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Presentation of Draft Resolution: Program-budget of the organization for 2016 Insert date here.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation of Draft Resolution: Program-budget of the organization for 2016 Insert date here."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation of Draft Resolution: Program-budget of the organization for 2016
Insert date here

2 Mandates Resolution AG/RES (XLV-O/15): “Reaffirmation of mandates and authorization for the Permanent Council and the Inter-American Council for Integral Development to convene the High-level meetings and fora established in Conventions and other international instruments currently in force, as well as in resolutions adopted by the General Assembly that require the approval by this organ” Resolved that “unless a particular resolution states otherwise or unless the mandates have been fulfilled. The texts of resolutions adopted by previous sessions of the General Assembly shall remain fully in effect […]”.

3 The resolution It is divided into: Preambular paragraphs
Operative paragraphs: Budget appropriations Accountability to the Member States Provisions on an administrative and budgetary nature

4 Preambular paragraphs
Composed of 17 paragraphs that include the following umbrella topics: Scale of quotas (P1-P4) Biennium Budget Exercise (P5-P7) Specific Funds (P8) Various topics: process toward accountability, efficiency and effectiveness and results of the OAS/GS; percentage of personnel of the overall budget level; salary scales; reserve subfund; and culture and practice of austerity Restructuring and Modernization process (P15-P17)

5 Operative Paragraphs Budget appropriations  the information on this section will be provided by the Working Group to conduct the technical review of the Program-Budget (Op.1-Op.2 + figures) Accountability to the Member States: Op.3

6 III. Provisions of an Administrative and Budgetary Nature:
A. Budgetary and Financial Provisions Program-budget for the budgetary cycle (Op.4-Op.7) Management reports and review program-budget expenditures and financing  Quarterly Reports (Op.8) External Resource mobilization (Op.9)

7 III. Provisions of an Administrative and Budgetary Nature (continued):
Management Modernization  pending text to be presented by delegations OAS Scholarship and Training Program Funds (Op.10 – Op.15) Foundations and other organizations created by the General Secretariat (Op. 16) Review of the General Standards with respect to the Inspector General (Op. 17)

8 III. Provisions of an Administrative and Budgetary Nature (continued):
B. Other Provisions Op.8: Honoraria; Op. 9: Inter-American Commission on Human Rights; Op. 10: Inter-American Court of Human Rights; Op. 11: Limit on job positions financed by the Regular Fund – Op. 12: Cost-efficiencies Op. 13 Trust Positions: Pending text on results of the OAS General Secretariat Restructuring Process

9 Timeline Deadline to present comments, observations and proposals to the Chair: October 2 Meeting to approve text: October 6 Presentation to CAAP on approved text: October 13

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