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AcqDemo Implementation of the 2017 Regulation Executive Summary

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1 AcqDemo Implementation of the 2017 Regulation Executive Summary
Fall 2017 DoD Civilian Acquisition Workforce Personnel Demonstration Project (AcqDemo)

2 Introduction Topics of Discussion FRN Highlights
Classification Changes Recruitment and Staffing Initiatives Pay Administration Contribution-Based Compensation and Appraisal System (CCAS) Employee Development Transition Timing and Support

3 FRN Highlights AcqDemo Purpose
To enhance the quality, professionalism, and management of the DoD acquisition workforce through improvements in the efficiency and effectiveness of the human resources management system. It strives to support DoD’s efforts to create a professional, agile, and motivated workforce that consistently makes smart business decisions, acts in an ethical manner, and delivers timely and affordable capabilities to the warfighter. => For more detail, please refer to Federal Register notice dated XXXXXXXXX, Part A, Background

4 FRN Highlights FRN Effective Date Original design began in 1996
Based on feedback from participating organizations and employees, AcqDemo is undergoing its largest update since the inception of the program Updated FRN became effective 9 November 2017

5 All remain the same! FRN Highlights What’s NOT Changing
Program Eligibility Bargaining Unit Requirements / Rights Locality Pay Classification Process Program Purpose Contribution-based Appraisal Steps All remain the same! Many of the fundamental concepts of AcqDemo remain unchanged… …Now let’s start to look at what IS changing… Competitive vs. Non-Competitive Actions Broadbands and Pay Ranges CCAS Payout Calculations Appraisal Cycle Date Range

6 FRN Highlights What IS Changing 3 Factors
Expanded Supervisory and Managerial Probationary Periods Supervisory & Team Leader Cash Differentials Accelerated Compensation for Developmental Positions Expanded Detail and Temporary Promotion Length New Direct Hire Appointment Authorities Here are the major flexibilities that have been changed or are new to the program. Additional Very High Score Options RIF Based Primarily on Performance Quality of Performance Rating

7 FRN Highlights Key Initiatives Governance
Program authority shifted from OPM to DoD SecDef Factors for Classification and Appraisal 6 Factors changed to 3 “Quality of Performance” rating added External Hiring Authorities New Direct Hire Appointment Authorities Pay Administration Compensation Strategy Accelerated Compensation for Developmental Positions (ACDP) added Supervisory and Team Lead Pay Differentials added CCAS Changes Overall Contribution AND Performance ratings required Additional Very High Score options added These are the major changes and/or additions included in the October 2017 Federal Register notice.

8 Classification Changes
New and Changed Reduction of classification and appraisal factors from 6 to 3 Formalized career ladder structure Final classification appellate authority vested with DoD not OPM (NDAA FY17) Contribution Factor Reduction – The FRN reduces Contribution Factors from six to three making AcqDemo contribution assessments and classification standards more efficient for employees and supervisors. Maximum Broadband Level (NEW) - Each AcqDemo position will have a broadband level within its career path identified as the maximum broadband level to which an incumbent, selected competitively or through merit promotion for a lower broadband level, may be advanced without further competition. Classification Appeals (NEW) – The final appellate level for AcqDemo employee appeals of the occupational series, title, or broadband level of their own position is now the DoD appellate level rather than OPM. Appellate decisions rendered by DoD will be final and binding on all administrative, certifying, payroll, disbursing, and accounting officials of the Government.

