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A high-performance computing facility for scientific research

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Presentation on theme: "A high-performance computing facility for scientific research"— Presentation transcript:

1 A high-performance computing facility for scientific research
26/08/2018 July 5th, 2007 CC-IN2P3 A high-performance computing facility for scientific research Visit of a Japanese delegation at CC-IN2P3

2 + some opening to other sciences
26/08/2018 CC-IN2P3 presentation Main scientific organization in France CC-IN2P3 federates the main computing resources For : High energy physics Nuclear physics Astroparticle physics National Institute for Nuclear Physics and Particle Physics Dedicated Computing Center + some opening to other sciences dapnia Atomic Energy Commission 2007 Budget: 10 M€ M€ salary D. Boutigny

3 Mission Physics Experiments Masses of data Basic research
26/08/2018 Mission Physics Experiments Nuclear Physics Particle Physics Astroparticules Masses of data Basic research Data processing Publications Physics Analysis D. Boutigny

4 Why such huge needs of computing for high energy physics ?
26/08/2018 Why such huge needs of computing for high energy physics ? Scientific experiments are more and more sophisticated Big number of electronic channels huge amount of data International collaborations Data is globally distributed Data analysis is a geographically distributed process Development of high-performance wide-area network links Simulation is an important part of the scientific process Modeling of the detectors behavior is complex  Computing and mass storage needs D. Boutigny

5 Computing power evolution
26/08/2018 Computing power evolution The compute farm purchased in 2006 entered the « Top500 Supercomputer Sites » list 3700 jobs in simultaneous execution jobs in queue throughput: jobs/day D. Boutigny

6 Evolution of the storage capacity
26/08/2018 Evolution of the storage capacity 5.4 PB Mass storage (tape-based) 2.4 PB Ramp-up for the LHC era TB Disk-based storage D. Boutigny

7 International Dimension
26/08/2018 International Dimension Contributing to scientific research in an international context Network of big centers for high energy physics data processing around the world Active collaboration on several domains Data acquisition using instruments built by international collaborations D. Boutigny

8 The Large Hadron Collider (LHC): a new challenge
26/08/2018 The Large Hadron Collider (LHC): a new challenge ATLAS 4 experiments with a level of complexity never reached before CMS 10 billions collisions recorded each year 15 PB/year of data D. Boutigny

9 15 PetaBytes ? 6 cm 50 CD-ROM = 35 GB 1 hard disk: 500 GB
26/08/2018 Concorde (15 Km) Balloon (30 Km) CD stack with 1 year LHC data! (~ 20 Km) Mt. Blanc (4.8 Km) 15 PetaBytes ? 50 CD-ROM = 35 GB 6 cm 1 hard disk: 500 GB 1 year of LHC data  hard disks Central processing of all those data is not viable  It is necessary to integrate the data processing capabilities of several computing centers around the world D. Boutigny

10 A global grid infrastructure
26/08/2018 A global grid infrastructure Annecy Marseille TRIUMF FZK CC-IN2P3 Nantes T3 (many) T1 (11) RAL ASCC CNAF Île de France T0 Brookhaven PIC T2 (~100) NIKHEF Lyon Fermilab NDGF Strasbourg Clermont D. Boutigny

11 26/08/2018 EGEE Project Enabling Grids for E-sciencE is a European project aiming at deploying a grid infrastructure for several scientific domains, coordinated by CERN Phase I ended – Phase II started since April 2006 90 partners, 32 countries EU funding: 32 M€, 2 years Pilot New The European part of the LHC grid is operated by EGEE CC-IN2P3 plays an important role in the EGEE grid-wide operation 11-12 people funded by EGEE Crucial for the success of the LHC grid in France D. Boutigny

12 26/08/2018 D. Boutigny

13 Planned evolution of the site’s computing capacity
26/08/2018 Planned evolution of the site’s computing capacity CPU Disk The planned CPU and disk storage capacities grow faster than Moore’s law  Huge impact on the cooling and power infrastructure 1.5 M€ have been invested in the computer room upgrade  1 MW of electrical power for computing equipment A new building is foreseen for 2010  MW D. Boutigny

14 Grid usage 29% HEP Grid / Total Slope: +1% / month
26/08/2018 Grid usage 29% HEP Grid / Total Slope: +1% / month Main grid consumers: LHC Virgo ILC Non HEP Grid / Total ~ 0.4 % D. Boutigny

15 LHC experiments CPU consumption
26/08/2018 LHC experiments CPU consumption 1 UI = 50 SI2k.h D. Boutigny

16 Core competencies of CC-IN2P3 (1)
26/08/2018 Core competencies of CC-IN2P3 (1) Operation of large computing farms Mass storage Usage of international connectivity through high-performance links LHC: dedicated optical circuit CC-IN2P - CERN at 10 Gbps Data distribution Computing and data-intensive grid D. Boutigny

17 Core competencies of CC-IN2P3 (2)
26/08/2018 Core competencies of CC-IN2P3 (2) High-performance storage Storage and retrieval of masses of data D. Boutigny

18 Collaboration projects
26/08/2018 Collaboration projects ANR project IGTMD Grid Interoperability and Massive Data Transfer RENATER – LIP/RESO – CC-IN2P3 + FNAL Dedicated 2x1 Gb/s optical circuit between CC-IN2P3 and FNAL France-Japan Particle Physics Laboratory NAREGI / EGEE interoperability Software development on grid interoperability New approach based on OGF standards: SAGA (Simple API for Grid Applications) / JSDL (Job Submission Description Language) SRB / iRODS developments and applications 1 visitor from KEK will be working at CC-IN2P3 for 8 months Explore possibility to use iRODS in LHC context France-China Particle Physics Laboratory Future France-Korea International Laboratory D. Boutigny

19 Outreach High energy physics At CC-IN2P3
26/08/2018 Outreach High energy physics Traditionally high consumer of computing power At CC-IN2P3 Development of a high quality infrastructure Development of world-class core competencies Usage of a fraction of the CC-IN2P3 resources for other scientific or industrial domains  Huge impact D. Boutigny

20 Bio-medical applications at CC-IN2P3
26/08/2018 Bio-medical applications at CC-IN2P3 Several groups use the CC-IN2P3’s resources Genomics Functional Medical Imaging Research on rheumatoid arthritis Our contribution is focused on data management and usage of the compute farm Helps on structuring and federating the user community Opening possibilities for the research groups One year worth of computing on a single (researcher’s) desktop performed at CC-IN2P3 in some days or a few weeks D. Boutigny

21 Collaboration, Communication, Dissemination
26/08/2018 Collaboration, Communication, Dissemination Hosting of more than 200 web sites  Palais de la Découverte (Paris science museum) for instance Operation of the visio-conference system shared by several nationwide scientific organizations (4500h reservation in 2007) CERN – INSERM – CNRS - INRA Webcast: video recording and delivery of scientific events via the web French Academy of Sciences CNRS national and international conferences .... ~ hits for Video On Demand in 2007 D. Boutigny

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