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Boeing 787 SCMP Training June 2016

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1 Boeing 787 SCMP Training June 2016
SCMP Personalization Boeing 787 SCMP Training June 2016 Copyright 2016 Exostar LLC. All Rights Reserved.

2 My Workspace Dashboard

3 My Workspace Dashboard
My Workspace allows you to personalize your “dashboard” for easy monitoring of activities. Click the Customize button. 1

4 My Workspace Dashboard
Choose the items that you want to see. The Portal Components window lets you turn off or on each sub-window. Each sub-window has items that can be turned off or on by entering or removing the checkbox next to each item. Click the Update Preferences button. A B 3

5 My Home Page

6 Change First Page You can choose the first page that the system displays when you login or click Home (A) from the navigation tree. On the navigation tree, go to My Profile  Change First Page. On the right, navigate to the page that you want as your home page and click on it. A confirmation window appears - click the OK button to close the confirmation window. A 2 1 3

7 User Preferences for the MCV Page

8 Setting User Preferences for the MCV Page
On the navigation tree, go to My Profile  User Preferences. Enter your choices: Set Relative Start (negative number) and/or End Days (positive number) from the ‘Current’ date, to limit the MCV view of the Planning Schedule timeline. Select a font size for the BSCP user interface. Click the checkboxes for any alerts that you want to receive. When finished, click the Save button. 2 1 3

9 Configuring the MCV Page
To configure the displayed columns and sort order, click the Configure button. Select the data to be reconfigured. To hide columns, click the column names in the ‘Displayed columns’ list, then click the left arrow [<] to move the selected items to the ‘Available columns’ list. To show hidden columns, click the names in the ‘Available columns’ list, then click the right arrow [>] to move the selected items to the ‘Displayed columns’ list. The double-arrow right [>>] and left [<<] buttons will move all items. 1 2

10 Configuring the MCV Page
To add a column to the sort order, click the name in the ‘Displayed columns’ list, then click the down arrow [V] to move the selected items to the ‘Sort Order’ section. To set the sort order, click the name in the ‘Sort Order’ section, then click the up arrow [/\] or down arrow [V] to move the selected item higher or lower in the sort order. Only the first three items in this list will be used for sorting. Click Update to update the current page, or click Save as Default to make the changes permanent for this and future MCV pages. 3 4 5

11 Configuring Data Measures on the MCV Page
To configure which data measures (rows) you see, click the View Data Measures button. All of the data measures are displayed by default – you can hide/show them at any time. In the pop-up window, select and move data fields to the ‘Available’ (will be hidden) and ‘Display’ columns. The double-arrow buttons, [<<] and [>>] move all items. The up and down arrow buttons, [/\] and [V] determine the display order. When finished, click Update to only update for the current page, or click Save as Default to make the changes permanent for this and all future logins to the MCV pages. 2 1 3

12 Saving Search/Filter

13 Saving Search/Filter for Collaborations
Click the Save button to open the ‘Filter Criteria’ window. Enter the Name for the search criteria. Click the New button. (Optional) Use the Search Default selection to have this saved search criteria default to the Search or Filter page every time. This is helpful for reoccurring statements of work. Then click the Update and then Close buttons. 2 3 4 5 1

14 Using Search/Filter for Collaborations
The next time that you see the Search/Filter page, you will see previously saved filters available for selection. From the pull down menu, choose the Name of the desired search/filter criteria. The search or filter page will automatically populate with your saved criteria. You can add or edit the search criteria, and then click the Search button. 2 3 1

15 Applying a Default Search/Filter to My Workspace
Setting up a filter on My Workspace will automatically filter the page results based on your saved filter criteria. Click the Filter icon for an Exception or Document Summary section. A page appears that looks like a search screen – add your filter criteria. When finished, click the Save Portal Preference button. A checkmark next to the filter icon indicates a filter is applied – click the icon to update your criteria at any time. Note: It is not possible to remove a filter, but you can remove all of the criteria and then save the updates. 1 4 2 3

16 Bookmark

17 Creating a Bookmark At the MCV page, click Bookmark in the Header. This opens the Bookmark dialog box. For ‘Criteria’, click the Collaborations or Filter Selections option, where: Collaborations – saves the collaborations you selected to view on the page Filter Selections – saves the filter criteria you defined Note: If you get an error “URL size exceeds bookmark limit” when saving ‘Collaborations’, the data you bookmarked is too large. The alternative is to bookmark ‘Filter Selections’. For ‘Date Range’, click the Relative Date Range or Absolute Date Range option, where: Absolute – retains the date range you selected to view on the page Relative – uses your default start date and end date Click OK to save the bookmark. Select the URL and copy it into your browser’s bookmark settings.Name and click OK. 1 2 2 3 5 4

18 Using a Bookmark From your browser Favorites menu, click the bookmark.
If you are already logged into SCMP, you will be taken to the bookmarked MCV page. If you are not logged into SCMP, you are first taken to your typical login page for SCMP before being taken to the MCV page. 1

19 Sharing a Bookmark From your browser Favorites menu, right-click the bookmark to access the Options menu. From the Options menu, choose Properties to access the bookmark’s Properties dialog box. Copy the bookmark URL. Open your client, paste the URL and send it to another user who has the same user role that you had while creating the bookmark. Note: The system will prompt the recipients of your to enter their User ID and Password before displaying the bookmarked page. 3 1 2

20 End – SCMP Personalization

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