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How to submit a new tech ticket/incident into new HEAT system

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1 How to submit a new tech ticket/incident into new HEAT system
HEAT Service Management

2 Heat Incidents District 11 is going to a new technology ticketing system in February. This will walk you through how to put in a tech ticket/incident. You will find the link on our school’s website that links to

3 Heat Incidents: Sign on to Heat Service Manager (Heat SM) Username: Network user ID Password: Password1

4 Heat Incident: On next home screen, you will Report an Incident using template.

5 Heat Incident: Use template to report an incident.

6 Heat Incident: You can attach a file, scroll to Save Incident, which sends to LTE/LTT.

7 Heat Incident: After you save incident, you will see this, click return to see items listed, then you can log out.

8 Heat Incident: How do I change password?

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