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Allocation Plan 2016 Continuum of Care NOFA.

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Presentation on theme: "Allocation Plan 2016 Continuum of Care NOFA."— Presentation transcript:

1 Allocation Plan 2016 Continuum of Care NOFA

2 Allocation Factors Client Need System Performance Measures
HUD Funding Priorities

3 Starting Point: FY2015 Funding Allocation
Project Type Funding Amount % of Total Total Units Average Funding per Unit TH $292,941 14% 39 $7,511 PSH $1,529,792 73% 117 $13,075 RRH $117,219 6% 11 $10,656 Infrastructure $165,561 8% N/A

4 Starting Point: 2015 Allocation

5 2015 CoC Projects by Type PSH RRH* TH Infrastructure
Alexian Brothers Community Housing Catholic Charities Alexian Brothers The Harbor HMIS Catholic Charities/Shields Township/I-PLUS- CTI-RP Lake County Haven Planning Independence Center LCRDC* Mary Pat Maddex/PADS Family Center Lake County Health Department Waukegan Township Staben House PADS Lake County Thresholds *RRH – Rapid Rehousing – is permanent housing **LCRDC is Lake County Residential Development Corporation, a local non-profit developer

6 2015 CoC Projects General Population (79% Funding)
PSH RRH* TH Catholic Charities Catholic Charities/Shields Township/I-PLUS- CTI-RP Independence Center Lake County Health Department Waukegan Township Staben House PADS Lake County Thresholds *RRH – Rapid Rehousing – is permanent housing **LCRDC is Lake County Residential Development Corporation, a local non-profit developer

7 2015 CoC Projects Sub-Populations (21% Funding)
PSH RRH* TH Alexian Brothers Community Housing Alexian Brothers The Harbor Lake County Haven LCRDC* Mary Pat Maddex/PADS Family Center *RRH – Rapid Rehousing – is permanent housing **LCRDC is Lake County Residential Development Corporation, a local non-profit developer

8 What allocation issues are raised by reported client need?
By-Name List 7/11/16 36 homes needed for chronic clients 6 veterans 5 families The number of families in PIT Count has decreased since 2014 (when rapid rehousing was started). Need for outreach PIT count confirmed many unsheltered homeless. By-Name List clients matched with housing sometimes can’t be located.

9 What allocation issues are raised by System Performance Measures?
Transitional Housing creates drag on SPM #1, #4 & #7 so should be used only for select populations (per HUD). Rapid Rehousing outperforms on SPM #4 & #7. An average of 67 days homeless (SPM #1) is too long and can be decreased by more housing.

10 HUD Priority #1: Create a systemic response to homelessness.
Measure system performance Create a coordinated entry process Promote participant choice Plan as a system Make the delivery of homeless assistance more open, inclusive and transparent.

11 HUD Priority #2: Strategically allocate resources.
Comprehensively review project quality, performance, and cost effectiveness. Maximize the use of mainstream and other community-based resources. Review transitional housing projects.

12 HUD Priority #3: End chronic homelessness.
Target persons with the highest needs and longest histories of homelessness for existing and new permanent supportive housing. Increase units. Improve outreach.

13 HUD Priority #4: End family homelessness.
Most families experiencing homelessness can be housed quickly and stably using rapid rehousing. Some will need the long-term support provided by a permanent housing subsidy or permanent supportive housing. CoCs should ensure that families can easily access housing assistance tailored to their strengths and needs and, through partnerships, increase access to mainstream affordable housing. For most CoCs this will require expanding rapid rehousing programs. HUD encourages CoCs to use reallocation to create new rapid rehousing projects and to use ESG and other funding sources to expand rapid rehousing assistance.

14 HUD Priority #5: End youth homelessness.
Collaborate with youth providers to develop resources and programs Unique needs, including Gender identity and sexual orientation Human trafficking Domestic violence

15 HUD Priority #6: End veteran homelessness.
Prioritize vets ineligible for VA services. Collaborate with providers Use the benchmarks established by HUD, VA and USICH.

16 HUD Priority #7: Using a housing first approach.
Use data to more quickly and stably house homeless persons. Engage landlords and property owners. Remove barriers to entry. Adopt client-centered service methods.

17 What allocation issues are raised by HUD CoC Priorities?
Housing first. Improve client choice. Reduce system cost by leveraging mainstream benefits. Review transitional housing projects. Keep sub-populations in mind Five chronic families on by-name list We need to know more about cost per sub-population, because sub-populations use 21% of CoC funding but may not comprise 21% of clients?

18 Allocation Issues: Summary
Need more permanent housing options in support of client choice and decreasing shelter time. PSH: Waiting list of 36 chronic homeless (of whom 6 are veterans and 5 are families) on by-name list Rapid rehousing has proven to be effective, but more is needed Need outreach to unsheltered in general and for by- name list placement. Transitional Housing creates drag on SPM #1, #4 & #7 so should be reduced for use only when necessary. Youth are in our homeless system, but numbers decreased from 30 in 2015 to 18 in 2016 (PIT). Infrastructure is critical for measuring system performance, supporting the coordinated entry process, planning as a system and making the delivery of homeless assistance more open, inclusive and transparent.

19 2016 Allocation Option #1 Status Quo w/MPM Shift to PSH
RRH TH Infrastructure Alexian Brothers- Community Housing Catholic Charities Alexian Brothers The Harbor HMIS Catholic Charities/Shields Township/I-PLUS- CTI-RP Lake County Haven Planning Independence Center MPM Lake County Health Department Waukegan Township Staben House PADS Lake County Thresholds LCRDC* Mary Pat Maddex (MPM) *RRH – Rapid Rehousing – is permanent housing **LCRDC is Lake County Residential Development Corporation, a local non-profit developer

20 2016 Allocation Option #1 Status Quo w/MPM Shift to PSH

21 2016 Allocation Option #2 MPM Shift to PSH, plus Transitional Housing for domestic violence, youth and substance abuse only PSH RRH TH Infrastructure 117 beds prioritized for chronic 11 beds for families TH for domestic violence, youth and substance abuse only HMIS 36 additional beds from repurposed TH Increased RRH beds with reallocated TH Planning *RRH – Rapid Rehousing – is permanent housing **LCRDC is Lake County Residential Development Corporation, a local non-profit developer

22 2016 Allocation Option #2 MPM Shift to PSH, plus Transitional Housing for youth and substance abuse only

23 2016 Allocation Option #3 MPM Shift to PSH, TH for youth, SA and DV only, plus Increase PSH for chronic homeless BONUS PROJECT: PSH FOR CHRONIC PSH RRH TH Infrastructure 117 beds prioritized for chronic 11 beds for families TH for domestic violence, youth and substance abuse only HMIS 36 additional beds from repurposed TH Increased RRH beds with reallocated TH Planning *RRH – Rapid Rehousing – is permanent housing **LCRDC is Lake County Residential Development Corporation, a local non-profit developer

2016 Allocation Option #3 MPM Shift to PSH, TH for youth & SA only, plus Increase PSH for chronic homeless BONUS PROJECT: PSH FOR CHRONIC

25 Recommendations for Project Performance Committee
Among PSH providers, those that bill Medicaid should be ranked above non-Medicaid providers per HUD’s priority of maximizing use of mainstream resources Impacts CoC cost per bed/unit

26 Extra Info

27 Total Funding Application
2016 Funding Amounts Total Funding Application $2,037,513.00 Tier 1 $1,894,887 Tier 2 $244,502 Bonus $101,875


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