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Welcome to curriculum night!

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1 Welcome to curriculum night!
Ms. Ealey Physical Science If you’d like, grab: FAQ page (your child has one as well) Fun fact: This year, Astronaut Peggy Whitson broke the record for an American astronaut's time in space. She has spent more time in space than any other American… ever.

2 Physical Science 9/12/2017 Agenda Class Info About me About the class
Survey Other class info Class Info Sign up for Remind Due Tomorrow: Safety contract Safety test (in class)

3 Questions If at any time you have a question, please write it on a notecard and leave it in the basket. I will send out an to all parents with the responses.

4 About me Sarah Ealey From Southern California
Bachelor’s in Environmental Studies from SDSU Master’s of Education from Antioch This is my second year at Beaver Lake I have also worked in environmental education and outreach, and marketing This year, in addition to the physical science class, I also teach Earth and space science, I am the Green Team advisor, and I am on the PBSES team I love my job, and I am honored to be here everyday

5 Thanks PTSA! Bucks for Bulldogs Hardhats and gloves for the Green Team
Laptops for students!

6 Physical Science Topics
New Curriculum! Energy, forces and motion (intro physics) Electricity, waves and information transfer (electricity and waves) Matter and its interactions (intro to chemistry) Engineering practices and Human Impact are woven into the major units. Students may check out a hard copy of textbook or use online version.

7 Skyward Zeros – Don’t Panic!
Students may turn in anything from the trimester up to the last day of the trimester. The only reason that a student should have a 0 in the gradebook by the end of the trimester is if he/she didn’t turn the work in… ever. If students turn in work late, they will get some credit. You might see a 0 if: Student was absent (grade will be changed when he/she turns it in) No name (student should check “no name” folder, and put name on it. After it is turned in, I will change the grade) Student didn’t turn it in (grade will change after he/she turns it in late) If an assignment is marked ‘0MS’ and your child insists s/he turned it in, ask: ‘Was your name on it? Check the ‘No Name’ folder for your assignment.’ – No name on an assignment is considered late

8 Website Check out the website! Website includes: Calendar Lesson plans
The Syllabus and FAQs Class news Textbooks and materials Finished early options

9 Plickers As a parent, what is most important to you for your child's education? Limiting/reducing homework Multiple ways to show mastery of standards Hands on activities for my child Giving students a personal connection to the curriculum

10 Plickers Knowing your child, what do you think he/she will be most excited to learn about this year? Energy, forces and motion (intro physics) Electricity, waves and information transfer (electricity and waves) Matter and its interactions (intro to chemistry) Engineering / projects

Follow instructions on the right bar of my website

12 Why Standards Based? Allows students to know what they know and what they do not know. The focus in on learning and mastery. Scenario 10 Question test – Student A and Student B both miss 3 questions: STUDENT A: Missed questions 2, 5, 9. Score given of 70%. STUDENT B: Standard 1 Water Cycle: 3/3 (met standard, fully understands) Standard 2 Climate: 1/3 (did not meet standard, understands a little) Standard 3 Weather: 3/4 (met standard, mostly understands) Student B knows exactly which concept(s) he/she still need to learn and improve upon.

13 Why Differentiation? It is a priority of mine to provide students with what they need to challenge themselves. For some students, this might mean extra support, and for others, this might mean an extension activity. I try my best to do this by differentiating the content. I collect data with observations and regular quizzes, and then target the instruction to students. Students may get slightly different assignments than their peers, but all assignments stay true to the content and intended learning.

14 Grades Scores Scale Content 60% Skills 40% Assignments 0% Formative 0%
Score rubric 4 – Yes, exactly 3.5 – Yes, but missing some details 3 – Yes, but some errors 2.5 – Not yet 2 – No evidence *Students may re-test every BBT Wednesday until the end of the Trimester to master the standard(s) in which they did not meet, and/or to show full understanding (4). They may also schedule a time to meet me before or after school.

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