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PBMAS Overview and TAIS Training

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1 PBMAS Overview and TAIS Training
November 1, 2017 ESC Region 11

2 Performance-Based Monitoring TETN Session
September 21, 2017 1:00 p.m. – 4:00 p.m. Event #42260 Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

3 2017 PBM Calendar PBM Product When are data submitted by LEAs?
When are data available for internal TEA use? Date of 2016 release Projected date of 2017 release PBMAS (Unmasked reports) Throughout the year, depending on the indicator Data for all indicators available by July LEA reports posted on TEASE ACCT 08/05/16 LEA reports posted on TEASE ACCT 08/15/17 (Masked reports) LEA reports posted on TEA web site 09/16/16 LEA reports posted on TEA web site 09/20/17 PBMAS State and Region Reports State and region reports posted on TEA web site 10/14/16 State and region reports posted on TEA web site TBD Leaver Data Validation Indicators PEIMS Data Fall/Submission 1 March (but not officially released until August) LEA reports posted on TEASE ACCT 10/28/16 LEA reports posted on TEASE ACCT 10/27/17 Discipline Data Validation Indicators PEIMS Data Summer/Submission 3 October/November LEA reports posted on TEASE ACCT 11/18/16 LEA reports posted on TEASE ACCT 11/21/17 Student Assessment Data Validation Indicators Spring Student Assessment Data June LEA reports posted on TEASE ACCT 12/16/16 LEA reports posted on TEASE ACCT Note: PBM products always use the most current data available. Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

4 2017 PBMAS 2017 preview information for the four PBMAS program areas (BE/ESL, CTE, ESSA, and SPED) was provided to ESC PBM contacts during our July 27, 2017 TETN session. There are no substantive changes to the information we provided in July. The 2017 PBMAS Manual was posted on the TEA web site on August 8, 2017. Districts’ unmasked reports were posted on the TEASE Accountability application on August 15, 2017. Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

5 2017 PBMAS Districts masked reports were posted to the public web site on September 20. These reports include new information on the Performance Level Summary page: PL assignments for the SPED federally-required elements (FREs) were added. Program-area mean values for each PBMAS program were added. For the SPED program only, these mean values may have changed from the mean values provided to ESC PBM contacts in August because they now include the FREs. Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

6 PBMAS State Performance Level Changes (STAAR Performance)
BE STAAR 3-8 Passing Rate Subject 2016 2017 Mathematics Reading 1 Science Social Studies Writing 2 ESL STAAR 3-8 Passing Rate Mathematics 1 Reading 2 Science Social Studies 3 Writing Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

7 PBMAS State Performance Level Changes (STAAR Performance)
LEP (Not Served in BE/ESL STAAR 3-8 Passing Rate Subject 2016 2017 Mathematics 1 Reading 2 Science Social Studies 3 Writing LEP Year-After-Exit (YAE) STAAR 3-8 Passing Rate Mathematics Reading Science Social Studies Writing Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

8 PBMAS State Performance Level Changes (STAAR Performance)
LEP STAAR EOC Passing Rate Subject 2016 2017 Mathematics 1 Science 2 Social Studies English Language Arts 3 Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

9 PBMAS State Performance Level Changes (STAAR Performance)
CTE STAAR EOC Passing Rate Subject 2016 2017 Mathematics Science Social Studies English Language Arts CTE LEP STAAR EOC Passing Rate Mathematics 1 Science 2 Social Studies English Language Arts 3 Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

10 PBMAS State Performance Level Changes (STAAR Performance)
CTE Economically Disadvantaged STAAR EOC Passing Rate Subject 2016 2017 Mathematics Science Social Studies English Language Arts 1 CTE SPED STAAR EOC Passing Rate Mathematics 3 Science Social Studies 2 1 English Language Arts Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

11 PBMAS State Performance Level Changes (STAAR Performance)
Title I, Part A STAAR 3-8 Passing Rate Subject 2016 2017 Mathematics Reading Science Social Studies 1 Writing Title I, Part A STAAR EOC Passing Rate Mathematics Science Social Studies English Language Arts 1 Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

12 PBMAS State Performance Level Changes (STAAR Performance)
Title I, Part C (Migrant) STAAR 3-8 Passing Rate Subject 2016 2017 Mathematics 1 Reading 2 Science Social Studies 3 Writing Title I, Part C (Migrant) STAAR EOC Passing Rate Mathematics Science 1 Social Studies English Language Arts 2 Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

13 PBMAS State Performance Level Changes (STAAR Performance)
SPED STAAR 3-8 Passing Rate Subject 2016 2017 Mathematics 2 Reading 3 Science Social Studies Writing SPED YAE STAAR 3-8 Passing Rate Mathematics Reading Science Social Studies 1 English Language Arts 2 Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

14 PBMAS State Performance Level Changes (STAAR Performance and SPED Placement Indicators)
SPED STAAR EOC Passing Rate Subject 2016 2017 Mathematics 3 2 Science Social Studies 1 English Language Arts SPED Placement Indicators Indicator 2016 2017 Regular Early Childhood Program Rate (Ages 3-5) 1 >= 80% Rate (Ages 6-21) <40% Rate (Ages 6-21) Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

