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SECTION 4- Philosophies of Ancient China

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1 SECTION 4- Philosophies of Ancient China
Chinese philosophers and teachers sought ways to understand the universe and the human condition.

2 Ancient Chinese Beliefs
1. Dualism- the two-sidedness of nature. 2. Everything in the world is a balance of the two forces of nature. 3. Yin- female, dark, and passive force. 4. Yang- male, bright, and active force.

3 Ancient Chinese Beliefs
5. Forces work together to achieve balance. 6. Helps explain natural events like the weather and changes in season.

4 Confucianism 1. Leading philosopher of Zhou era was Confucius (551 B.C.-479 B.C.) 2. Main ideas contained in the Analects collected by his followers. 3. Teachings become known as Confucianism.

5 Learning from the past to improve the future
Confucianism A political and social philosophy seeking social harmony on all levels: Within the self …the family …the community ...the state …the nation …the world …the cosmos Learning from the past to improve the future

6 Goal of Confucianism To develop one’s Jen: Human Heartedness - the innate goodness of humanity Thus becoming a Chun Tzu: the “Great Man” or “Gentle Man” Jen is developed through intentional living by Confucian virtues…

7 Confucian Virtues Filial Piety (Hsiao) - respect for the five constant relationships: Parent and child Husband & wife Older & younger sibling Older & younger friend Ruler & subject Human-heartedness is developed only within the context of human relationships

8 More Confucian Virtues
Rectification of names – a person or thing should be true to its name Recipricity (shu) – the Golden Rule: “Do not do to others what you would not want others to do to you” Li (rites, ritual) – the inherent “pattern” in things For Confucius, Li is especially significant in a social context – propriety or etiquette, the “pattern” of humane behavior

9 Confucianism as a Religion
Deification of Confucius - statues Confucian Temples – honoring Confucius Veneration of the ancestors Rituals within… the household the village the state the nation

10 Confucianism 4. Confucianism- most important Chinese philosophy.
5. Importance of family, respect for elders, respect for ancestors. 6. Philosophy concerned with ending political disorder. 7. Believed in a strong, but moral government.

11 Confucianism 8. People should accept their role in society and fulfill that role. 9. The government and leaders should be virtuous (truthful.) 10. Mencius was a follower of Confucius (372 B.C B.C.)

12 Confucius and Laozi 11. Good rulers would be supported, bad rulers had to be removed. 12. Daoism- philosophy founded by Laozi. 13. Means “The Way”- importance of nature, harmony, and balance.

13 Confucius and Laozi 14. Don’t look for wealth and stay out of politics. 15. Laozi’s writings contained in the Dao De Jing. 16. Both philosophies important in China.

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