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In the name of God. In the name of God Peripartum cardiomyopathy Dr. Minoo Movahedi.

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Presentation on theme: "In the name of God. In the name of God Peripartum cardiomyopathy Dr. Minoo Movahedi."— Presentation transcript:


2 In the name of God

3 Peripartum cardiomyopathy Dr. Minoo Movahedi

4 Peripartum cardiomyopathy Dr. Minoo Movahedi

5 Definition : - Heart failure end of pregnancy months after delivery
Definition : - Heart failure end of pregnancy months after delivery . -Absence another cause for HF - Left ventricular ststolic dysfunction EF < 45%

6 Epidemiology : USA : 1/4000 live birth Nigeria & Zaria : 1/100

7 Etiology : Unknown * * Multifactoria - Angiogenic imbalance during late pregnancy : placenta : VEGF inhibitors damage vascular High level : PIH – multiple gestation

8 Role of prolactin : prolactin : 16 KDa isoform Antiangiogenic & proapoptose endothelial damage

9 Inflammatory cytokins : ( TNF) alpha interlokin 6 CRP : more severe disease

10 - Myocarditis : diffuse patchy prednisone & Azathiopirine - Abnormal immune response : Fetal antigen auto antibodies - Genetic predisposition :

11 - Hemodynamic factors : % blood volume - Risk factors age > 30 years multiple fetuses PIH cocaine abuse oral tocolytic therapy with Beta agonist Selenium deficiency African American race

12 Clinical manicfestations : - Time : late pregnancy (38w) & post partum early onset ( 32 w )

13 Symptoms & signs : fatigue dyspnea cough orthopnea pedal edema hemoptysis elevated JVP third heart sound murmur of MR signs of thromboembolism

14 Diagnosis : EKG BNP chest X Ray Echocardiography CMRI cardiac catheterization Endomyocardial Biopsy

15 Differential Diagnosis : other cardiomyopathy MI Pulmonary embolus

16 Management : Oxygen & ventilation treatment of HF Arrhythmia management ICD Antithrombotic therapy mechanical circulatory support cardiac transplantation

17 Bromocriptine : 2. 5 mg twice daily / 2 weeks 2
Bromocriptine : 2.5 mg twice daily / 2 weeks 2.5 mg daily / 6 weeks Immunosuppressive agents : IVIG

18 Delivery : Maternal & fetal conditions C/S 40% Preterm labor : 25%
SGA : 6% Breast feeding : Risk - benefit Contraception : IUD TL

19 Maternal out come : NYHA class III , IV LVEF ≤ 25 % Black race Indigent status Multiparity Age > 30 to 35 years

20 Subsequent pregnancy : Recovered LV function Recurrence Develope HF Persistent LV dysfunction : LV EF < 50 Atdiagnosis LVEF ≤25 HF Death Preterm delivery Therapeutic abortion

21 Thanks for attention


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