15 2017 PBMAS SD Summary 7 districts were identified as SD (Year 1) for the <40% indicators. 4 districts were identified as SD (Year 1) for the Separate Settings indicators. 122 districts were identified as SD (Year 1) for the Representation indicators. Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

16 PBMAS SD Summary: Placement Indicators
HISP AI/AN Asian Afr NH/OPI White Two/+ Total Separate Settings Indicator 4 Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

17 PBMAS SD Summary: Representation by Race/Ethnicity and Disability Categories
HISP AI/AN Asian Afr NH/OPI White Two/+ Total R/E 5 20 30 ID 3 6 9 LD ED 24 1 34 SPEECH 2 4 OHI AUTISM 13 14 TOTAL 21 35 51 122 Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

18 2017 PBM Data Validation 2017 Leaver Data Validation district reports will be posted on the TEASE Accountability application on October 27, 2017. The 2017 Leaver Data Validation Manual was posted on the TEA web site on August 10, 2017. 2017 Discipline Data Validation district reports will be posted on the TEASE Accountability application on November 21, 2017. The 2017 Discipline Data Validation Manual will be posted on the TEA web site by September 25, 2017. Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

19 2017 PBM Discipline Data Validation Preview
Seven of the eight indicators used in 2016 PBM Discipline Data Validation will continue to be used this year. We are also planning to preview the 35 new discipline indicators required by final federal regulations under 34 CFR Part 300, issued by USDE on December 19, 2016. Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

20 2017 PBM Data Validation Indicator Preview: Discipline
Discipline Data Validation Indicator Name 2016 2017 Indicator #1 Length of Out-of-School Suspension Identified districts with one or more students reported as suspended out-of-school (OSS) for more than 3 school days (regular districts) or more than 10 school days (charters). No changes Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

21 2017 PBM Data Validation Indicator Preview: Discipline
Discipline Data Validation Indicator Name 2016 2017 Indicator #2 Unauthorized Expulsion: Students Age 10 and Older Identified districts with one or more students, age 10 or older, reported as expelled from their regular education setting based on a disciplinary reason not allowed. Reason Codes 42, 44, and 45 related to truancy are no longer included in the indicator. Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

22 2017 PBM Data Validation Indicator Preview: Discipline
Discipline Data Validation Indicator Name 2016 2017 Indicator #3 Unauthorized Expulsion: Students Under Age 10 Identified districts with one or more students, under age 10, reported as expelled from their regular education setting for anything other than being expelled to a DAEP for bringing a firearm to school or unlawful carrying of a handgun under Penal Code No changes Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

23 2017 PBM Data Validation Indicator Preview: Discipline
Discipline Data Validation Indicator Name 2016 2017 Indicator #4 Unauthorized DAEP Placement: Students Under Age 6 Identified districts with one or more students under age 6 reported as placed in a DAEP for anything other than being expelled to a DAEP for bringing a firearm to school or unlawful carrying of a handgun under Penal Code No changes Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

24 2017 PBM Data Validation Indicator Preview: Discipline
Discipline Data Validation Indicator Name 2016 2017 Indicator #5 High Number of Discretionary DAEP Placements Identified districts with a discretionary DAEP placement rate (all students) of 3.5 or higher. New MSR: Numerator ≥30. No changes Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

25 2017 PBM Data Validation Indicator Preview: Discipline
Discipline Data Validation Indicator Name 2016 2017 Indicator #6 African American (Not Hispanic/Latino) Discretionary DAEP Placements Identified districts with a discretionary DAEP placement rate for African American (Not Hispanic/Latino) students that is double (or more) the discretionary DAEP placement rate for all students. New MSR: Numerator ≥30 Definition of African American (Not Hispanic/Latino) was revised. Terminology change: disproportionality rate of more than 2.0 instead of 100% or higher. Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

26 2017 PBM Data Validation Indicator Preview: Discipline
Discipline Data Validation Indicator Name 2016 2017 Indicator #7 Hispanic Discretionary DAEP Placements Identified districts with a discretionary DAEP placement rate for Hispanic students that is double (or more) the discretionary DAEP placement rate for all students. New MSR: Numerator ≥30 Terminology change: disproportionality rate of more than 2.0 instead of 100% or higher. Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

27 2017 PBM Data Validation Indicator Preview: Discipline
Discipline Data Validation Indicator Name 2016 2017 Indicator #8 No Mandatory Expellable Incidents Reported for Multiple Years Identified districts that have one or more campuses with no mandatory expellable incidents reported for three years. Discontinue this indicator. Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

28 2017 PBM Discipline Data Validation
DRAFT TIMELINE 2017 PBMAS 2018 PBMAS SD (Year 1) for 7 <40% indicators SD (Year 1) for 7 Separate Settings indicators SD (Year 1) for 49 Representation indicators SD (Year 1) for 35 Discipline indicators Data SD (Year 2) Data SD (Year 1) SD (Year 2) for each of 98 indicators RP (Year 2) for each of 98 indicators SD (Year 1) for each of 98 indicators 2017 PBM Discipline Data Validation Red font indicates districts are under federal sanctions. Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

