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Zhou Dynasty Brenna Cline.

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1 Zhou Dynasty Brenna Cline

2 Introduction The Zhou dynasty accomplished many things. They made China a better whole using different religions. There was Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism. There was a lot of books involved like The Analects and The Dao De Jing. The Analects was used for Confucianism and the Dao De Jing was used for Daoism. In this slideshow you’ll learn if the Zhou dynasty was right for ancient China to make it a whole.

3 Confucianism Confucius taught Confucianism to people and they gathered the information into a book called The Analects. Confucius also said to his followers, “The gentleman 1st practices what he preaches & then preaches what he practices”. His teachings tell to lead by example with your peers. They did this using the five relationships ruler and subject, husband and wife, father and son, older sibling and younger sibling, and friend and friend. Confucius’ main idea for Confucianism was people can gain peace and happiness by cooperating with society. Also the government should do its duty to the people and not abuse or ask too much of them.

4 Daoism Living in harmony with nature was one of the ways Daoist's gained peace and happiness. Their teachings were to let things happen, and accept all that comes naturally. Daoism was also filled with opposites. The yin and yang were one, which means “shadow” and “sunlit”. Lao-tzu believed the way to happiness was for people to “go with the flow”. He also thought it was wrong for the government to make rules and laws about how people should behave because this would only make people act the same way all the time.

5 Legalism Hanfeizi taught Legalism by saying there’s punishment for bad behavior and reward for good. He agreed with Confucius by trying to find peace and happiness but thought it should be taught differently. He also believed man was naturally selfish. Hanfeizi wrote “He who trusts will be controlled by others”. Qin believed in this way also. It was illegal to disagree with Qin’s law. Even suggest something different and you’d be put to death immediately. Qin also used a spying system. It was the law to spy on your neighbors and turn in the law breakers. If you did this you’d get a reward. But if you didn’t you would be executed. The spy system worked very well. No internet information

6 Conclusion By these main ideas with Confucianism, Daoism, and Legalism, I think they helped unify China making it a whole.

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