9 Recruitment and Staffing
New and Changed Hiring officials have the ability to make on-the-spot tentative job offers to candidates at job fairs and other recruiting events Qualified candidates may be directly hired into positions classified to NH career path Qualified veterans may be directly hired into positions classified to NH or NJ career paths Establishes an AcqDemo Student Intern Program Modifies GPA requirements associated with scholastic achievement appointments Makes Veterans’ Preference a “positive factor” for external candidate selections as defined by the participating organization Targeted Recruitment and Outreach (NEW) – AcqDemo hiring managers have, in consultation with their Human Resources Offices, the option of making on-the-spot tentative job offers at job fairs and other recruiting events when using a noncompetitive or direct hiring authority. These offers are contingent upon meeting appropriate requirements such as public notice, clearing local priorities, security clearances, and/or certifications. Business and Technical Management Professional Career Path (NEW) - Qualified candidates possessing at least a baccalaureate degree required by OPM or DoD qualification standards covering acquisition positions and/or qualified candidates for those positions involving 51% or more of time in direct support of acquisition positions in a critical acquisition career field. Veteran Direct Hire Appointments for the Business and Technical Management Professional and Technical Management Career Paths (NEW) Qualified veteran candidates to acquisition positions in a critical acquisition career field and to those positions involving 51% or more of time in direct support of an acquisition position classified to either the Business and Technical Management Professional or to the Technical Management Support career paths. The term “veteran” has the meaning given that term in 38 U.S.C. section 101. Acquisition Student Intern Appointments (NEW) – Qualified candidates enrolled in a program of undergraduate or graduate instruction at an institution of higher education leading to either: A baccalaureate degree in a course of study required by OPM or DoD qualification standards for an acquisition position in a critical acquisition career field; or A degree the completion of which (including any additional essential credit hours or related experience in an acquisition-related field as defined by DoD internal issuances) provides competencies, knowledge, skills, etc., directly linked to an acquisition position’s requirements for one of the critical acquisition career fields. Scholastic Achievement Appointment (NEW - GPAs) - Provides the authority to appoint qualified candidates with degrees to acquisition positions with positive education requirements classified to either the NH-II or NH-III level of the Business and Technical Management Professional career path. The candidate must have a cumulative grade point average (GPA) of 3.25 or better (on a 4.0 scale) in those courses of those fields of study required for the occupation and an overall undergraduate GPA of at least 3.0 on a 4.0 scale; or for graduate education, a GPA of at least 3.5 on a scale of 4.0 for graduate courses in the field of study required for the occupation. Veterans’ Preference (NEW) - Veterans’ preference eligibility under 5 U.S.C and 2108a applies without change and is treated as a positive factor when making a selection from external sources. When making final selections, any candidates with veterans’ preference should be considered for appointments when they are found to best meet mission requirements.

10 Recruitment and Staffing
New and Changed Voluntary Emeritus Program expanded to include non- AcqDemo/former civilian employees and military members with DAWIA position experience Expanded Supervisory and Managerial probational periods to ensure quality supervision and management of acquisition programs Establishes performance as the primary retention factor in RIF Expands the cumulative time allowed for non- competitive details and temporary promotions Voluntary Emeritus Program (EXPANDED) – Provides the authority to offer voluntary assignments and to accept the gratuitous services of: (1) AcqDemo retired or separated civilian employees who served in either DAWIA- covered positions or positions in direct support to DAWIA-coded positions, and (2) Non-AcqDemo DoD retired or separated civilian employees and former military members who worked in DAWIA-coded positions. Expanded Supervisory and Managerial Probationary Periods (NEW) - An additional supervisory probationary period of one year may be required when an employee is officially assigned to a different supervisory position that constitutes a major change in supervisory responsibilities from any previously held supervisory position, e.g., moving from a journeyman level supervisory acquisition position to a Critical Acquisition Position. Reduction in Force (NEW) – Process redesigned to make separations in RIF based primarily on the basis of performance as required by 10 U.S.C. 1597(f). A CCAS assessment, i.e., Outstanding, Fully Successful, or Unacceptable, of the quality of performance exhibited by an employee in achieving expected contributions is added to the annual contribution assessment process. An average annual rating of record obtained from the two most recent assessments in the four-year period immediately preceding the RIF is used as the primary retention factor in RIF. The primary retention factor is followed by veterans’ preference and DoD service computation date RIF. Expanded Detail and Temporary Promotion Authority (NEW) - Ability to effect temporary promotions and details to higher broadband level positions than AcqDemo employees currently hold or previously held without competition as long as the temporary promotion, detail, or a combination of detail and temporary promotion does not exceed one year within a 24-month period to positions within the demonstration project.

11 Pay Administration New and Changed
Requirement to establish a compensation strategy Allows for Supervisory and Team Leader cash differentials Added option to withhold or deny the 50% GPI for retained pay employees with unacceptable overall assessments Adds Accelerated Compensation for Developmental Positions Establishes the option to set pay at the highest rate paid to an employee in previously held federal positions Compensation Strategy (NEW) – Increased emphasis on Participating Organizations developing compensation strategies to adhere to a cost-disciplined approach to effectively manage the compensation levels of the AcqDemo organizational positions. Supervisory and team Leader Cash Differentials (NEW) – May be used to incentivize and compensate supervisors and team leaders in certain situations. A supervisory cash differential may not exceed 10 percent of basic pay and a team leader cash differential may not exceed 5 percent of basic pay. Retained Pay (NEW) – Employees receiving retained pay who receive an unacceptable overall assessment may have 50% of the amount of the increase in the maximum rate of basic pay payable for the broadband level of the employee’s position due to the General Pay Increase reduced or denied. Accelerated Compensation for Developmental Positions (NEW) - Provides recognition for employees in DAWIA-coded positions and non-DAWIA coded positions in which the duties are supporting DAWIA-coded positions for 51% or more of the worktime classified to Broadband Levels I, II, and III of the Business and Technical Management Professional Career Path who: Are participating in formal training programs, internships, or other developmental capacities; and Have demonstrated successful or better growth and development in the attainment of job-related competencies; and Have demonstrated effective accomplishment of a level of work higher than that represented by an AcqDemo employee’s Expected Overall Contribution Score under the Contribution-based Compensation and Appraisal System (CCAS) ACDPs may be awarded twice per CCAS appraisal cycle but not sooner than six months after the effective date of an ACDP for a basic pay increase ranging from 0% not to exceed a 10% increase and a growth in the employee’s Overall Contribution Score. Highest Previous Rate (NEW) – An AcqDemo highest previous rate was established to provide an additional flexibility to be considered in setting pay in placement actions. The rules for its use are consistent with those used under the General Schedule.

