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Published byAubrey Chambers Modified over 6 years ago
Scoutbook 101 Section 1-Advancement: Who, What, When, Where and How
Section 2-Unit Management: Scouts and Adults Section 3-Reports: How to Make 'em, How to Use 'em Section 4-Events, Messaging and Logs Oh My!
What is Scoutbook? A unit and scout advancement tracking system owned by the BSA and directly linked to Akela, the national advancement and training database. Types of use include Family. For one adult and one scout, it is free. There are subscriptions families can purchase to include more scouts and adult connections. These are not connected to Akela Den/Patrol and Pack/Troop subscriptions are available. The scope for these is in evidence by their name. At the Pack/Troop level, the subscription can be associated with Akela to facilitate advancement and training reporting.
What you see when you first sign in. (Bottom's Up!)
Help: Information about Scoutbook, including technical problems References: How-To documentation for scouts and leaders. Includes the Oath, Motto, Handshakes, advancement and some awards (including religious award requirements) Directory: a listing of all BSA councils and websites Forums: Discussion boards for your units and scoutbook in general. Videos: uploads of videos that have been made available for public viewing. News: Old news, the Blog supercedes this information Blog: current scoutbook news, updates and FAQ's, posted by admins and users alike. My Dashboard: The meat and potatoes. This is where we will be spending most of our time.
My (Your) Dashboard Reports: Several built in reports on training and advancement progress. You can also build custom reports to view specific details about scouts, Dens/Patrols, or your entire Pack Events: A powerful tool for communicating with families and scouts about meetings. Messages: Send messages via or text to individuals or groups of scouts/scouters. Administration: Unit, Leader, Scout management, advancement, logging service, camping, hiking all happens here.
How Connections Work Part 1
Each Object (Pack/Troop, Den/Patrol, Leader, Scout and Family Member) is independent of all others. As a scout, I may have connections to multiple leaders, and family members, but I can only have one active connection to a Unit and Den/Patrol. My properties include, name, birthdate, unit and den/patrol association, as well as all potential ranks and awards. As a Leader, I may be connected to Multiple Scouts, Dens/Patrols and Units. My properties include name, positions held, training completed, and permissions for each scout I have connections to. As a family member, I may be connected to a single, or multiple, scout objects. my properties are similar to a leaders, but default to non-connections to units and dens/patrols. A Pack/Troop has properties that include Leaders, Scouts, Dens/Patrols. when a new Patrol is made in a troop, a new instance of that object is created, and the default connections made. A Den/Patrol has properties that include leaders, scouts, and the Unit that created it. Pack/Troop Leader Den/Patrol Scout Family
How Connections Work Part 2
Connections (The lines between bubbles on the previous page) define what an adult leader/family member can see and do against a scout's record. When one of the three options above is selected, the permissions below begin at their default values. View and Edit permissions can be set as desired for each individual connection. When Adult Leader is selected, it also adds additional properties to the connection, including the ability to approve requirements marked as completed.
The Potential Roles in Scoutbook Advancement
Parent/Family Member: Welcome and ENCOURAGED to record activities that complete requirements for ranks, merit badges and adventures. This marks them as Completed, with a GREEN checkbox. Den Leader/Patrol Advisor/Merit Badge Counselor: Part 1, record and approve activities the scouts participate in during unit/den/patrol activities. Part 2, monitor requirements reported by parents/family members, review with the scout, and approve those. This marks them as Approved, with a BLUE checkbox. Cubmaster/Scoutmaster: Works with den leaders/patrol advisors to ensure activities are recorded and approved in advance of scheduling a Board of Review, Scoutmaster's Conference, or committee meeting where advancement will be prepped for purchase. This marks them as Approved, with a BLUE checkbox. Advancement Chair: Works with the Cubmaster or Scoutmaster to verify everything is up to date, and then finishes the steps within Scoutbook and ScoutNET to record and order awards. Once awards have been presented to the boys, the awards are marked as Awarded, with a GOLD checkbox.