29 2017 PBM Discipline Data Validation: SD Preview
2016 2017 2017 Supplement on New Special Education Federal Regulations under 34 CFR Part 300, issued by USDE on December 19, 2016 N/A Report 35 new discipline indicators evaluating significant disproportionality (SD). Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

30 2017 PBM Discipline Data Validation: SD Preview
Indicator Name 2016 2017 SD Indicator #1 SPED OSS and Expulsion ≤ 10 Days Rate (Ages 3-21) N/A Identifies districts with SD by seven race/ethnic groups. Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

31 SPED Discipline Indicator #1: SPED OSS and Expulsion ≤10 Days Rate (Ages 3-21)
Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

32 SPED Discipline Indicator #1: SPED OSS and Expulsion ≤10 Days Rate (Ages 3-21) - continued
Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

33 2017 PBM Discipline Data Validation: SD Preview
Indicator Name 2016 2017 SD Indicator #2 SPED OSS and Expulsion >10 Days Rate (Ages 3-21) N/A Identifies districts with SD by seven race/ethnic groups. Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

34 SPED Discipline Indicator #2: SPED OSS and Expulsion >10 Days Rate (Ages 3-21)
Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

35 SPED Discipline Indicator #2: SPED OSS and Expulsion >10 Days Rate (Ages 3-21) - continued
Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

36 2017 PBM Discipline Data Validation: SD Preview
Indicator Name 2016 2017 SD Indicator #3 SPED ISS ≤ 10 Days Rate (Ages 3-21) N/A Identifies districts with SD by seven race/ethnic groups. Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

37 SPED Discipline Indicator #3: SPED ISS ≤10 Days Rate (Ages 3-21)
Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

38 SPED Discipline Indicator #3: SPED ISS ≤10 Days Rate (Ages 3-21) - continued
Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

39 2017 PBM Discipline Data Validation SD Preview
Indicator Name 2016 2017 SD Indicator #4 SPED ISS >10 Days Rate (Ages 3-21) N/A Identifies districts with SD by seven race/ethnic groups. Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

40 SPED Discipline Indicator #4: SPED ISS >10 Days Rate (Ages 3-21)
Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

41 SPED Discipline Indicator #4: SPED ISS >10 Days Rate (Ages 3-21) - continued
Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

42 2017 PBM Discipline Data Validation: SD Preview
Indicator Name 2016 2017 SD Indicator #5 SPED Total Disciplinary Removals Rate (Ages 3-21) N/A Identifies districts with SD by seven race/ethnic groups. Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

43 SPED Discipline Indicator #5: SPED Total Disciplinary Removals Rate (Ages 3-21)
Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

44 SPED Discipline Indicator #5: SPED Total Disciplinary Removals Rate (Ages 3-21) - continued
Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

45 2017 PBM Discipline Data Validation: SD Preview Limitations
Any PL assignments of SD (Year 2) do not reflect the application of Reasonable Progress (RP), which may enable a district that demonstrates a sufficient reduction in its risk ratio over two consecutive years to avoid federal sanctions. Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

46 2017 PBM Discipline Data Validation: SD Preview Limitations
The thresholds and minimum size requirements implemented for the SD discipline preview are the same as those implemented for the representation and placement indicators released with the 2017 PBMAS, and they do not reflect any additional advice that may be solicited from stakeholder groups in the future. Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

47 2017 PBM Discipline Data Validation: SD Preview Limitations
The SD discipline indicator preview reports will only be available on the TEASE Accountability application in 2017. The SD discipline indicator preview reports will include race/ethnic data pertaining to SD for a particular year only for those districts that exceed the established SD threshold in that year. Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

48 Review Sample SD Supplement Reports
These reports are supplements to the 2017 Discipline Data Validation Reports. They will only be released on the TEASE Accountability application. Some districts will have both a regular 2017 Discipline Data Validation Report and the supplement report with the SD discipline indicators. Some districts will only have the supplement report with the SD discipline indicators. Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

49 Review Sample SD Supplement Reports
Example 1: A district that did not exceed the threshold for any of the SD discipline indicators Example 2: A district with SD (Year 1) for two of the SD discipline indicators Example 3: A district with SD (Year 2) for one of the SD discipline indicators Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

50 TEA Specialists – Campus Contribution Tool Presentation
Jaime Cervantes Garrett Black Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

51 Districts Staged & the TAIS Process
Districts must engage in the TAIS process Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

52 Targeted Improvement Plan
DCSI in ISAM District Level TIP Choice of templates Due to TEA in ISAM on 11/17/17 (Stage 3 and 4 districts, Stage 1 and 2 retain locally) Copyright © Texas Education Agency All rights reserved.

53 ESC Region 11 PBMAS Contacts
Kathy Duniven, Director and SPED Contact Gretchen Kroos, Team Lead and B/ESL Contact Kelli Crain, Field Service Agent and ESSA Contact Steve Neal, CTE Specialist and Contact

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