12 Contribution-Based Compensation and Appraisal System (CCAS)
New and Changed Appraisal Factors reduced in number from 6 to 3 Very High Score options increased Quality of Performance rating added Recognition of maximum salaries (control points) in Contribution Award computations Assessment Factor Reduction – Assessment criteria for both Employee Self-Assessments and Supervisor Assessment have been reduced from the original six factors (Problem Solving, Teamwork/Cooperation, Communication, Customer Relations, Leadership/Supervision, and Resource Management) have been incorporated to the proposed three factors of Job Achievement and/or Innovation, Communications and/or Teamwork and Mission Support. Very High Score (MODIFIED) – Included two additional scores above the maximum score available for each of the three career paths to provide more flexibility in assigning an appropriate score based on contribution results. Performance Assessment (NEW) - In order to comply with 10 U.S.C. 1597(f), the CCAS has been modified to embrace an overall assessment of the quality of performance an employee demonstrates in achieving his/her expected contribution results during an appraisal cycle. This assessment is conducted in conjunction with the contribution scoring process and is used in the determination of an employee’s retention in the event of a reduction in force. Contribution Rating Increase (CRI) Carryover – When a CRI, an increase in basic pay, exceeds a control point in or the maximum basic pay of an employee’s broadband level, the pay pool panel has the option of authorizing a CRI carryover lump sum payment for the amount that exceeds the control point or the maximum of the broadband level.

13 Employee Development New and Changed
Revised sabbatical program requirements New Student Intern Program and relocation incentive Sabbaticals (Modified) - The AcqDemo sabbatical program is available to all demonstration project employees who have seven or more years of Federal service. Each sabbatical will be of three to twelve months’ duration and must result in a product, service, report, or study that will benefit the acquisition community and the employee. There is a service obligation for a period of three times the length of the sabbatical. Acquisition Student Intern Appointments (NEW) – Qualified candidates enrolled in a program of undergraduate or graduate instruction at an institution of higher education leading to either: A baccalaureate degree in a course of study required by OPM or DoD qualification standards for an acquisition position in a critical acquisition career field; or A degree the completion of which (including any additional essential credit hours or related experience in an acquisition-related field as defined by DoD internal issuances) provides competencies, knowledge, skills, etc., directly linked to an acquisition position’s requirements for one of the critical acquisition career fields. Student Intern Relocation Incentive (NEW) - Heads of Participating Organizations may approve relocation incentives for new student interns and relocation incentives to student interns whose worksite is in a different geographic location than that of the college/university enrolled or their permanent home residence each time the student interns return to duty at their official worksite.

14 Transition and Support
Transition Summary Factors for Classification and Appraisal 6 Factors changed to 3 “Quality of Performance” rating added PRDs will need to be updated Recruitment and Staffing Direct Hire Authorities Expanded Supervisory and/or Managerial Probationary Periods Pay Administration Compensation Strategy ACDP added Supervisory and Team Leader Pay Differentials CCAS Changes Overall Contribution AND Performance ratings required Additional Very High Score options added To recap – These are the major changes being implemented with the publication of the October 2017 Federal Register notice.

15 Transition and Support
Transition Timeline Component Implementation - XXXX

16 Transition and Support
COMPONENT CONTACT INFO HERE LINK TO TRAINING CONTENT Web-based Videos available on AcqDemo website Transition Overview Classification Recruitment Performance and Contribution Pay Administration Job-Aids available on AcqDemo website 6 to 3 Factors Quality of Performance Direct Hire Authorities HCI AcqDemo Highlights summary ( )

17 Transition and Support
Transition Support Slide Decks customized for target audiences to be used in component town halls (in-person/on-line) Employee, HR/Supervisor, AcqDemo Program Leadership Completion Date Target – End of September 2017 Web-based Videos You-Tube style channel Short video with topic details Completion Date Target – End of October 2017 Job-Aids Concise topic summary sheets (1-2 pages each)

18 AcqDemo Implementation of the 2017 Regulation Fall 2017

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