Where and When? Any time that does not distract the leader from their primary goal of teaching/guiding the scouts. Any place that has internet access. Reviewed regularly to ensure that records are up to date. In preparation for Scoutmaster's Conferences, Boards of Review.
The Scout's Profile On an individual scout's profile, it gives the following information: Council, Unit, Den/Patrol, Rank and Progress Currently Earned Advancement and Adventures/MB. Currently earned Awards Most of these items are interactive and when selected will show you the requirements and that scout's dates of completion/notes. Profile, Advancement, Traning, Leadership, and Logs are all below Awards.
Quick Entry for Leaders and Parents
Select your Unit Select your Den/Patrol Parents Select your Scout Select Quick Entry Select what you'd like to enter Cubs Scouts
Quick Entry for Cub Leaders and Parents
When Adventures is selected, you then select what adventure. Enter the Date Completed, check the Approved/Recorded button Choose which scouts attended the activity/passed the requirements Check the requirements passed off Add a note if desired, to remind yourself/others what was done. Select Save
Quick Entry for Scout Leaders And Parents
When Merit Badge Requirements is selected You then select what MB, enter the Date Completed, check the Approved/Recorded button Choose which scouts attended the activity/passed the requirements, check the requirements passed off. When Merit Badge is selected Select the Scouts, enter the date completed and mark as approved. Select the MB (multiple) earned by the scout(s) When Rank Requirements is selected Select the Rank, enter the Date Completed, and check the Leader Approved box. Select the scouts that participated. Select the requirements completed. Add a note if desired, to remind yourself/others what was done. Select Save
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Single Record Entry Leaders Parents
Select your Unit Select your Den/Patrol Select the scout Parents Select your Scout Select the Scout's Advancement Tab below the Awards Section Select the Rank the scout is currently working on For Boy Scout Leaders If the scout is working on a merit badge, select that merit badge, or Start a Merit Badge from below the list of ranks
Single Record Entry For Cubs, Below the Rank requirements is a list of all elective Adventures for that rank Select from either the rank requirements, or the adventures.
Single Record Entry When viewing the requirements for that Rank, Adventure or MB you will see check boxes and blank boxes. Select the box for the requirement is completed. Mark the date completed. Add a note if desired. If you are a leader, check the Approved/Recorded box. If you see green check boxes, that requirement has been marked as completed, but not approved by a leader. Leaders can click on that requirement and mark it as approved.
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Advancement Reports! (Almost Done)
As a Pack/Troop/Den/Patrol Admin, a Leader can view the respective Pack/Den built in reports. The three we will focus on are: Needs Approval Report Needs Purchasing Report Needs Awarding Report
Needs Approval Report If you are a Admin for multiple units, you will have the option to select which unit you are working in. The numbers to the right of each unit show the total number of requirements in that unit that need approval. Below the Unit selection, Scoutbook pulls ALL completed, but not approved requirements into one place. A leader can then Approve all, or select each scout and Approve all or a portion of that scout's completed work. This tool would be most beneficial to look at before a den/patrol meeting. Den leaders and patrol advisors can see which of their scouts has additional work recorded, and can review it with the scout during the meeting at some time before approving.
Needs Purchasing Report
This report shows all new awards, ranks, patches, merit badges and adventures that have been earned by each scout. Here, a Leader will select the awards that should be purchased, then select the Create Purchase Order button. Some units may want to recognize the scout earned an award, but not necessarily buy the patch/pin for it. (reuse the cyber chip for example.) Do not add those awards to the PO. If you already have an open PO, it will add to the existing PO.
Needs Purchasing Report (Purchase Order)
When the PO opens, the top will present you with the quantity, SKU, name of the award, and the scouts earning it. this can be sorted in many different ways using the Settings section. Below settings, is a button labeled ScoutNET File. Click on this button. Just New Stuff will only do what is on the PO. Use this if you only want to report what is purchased. All Advancement includes EVERY Rank, Award, Badge, Aventure earned by scouts in your Unit. Use this if you want to verify that everything recorded in Scoutbook is in ScoutNET (Akela). Click the red button to generate the file. DO NOT OPEN THIS FILE ON YOUR COMPUTER.
