorage - Brand logo – easy for the viewer to identify the company's advertisement. Characters -

8 What anchorage? Anchorage - combining a ‘pack shot’ and a slogan that can anchor the brand message and create a sense of persuasion to the consumer. Pack shot – this is a close up of the product and maybe a few other items they are selling. usually at the end of the advert. Slogan – a word or sentence that will catch the consumers eye and associate it with the brand and the product being sold.

9 Different types of advertising.
Mini dramas – Tells a story. Spokesperson presentation – celebrity appearance. Pitch presentation – product is key.

10 Mini dramas. A mini drama is an ad that tells a story through a character or characters. Often the message of the ad is a problem solution scenario. This means that it doesn’t nessicerily show the product in the ad but makes the viewer feel welcome to the product through the company.

11 Pitch presentation. A pitch presentation is an ad that is souley based on the product. The product will be in the majority if not all of the ad so that the viewer knows exactly what is that the ad is trying to show off. The product is the most important thing in this ad.

12 Spokesperson presentation.
A spokesperson presentation is an ad that haves an influential person or a celebrity talking about the product and showing it off, this gets people to but that product because the viewer thinks that its better than anything else because of the person t hats using it.

13 How tv advertising is different to other types of advertising.
Tv ads are different to other forms of advertising because it stands out more to the viewer as it’s a combination of sound and moving pictures, something a lot of types of advertising don’t have. For example a tv ad would stand out more than a poster or a magazine because of the sound it gives out, its also better than a radio ad as the tv ad has a bright screen with moving images on it.

14 Persuasive techniques in advertising.
Avante Garde – Putting the user in front of others. Weasel words – words used to persuade the user without guarantee. Magic ingredients – some new discovered ingredient makes a positive impact on the product. Patriotism – buying the product shows you love your country. Transfer – positive media portrays that the product is also positive. Plain folks - a good and practical product for ordinary people. Snob appeal – makes the user feel special and apart of an elite group. Bribery – offers the costumer something else. More for your money. Band waggon – don’t want to be the person without this product or you'll feel left out.

15 How do advertising agencies target audiences and carry out audience research?
Advertising agencies target audiences by researching who watches television at what time and what program. They also research what sort of people watch as well, this is called Demographics and this tells the agencies the age, gender, social class, ethnicity and region of the person watching. They also look into the personality, attitudes, lifestyle and values of the viewer and this is called psychographics. When they want to know how many of this specific audience watch tv they do a Quantative audience research which looks into the ratings and how many people are watching tv on that channel.

16 Why do advertising agencies target audiences?
Advertising agencies tend to target audience to get the most sales they possibly can and by having a specific audience means that they can cater to the audiences needs. For example on a television channel that shows cartoons you would get a lot of advertisements presenting toys. This is because the advertisement agency knows that children are going to be the majority of the audience watching the advertisement.

17 psychographics The Reformer The Mainstream The Succeeder The Explorer
Take pride in themselves and are socially aware. They will not buy things because they are new. Their core need is enlightenment. The Mainstream These people are the mainstream of society, they are the largest group and their core need in life is security. The Succeeder These people have self confidence. When it comes to brands they seek reward and prestige. Their core need is to in life is control. psychographics The Explorer These people are driven by the need for a new frontier and are often first to try out new ideas. Their core need is discovery. The Aspirer These people are materialistic and acquisitive. They respond to what others think of them and their core need is status. The Struggler Strugglers often see themselves as victims, they are mainly consumers of alcohol and junk food. Their core need is ‘escape’.

18 How is the advertising industry regulated?
“As the UK’s independent regulator for advertising across all media, our work includes acting on complaints and proactively checking the media to take action against misleading, harmful or offensive advertisements, sales promotions and direct marketing” – ASA This means that when an ad is put onto television and gets complaints by the viewer it is reviewed by ASA. If it is deemed in breach of the standards then it is given time to be changed or taken off air, if it hasn’t be changed then it will be removed entirely.

19 ASA + ofcom. ASA is the advertising standards authority.
This company focuses on the complaints that are brought In for tv ads that have aired on television, this does not matter on the size of the company or how popular the ad is, if the ad is in breach of the rules or standards of the broadcasting code then it is given a certain amount of time to be changed or taken of, if the company does nothing then the ad is removed from television or sent to Ofcom who will take further action. This is the regulatory of advertising in the united kingdom. Ofcom licences all of the UK’s television services. “We regulate the TV, radio and video-on-demand sectors, fixed-line telecoms, mobiles, postal services, plus the airwaves over which wireless devices operate” - OFCOM

20 ASA – Most complained about ads in 2015.
1 – LTD – This was complained about being too sexual due to the clothing and dancing that was going on. ASA stated that the ad was not in breach of code. 2 – BV – This was complained about due to bad language, even though there was no actual bad language involved. ASA ruled as unlikely to encourage swearing. 3 – LTD – This was complained about because children would think that their parents hadn’t gotten them anything for Christmas/ ruining farther Christmas. PayPal later changed the scheduling of its commercials.

21 Examples of industry based advertising
Section two Examples of industry based advertising

22 Example one – mini Drama
This is a mini drama ad that was set at Christmas. Jhon Lewis are known for their emotional Christmas ads which really draws in the audience with their emotions. Id say that the target audience is based at parents and also children. Its targeted at parents because it advertises their company and wants them to buy Christmas presents through their company and how happy they can make their children. Its based at children because of the story its telling and the journey of the small boy and his friend penguin.

23 Example two – spokesperson presentation
This ad shows two very famous sports people Messi and Kobe Bryant flying on a plane using Turkish airlines. This would make the viewer want to use that airline because they're probably thinking ‘if this airline is good enough for them, then its good enough for me’. Id say that this ad is targeted at parents and children and parents, this is because of these two celebrity's that everyone knows might be on this plane and its seems fun and excitable and they could meet and even be like these celebrities.

24 Example three – pitch presentation.
The way that they persuade the viewer is with bright colours, the product is in every shot they use some soothing music. They also use the technique Avante Garde, this is done by putting short statements on the ad. For example one of the captions is “STAY AHEAD.” this would make the viewer want to be ahead of everyone else with this car. Id say the target audience is targeted at people in their 20’s, this is because they are able to drive and is a fun little car in colours that people that age would want their cars to be. The ad shows this through

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