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Federal Funding General Session.

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Presentation on theme: "Federal Funding General Session."— Presentation transcript:

1 Federal Funding General Session

2 Please see the Federal Funding Section in the Notebook
Background Current Status Charts and Materials

3 FY 17 Appropriations Sen. Blumenthal (D-CT), Rep. Glenn Thompson (R-PA) and Rep. Jim Langevin (D-RI) circulated letters to relevant subcommittees for increased Perkins funding in FY17 appropriations 118 Representatives and 32 Senators signed on House and Senate Appropriations Committees both approved appropriations bills Significant cuts to education/workforce development overall Perkins level funded in both bills

4 FY 17 Appropriations Congress unable to complete its work by the end of the fiscal year in September Required short-term continuing resolution (CR) provide temporary funding for government through Dec. 9 CR included a 0.496% across-the-board cut Cut needed to keep overall spending within budget caps for the year Impacted Perkins state grant advance funding made available to states on Oct. 1 $5.5 million reduction in total 30 states saw reductions in their Oct. allocations

5 FY 17 Appropriations Congress passed 2nd CR before leaving for the winter holidays Extends through the end of April 29 Keeps across-the-board cuts in place Adjusts it down to 0.190% Don’t expect supplemental funds Creates uncertainty for state/local budgeting

6 FY 18 Appropriations While FY 2017 unfinished, Administration’s initial FY budget framework (“skinny budget”) this week Likely request a $54 billion increase in defense Increase for defense might be offset with cuts to non- defense discretionary (NDD) spending This pot of funding includes education and workforce training More detailed budget should be coming in late spring

7 Appropriations Message
Washington budget dysfunction has real impact on CTE programs in your community Congress needs pass an FY 2017 funding bill that restores the cut to the Perkins Basic State Grant program It’s time to increase funding for Perkins and make investing in CTE a top priority!

8 Funding Panel Sarah Abernathy Mitch Coppes Kermit Kaleba
Deputy Executive Director Committee for Education Funding Mitch Coppes Legislative and Regulatory Affairs Manager Kermit Kaleba Federal Policy Director National Skills Coalition

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