ScoutNET (Akela) If you see a page similar to this one when you first signed in, there are potentially unsaved completions waiting. If you know Scoutbook is 100%, then you can select Start Over. If not, Skip 3 slides, then come back to proceed to the next slide.
ScoutNET (Akela) Go to ScoutNET. (Here)
Go to, scroll to the bottom and select Internet Advancement. Select Returning User and Sign In.(if you don't have your credentials, contact your District Executive) Once signing in, you should see the top image. Click Continue. You will then see the next image. Select Upload Advancement File.
ScoutNET (Akela) Select Browse and choose your newly downloaded advancement file. Select Upload File When the file is uploaded, a report is shown. The top group of names are those who imported correctly. the bottom are those who did not match unit records. Registration isn't completed Birthday not correct BSA number not correct Name in scoutbook is not name in scoutnet. Resolve the names, regenerate the ScoutNET file in scoutbook, and Reload into Scoutnet.
ScoutNET (Akela) Select Next Select Submit to Council
Confirm your submission Print the Advancement Report. This report, or the Purchase Order generated in Scoutbook can be used to purchase awards. The Advancement Report is proof to the scoutshop that your advancements are recorded.
Automatic Sync Currently only syncing Youth Advancements
Only COMPLETED and APPROVED will sync. If it doesn't have the blue check mark, it doesn't count. Whichever source is most recent shows the reflected completion date between ScoutNET (Akela) and Scoutbook. District, Council or National Awards cannot be synced from Scoutbook to ScoutNET Scouts must be in ScoutNET roster for auto sync to be enabled. if they are not, do some research, and contact your membership staff at the council. No duplicate scouts in scoutbook. Once the sync is enabled, you will no longer need to use Internet Advancement for ranks. They will automatically sync. the Advancement Report in Scoutbook will be sufficient for the scoutshops. It is recommended to STOP using internet advancement once the sync is enabled, as changes happen quicker between scoutbook and scoutNET, and the web portal may not show accurate data.
Automatic Sync!!!!!!!!!!!! On the edit unit page, scroll to the BSA Advancement Sync section Unit setup will be checked by scoutbook when they activate you. Key three verifies that you are in scoutbook as one of the key 3 Verify Scout Registration may show some discrepancies. Contact your Council Membership team to help resolve these problems before continuing. It may take up to 24 hours after they've made the change for it to be reflected in you’re my.scouting membership roster. Once registration discrepancies are resolved, the check box will automatically turn green. Click the agreement and activate sync.
Back to Scoutbook(Closing a PO)
Once the awards have been purchased: Re-Open the PO Select Close Purchase Order Once the PO is Closed, the awards move to the next and FINAL report...
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Needs Awarding Report Each Unit is separated by Patrol/Den, then by Scout. I use this to confirm my purchased awards are accurate, and to make presentation cards for the scouts. During Pack Meeting or the Court of Honor, have a leader mark of each scout who receives their awards. At the bottom of the page is the Mark as Awarded Button. For those not at the PM, I present their awards to them the next den meeting and then mark it as awarded.
Phew! It was a lot of information, but breaks down like this:
Parents mark things completed when they do stuff as a family Den/Patrol leaders (adults) and Scout/Cubmasters mark things as Approved/Recorded as they complete them, and by using the Needs Approval Report When a scout completes an award and it is recorded, it goes into the Needs Purchasing Report. The Advancement Chair/Committee Chair use the Needs Purchasing Report to generate the Purchase Order for the awards, as well as to update ScoutNET, the national BSA database. The Advancement Chair/assignee with permissions records when scouts receive their awards using the Needs Awarding Report.
Unit Managent Roles and Responsibilities Leaders: PTC (Permissions, Training, Connections) Scouts: We are ready to deliver the profile Scouts: Membership and Transitions
Roles and Responsibilities
Scout Adult Leader Parent/Guardian Other Family Member Record activities done as family Record activities done as a unit Ensure recording is accurate, verify and purchase awards. Present awards to youth.
