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World Toilet Day Quiz Test your knowledge of all toilet-related things with this quick ten-question quiz.

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1 World Toilet Day Quiz Test your knowledge of all toilet-related things with this quick ten-question quiz

2 1. Who invented the world’s first flush toilet?
Sir John Harington (1596) Alexander Cummings (1775) Thomas Crapper (1860s) They all had a part to play: Sir John Harington invented the first flush toilet (Elizabeth I tried it out); Alexander Cummings invented the S bend, Thomas Crapper the ball cock flush (and opened the first bathroom showroom in London).

3 2. How many people worldwide don’t have access to a safe toilet?
1.2 billion 2.4 billion 5.1 billion In % of people worldwide had access to improved sanitation, up from 53% in That leaves a third, 2.4 billion people, without. (World Bank data).

4 3. In 1951, how many households in England and Wales did not have their own WC?
1.2% 12% 21% Before the big slum clearances of the 1950s and 1960s, 21% of households still shared a toilet.

5 4. The International Space Station is the most expensive place in the universe to spend a penny. The ISS toilet cost: $1.9 million $9.1 million $19 million Built specially in Russia for use in zero gravity, the ISS toilet cost $19 million. The most expensive on Earth is a solid-gold toilet in Hong Kong – its value goes up and down with the price of gold.

6 5. What’s the average number of flushes a UK household makes each day?
5−7 times 13−14 times 19−20 times The average is 13−14 times, taking nearly a third of the total of water used in the home. Toilet flushing puts a huge strain on water resources.

7 6. How many children under the age of five die daily worldwide from diseases caused by poor sanitation? 100 500 800 Worldwide 900-1,000 children die daily due to preventable water and sanitation-related diarrhoeal diseases. Diarrhoea is the world’s second biggest killer of children.

8 7. Which English King died ‘on the throne’?
King Edward 1 King John George II George II fell off his toilet and died of heart failure in 1760 – though King Edward and King John both died of dysentery.

9 8. The world’s most high-tech toilets are found in:
Japan USA Switzerland Japan has some of the world’s most high-tech toilets, which can wash, dry, deodorise, play tunes and even clean the seat after you…

10 9. How many viruses can 1 gram of faeces contain?
100,000 1 million 10 million Gross, but true: one gram of faeces can contain 10 million viruses (plus 1 million bacteria and 100 parasite eggs)

11 10. Global Goal (SDG) 6 aims for safe water and sanitation for all
10. Global Goal (SDG) 6 aims for safe water and sanitation for all. By which date? 2030 2035 2050 Find out more about these themes from the GLP World Toilet Day resource Main source:

12 Bonus question: How long does the average person spend on the toilet in a lifetime!
3 months 1 year 3 years 3 years, although its not clear how anyone knows.

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