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G2 Coffee Morning Wednesday May 20th 2015

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Presentation on theme: "G2 Coffee Morning Wednesday May 20th 2015"— Presentation transcript:

1 G2 Coffee Morning Wednesday May 20th 2015

2 Today's Focus UOI 6 Event Planning – The Process G2 Sleepover
Student Led Conference The EOY Concert Tips n tricks for G3


4 UOI 6 Event Planning The Process – Provocation (birthday Party), Context, Sharing, Transdisciplinary links (data handling. communication, social skills, reading, writing) Parental Involvement - Discussions as part of homework, packing list, personal events Real World Application – Your child becoming independent and creating their own packing list and then packing according to list.



12 Transdisciplinary Skills

13 G2 Sleepover Day activities Evening Concerns Pick up next day
What to bring What NOT to bring

14 Sleepover Timetable Day Outside
Pre-trip briefing with children and allocate groups Depart 09:00 Sponge Bob movie 10:00 – 12:00 Esplanade (Packed lunch from school) Bowling 1:00 – 3:00pm Leave Esplanade 3:30 return to KIS

15 Sleepover Timetable Evening
Reflection in class, playground Dinner 5:30pm GamesMovie in classroom 6:15 showers Movie in class 6:00 – 8:30 8:30pm brush teeth, bedtime story 9:00pm lights out 6:15am wake up, change clothes 7:00 breakfast 7:45 Parent pickup

16 Concerns or Questions medicine bed wetting blankets, communication
toys other Pickup 0745 Saturday (NOT SUNDAY!) What not to bring – I-pads etc What to bring – boardgames etc

17 Student Led Conference
Math Battleships Scoots UOI related Planning the perfect weekend Language Reading Editing Sharing Portfolios Reflection

18 Types of questions you can ask
Tell me what you had to do on this activity? What was difficult about this activity? Is there anything you did on this assignment that you would do differently the next time? Where did you get your ideas when writing stories? What was your favourite part of the activity? What are some of the things you need to improve for next year? What are you most proud of in your portfolio?

19 The EOY Concert Item Costumes Practice Lyrics Link

20 Tips & Tricks for G3

21 Tips & tricks Those who fail to plan, plan to fail. Things to do lists
Timetable Consistency Handout Holiday activities

22 Summer/Break Suggestions
Reading Raz Kids Books Math IXL Writing Encourage your child to keep a journal of his or her summer activities. Research – Spin a globe and pick a place to research. Help your child find 10 interesting things about the place, for example, places of interest, how far away it is, what time it is there, what’s the weather like, and the language that is spoken there. Cooking / Reading Bake a cake from scratch (Or some other hands-on cooking activity). Let him or her follow the directions and measure out all of the ingredients.

23 Thank you

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