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The Environmental Policies

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Presentation on theme: "The Environmental Policies"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Environmental Policies
Canada, Australia, USA, Japan 4조 : 조익준, 서준규, 김원규

2 Roadmap Canada Australia USA Japan Environmental Policies of…

3 Environmental policy of Canada

4 Contents Introduction Tax Subsidy C&C Regulation Conclusion

5 Introduction

6 Tax Why a carbon price? Which provinces have a carbon tax in place?
The effect of a carbon tax

7 Tax : Why a carbon price? Carbon taxes are cost effective
Carbon taxes raise revenue that can be used for productive purposes Carbon taxes are transparent and simple to design

8 Tax : Which provinces have a carbon tax in place?
Alberta Quebec Ontario

9 Tax : The effect of a carbon tax

10 Subsidy What is IEPT? IEPT’s objectives IEPT’s Impact

11 Subsidy : What is IEPT? Innovative Energy Technologies Programs
provide royalty adjustment encourage responsible development of oil, natural gas

12 Subsidy : IEPT’s objectives
Increasing the recovery from oil and gas Improving recovery of natural gas from coal seams Disseminating technology and information developed

13 Subsidy : IEPT’s Impact
The largest economic and technical successes in enhanced oil recovery Funded the first Steam Assisted Gravity Drainage

14 C&C What is a cap-and-trade system?
What sectors are subject to cap-and trade system? What is the CITSS?

15 C&C : What is a cap-and-trade system?

16 C&C : What sectors are subject to cap-and trade system?
: only the industrial and electricity sectors and : fossil fuel distributors

17 C&C : What is the CITSS? Emitters and participants in the cap-and trade system must each have an account in the CITSS in which their emission allowances are held. A computerized GHG emission allowance tracking system Designed to simplify

18 Regulation CEPA Renewable Fuels Regulations PCB Regulations

19 Regulation : Renewable Fuels Regulations
Objective : reduce GHG emissions by mandating an average 5% Result : incremental reduction of GHG emissions of about 1 MT CO2e per year

20 Regulation : PCB Regulations
Specific deadlines ending the use of PCBs or above 50 mg/kg eliminating all PCBs and equipment containing PCBs Result : reduce releases of PCBs into the environment

21 Environmental policies of Aus

22 Carbon tax is repealed Carbon emission decreased
Six months after the introduction of carbon pricing the Department of Climate Change and Renewable Energy reported a 9% decrease in emissions from electricity generators. (ABC news, 2013) Cut carbon with the construction of a new biogas plant in 2013 as a result of carbon tax. 참고 :

23 Carbon tax is repealed When? Why?
July 17, 2014 After a lengthy debate, the Senate votes to get rid of the price on carbon, with 39 senators voting for and 32 voting against. (ABC news, 2014) Why? Exchange rate Enacted policy with MRRT at the same time. Consumer’s protest and main industry

24 Main industry Agriculture Dairying Mining

25 Agriculture & Dairying
Emissions of cow Agricultural CO2 emission (ton) Ruminant livestock are the single biggest source of methane emissions in Australia and the largest source of emissions from agriculture (71%). Large quantities of enteric methane are produced during fermentation in the rumen and released by burping or breathing. In Victoria, around 40% of all agriculture's methane emissions are from dairy cattle, with beef cattle and sheep contributing 30% each. (2016) 1998 72,866 1999 77,246 2000 78,560 2001 82,928 2002 75,268 2003 67,772 2004 74,592 2005 70,128 2006 68,703 2007 78,770 2008 69,461 So aus considered fart taxation, but its foundered in 2003 참고 :

26 Agriculture & Dairying
Solution – started from feed Emission fund Emissions Reduction Fund is to reduce emissions at lowest cost and contribute towards Australia’s 2020 emissions reduction target of five per cent below 2000 levels by 2020. Research of Correlation of cattle feed and emission Accurate measurement techniques have enabled the GIA Methane team to identify differences between individual animals, with animals being either high (450g methane/cow/day) or low (250g methane/ cow/day) emitters of methane. This gives promise that cows can be bred for higher feed conversion efficiency and lower methane emissions. (Richard Eckard, 2016) 참고 :

