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Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec CONGRESSIONAL ACTIONS

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Presentation on theme: "Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec CONGRESSIONAL ACTIONS"— Presentation transcript:

1 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec CONGRESSIONAL ACTIONS
APRIL: Friends appear at Public Witness Day & submit written testimony to H & S Appropriations Committees for FY 2017 FWS/DOI BUDGET FEB: Following POTUS budget, Friends talk to FWS about request and ask MOC to include refuge funding in personal requests to appropriators BUDGET PROCESS FRIENDS ACTION ITEMS FEB-JULY: Friends weighing in with MOC, district visits etc… FEB: Friends request to appear at Public Witness Day Reconciled bills signed into law Bills on Floor of House & Senate Conference Committees Reconcile Bills Congressional Funding Requests Appropriations Committees Hold Hearings & Take Direct Action House & Senate Markups Recess Committee Oversight & Preparation For Next Fiscal Year Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Internal FWS: creating budget 2 years out 302(b) Allocations * FWS working with DOI on budget DOI Negotiating w/OMB on budget Final budget prep Budget Resolution (maybe) 302(a) * Oct 1, 2016 New Fiscal Year Begins FEB: 9, 2016 POTUS Budget released Conference Allocations Thanksgiving: “Passback” from OMB to DOI POTUS budget finalized MAR-MAY: Friends talk to managers about plans for next two fiscal years (FY18 and FY19) JUL: Friends get support letters for LWCF/Construction projects from MOC/community/Counties/State to DOI if appropriate * The Appropriations Committee receives a single 302(a) allocation for all of its programs then decides on its own how to divide this funding among its 12 subcommittees, creating 302(b) sub-allocations.

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