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Diagrams A diagram shall be framed on one side of a single rectangular sheet of good duarable paper measuring either- 297mm x 210mm or 297mm x 385mm Margins.

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Presentation on theme: "Diagrams A diagram shall be framed on one side of a single rectangular sheet of good duarable paper measuring either- 297mm x 210mm or 297mm x 385mm Margins."— Presentation transcript:

1 Diagrams A diagram shall be framed on one side of a single rectangular sheet of good duarable paper measuring either- 297mm x 210mm or 297mm x 385mm Margins No writing or drawing shall encroach upon the margins of a diagram which margins shall be at least 35mm on the left hand side and 15mm along all the other edges. The ink used shall be waterproof or black record ink and the signature on the diagram shall be in black or blue black ink of good quality.

2 Diagrams Land shall be represented on a diagram by a single figure.
The misplotting of any beacon or boundary shown on a diagram shall not exceed 1mm. The boundaries, including curvilinear boundaries of the land represented on a diagram shall be depicted by continuous well defined black lines. The scale to which the figure is plotted shall be stated and a graduated scale bar shall be drawn on the diagram. The figure on the diagram shall be plotted to one of the following scales- 1: :3000 1: : 4000 1: : 5000 1: : 6000 1: : 7500

3 Diagrams The position of a beacon shall be indicated by a small black circle. Each beacon depicted on a diagram shall be designated by a letter written wherever possible outside the figure and as near as possible to the beacon indicated provided that the letters “I”, “I”, “O”, “o” shall not be used.

4 Indication of contiguous properties
Adjacent boundaries of contiguous properties, roadways and servitudes shall be indicated on a diagram by broken black lines and the designation of such contiguous properties shall be written in their respective positions. The figure on a diagram shall be distinguished either by a uniform colour covering the whole figure or a uniform coloured boarder on the inner side of the boundary. The direction of true north shall be indicated by a north pointer pointing as a general rule towards the top of the paper. When a river is adopted as a boundary the name if any and the direction of flow shall be indicated.

5 Units of measure Any distance, coordinate or elevation shown on a diagram shall be expressed in metres to the nearest two decimal places. Any direction or angle on a diagram shall be expressed in degrees, minutes and seconds to the nearest second. Any area on a diagram shall be expressed in hectares to four decimal places

6 diagrams There shall be recorded on a diagram framed from survey-
The rectangular coordinates of- Every corner point defining the rectilinear figure. Any indicatory beacon. The length of – Every side Any indicatory line c) The direction of- d) The area

7   Co-ordinates furnished on a diagram shall be referred to the same origin and axes.
The algebraic sign “+” or “–” shall be written before each “y” and “x”, and in the statement of co-ordinates a “y” shall always appear in the left-hand column and an “x” in the right-hand column, and it shall be distinctly stated above the co-ordinates which is a “y” and which is an “x”.

8 Connecting data When no rectilinear boundary of the land under survey coincides, in whole or in part, with a boundary of the immediate parent property, there shall be furnished on the diagram the lengths and directions of the sides of a quadrilateral figure formed by connecting two beacons of such land to two suitably situated beacons of the immediate parent property or any previous subdivision thereof:

9 Diagrams A concise description shall be given on a diagram of each beacon of the figure. Every diagram shall contain a clear verbal definition of the limits of the figure representing the land. In the verbal definition shall be recited, clockwise in the order in which it occurs, the letter by which each corner-point is indicated and a precise description of a curvilinear boundary, if any. On a diagram shall be stated the name of the district in which the land represented thereon is situated.

10 Reference to land divided
On a diagram representing a subdivision, servitude, lease, land-share or building-location, there shall be quoted – The number of the immediate parent diagram; The type and number of the deed to which the immediate parent diagram is annexed; The type and number of the original title-deed; The number of the original title-diagram.

11 Signature and date . A diagram shall be dated and signed by the land surveyor under the appropriate certificate as follows – “Surveyed in (month and year)…………….by me …………………………………... Land Surveyor

12 Working Plan A working plan shall be drawn in ink on a rectangular sheet of material, the nature and quality of which is acceptable to the Surveyor-General, and measuring a minimum of 300 millimetres by 200 millimetres: On a working plan shall be recorded- A heading containing the designation of the land surveyed. The name of the district in which the land represented thereon is situated. The scale, which shall be one of those prescribed for diagrams. The results of investigating the alignment of each beacon which is supposed to be on a boundary in terms of section 16 of the regulations. The length and direction of any indicatory line.

13 Working Plan On a working plan shall be recorded-
Within each figure representing a piece of land surveyed, the name or number assigned to such piece of land; The designation of sufficient contiguous properties, roads and servitudes to unambiguously identify – The land under survey Any beacon surveyed or adopted On a working plan shall be depicted- The co-ordinate axes, which shall be indicated by short black lines at the extremities and the value of each line shall be stated. The position, with its designation, of every point recorded on the co-ordinate list.

14 Working Plan

15 Working Plan On a working plan shall be recorded-
All boundary lines of the land surveyed by continuous well defined black lines. The boundary lines of those contiguous properties, roads and servitudes to uniquely identify the property under survey. Provided that such lines shall be depicted by broken black lines. The direction of true north

16 Working Plan On a working plan, the misplotting of any beacon or boundary shall not exceed 1 millimetre. A working plan shall be dated and signed by the land surveyor under the following certificate - “Surveyed in (month and year) by me …………………… Land Surveyor.”

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