27 Agriculture & Dairying
Subsidies The government provided $2.55 billion in the Budget to establish the Emissions Reduction Fund. Payment will be made as emissions reductions are verified. (Aus government) 출처 : Emissions Reduction Fund and Carbon Farming Initiative, Australian Government, 2016

28 Mining coal Aus doesn’t have any atomic power plant Instead, relied on
thermal power plant

29 Coal mining Exporting and power plant Energy CO2 emission (ton) 1998
30,261 1999 30,548 2000 31,775 2001 35,012 2002 36,097 2003 36,532 2004 37,047 2005 37,814 2006 37,176 2007 38,630 2008 39,063 Exporting and power plant It is used to generate electricity and is exported. 54% of the coal mined in Australia is exported, mostly to eastern Asia. In 2000/01, million tonnes of coal was mined, and million tonnes exported, rising to 261 million tonnes of exports in 2008–09. Coal also provides about 85% of Australia's electricity production. 참고 : International Energy Agency. ( ) Coal Information Organization for Economic Cooperation & Development.  Energy CO2 emissions :

30 Coal mining Solution CCT (Clean Coal Tech)
committed A$100 million to commission a climate change-fighting "clean coal" and carbon sequestration research institute to make Australia a leader in this emerging technology. The technology which is emerging now and which I think will be available over the next three to five years cleans up very significantly (ABC news, 2014) 참고 :

31 Coal mining Solution Renewable energy
Renewable energy provided 14.6 per cent of Australia’s electricity in 2015, enough to provide power for the equivalent of approximately 6.7 million average homes.  This was up on the 13.5 per cent of electricity delivered by renewables the year before. 참고 : Clean Energy Australia Report,

32 Coal mining Water Wind Wave - CETO
In 2007–08 hydro-electricity represented 15% of renewable energy production in Australia. In 2015 this had risen to 40% of renewable energy production. Water October 2010, around 22.9% of Australia's renewable electricity, and 2% of Australia's total electricity, was sourced from wind power, enough electricity to power more than 700,000 homes. Wind Carnegie Corp of Western Australia is refining a method of using energy captured from passing waves, CETO to generate high-pressure sea water. In early 2015 the Perth wave energy project was commissioned. The company is looking to have a 50 MW demonstration project finished within the next four years. (Energy Matters) Wave - CETO 참고 : Clean Energy Australia 2010, Clean energy council

33 Coal mining

34 Agriculture & Dairying + Coal
Solution – Started from recycling Biogas plant inventory Substrate/Plant type Number of plants a (+ b) Production (Mm3/yr) a Potential Production (GWh/yr) a Sewage sludge 19 (+30) 92.75 Biowaste 2 (+2) 6.44 11-16 Agriculture 9 (+9) 11.03 19-28 Industrial 11 (+22) 16.15 28-41 Landfills - Total 41 (+63) 127 Produced raw biogas in Australia, according to biogas survey [a] (last updated 23rd Oct 2015) and additional sources [b] 참고 : A/Prof Bernadette McCabe, IEA, “Country Report Australia”, 2015

35 Agriculture & Dairying + Coal
Solution – Started from recycling Financial support systems for Biogas Large-scale Generation Certificates (LGCs) only financial incentive nationally (~$70/MWh) (Greenmakets, 2015) One Feed-in-tariff in Victoria for small plants <100kW capacity (≈ $0.06/kW) Loan support : Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) loans and financing instruments 참고 : A/Prof Bernadette McCabe, IEA, “Country Report Australia”, 2015

36 Environmental policy of USA
미국의 환경 정책 Environmental policy of USA

37 Reason of excess carbon emission
US greenhouse gas emissions by gas US greenhouse gas emissions by source

38 Carbon emission of USA US energy-related carbon dioxide emissions in 2012 were 12% below the peak levels of 2007

39 Fracking is reducing CO2 emissions by the United States
Carbon emission of USA Fracking is reducing CO2 emissions by the United States

40 Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative(RGGI)
Carbon emission trading of USA Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative(RGGI)

41 US assignment grant condition
Environmental subsidy of USA US assignment grant condition

42 Environmental policy of Japan
일본의 환경 정책 Environmental policy of Japan

43 Japan’2 greenhouse gas has broken another record at 2007.
Carbon emission of Japan  Japan’2 greenhouse gas has broken another record at 2007.

44 Carbon emission trading and carbon tax


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