What are Permissions and Connections?
What you are allowed to do to an account that you are connected to. View/Edit profile View/Edit Advancement Full Control Unit/Den/Patrol Admin Who you are allowed to perform actions on. Scouts Adults Leaders
Connect Four! Places to Manage Existing Connections and Permissions
From Unit Page Unit Roster >> Connections Manager Table to manage permissions for all unit leaders and scouts From Den/Patrol Page Connections Manager Table to manage permissions for den/patrol leaders and scouts. From Scout Page <Insert Scout's Name Here>'s Connections Manage individual connections to this scout. From Leader Page Administration >> My Account >> My Connections Manage individual connections to this leader. Unit and Den/Patrol Pages look similar, and are there to support individual or group changes. We will see this page on the next slide. Scout and Leader connection management is on an individual level. As a leader with full control you can add, remove, or adjust permissions.
Unit and Den/Patrol Page
Note the Key at the top. Each cell represents the connection between the intersecting Scout and Leader Can select an individual cell, or an entire row or column to modify the permissions for the selection. This can be useful when scout or leader roles change – or- when a scout or leader leaves the unit, you can clear their permissions quickly This list also includes the parents of boys in the Unit/Patrol, if they are connected to their scouts.
To add a Leader Connection
Unit Roster, click on button for Add Leader If they already have an account, Search for Existing Adults If they don't, you can create the account for them!
To add a Leader Connection – Part 2
Selecting their Unit Position(s) will give them rights to certain tools, leaders and scouts within their scope of responsibility. For example, Committee Chair has responsibilities that span the leaders and all the scouts, while a den leader would only have responsibilities relating to their den. Admin Roles give additional rights to things management within scoutbook. Den\Patrol Admins will have permissions to add and remove scouts and leaders to and from their den\patrol, and add events to the den/patrol calendar. Unit Admins have access to do this at both the unit and the patrol\den level Last, we set their default permissions. If setting as a unit or den\patrol admin, the leader must have full control. If not then permissions could be customized. Same for All Scouts applies permissions to all scouts in the unit. Custom will allow you to set for specific scouts.
Permit me! Unit/Den/Patrol leader Den/Patrol Admin tools
Send message Quick entry Add advancement and other logs for scouts. Some Reporting on scout/unit. Den/Patrol Admin tools Edit den Additional Den/Patrol reports Print roster Connection manager Add scouts and leaders Approve and disapprove scouts. (See disapproved scouts. Unit Admin tools reflect similar tools to the Den/Patrol admins, at a higher level.
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Things of Note When you remove a person's positions, it does not immediately remove all their connections. they still have connections to the unit that they were a part of, and can see the dens/patrols, as well as scout first names. they do not have permissions to view, or edit anything. over time (my time period was overnight) even that connection is removed. Permissions are not removed if roles are changed within a unit(cubmaster to training coordinator), they will need to be modified with the connections manager. You can add yourself to a position within a unit. you agree to join the unit roster. However, someone from the unit admins needs to Approve you before you can have any permissions or connections to the scouts. a unit admin will also need to apply the permissions after approving the position.
Adding/Connecting with a Scout
Add a scout yourself by using a family, den, patrol, pack or troop plan. A scout, or other adult with permissions sends you a connection request. Connection request sent by with link to accept the request. Scout >> Connections >> Add Scouts managing their own account...
Managing Memberships Adults
Can be invited to be a leader/connection with a large number of scouts and units and roles. ( I haven't hit the limit on my account) Scouts, Units and Dens/Patrols that the adult is invited to connect with show up on the administration section of the dashboard. Can manage their own memberships by removing connections to scouts, or by modifying their position information. (if adding new positions, they must be approved by a unit admin before they take effect) When connected to a scout, a loose connection (view the unit and dens only) happens with the scout's unit. Scouts Cub scouts can be a member of one Unit and one Den at a time. Boy scouts can have multiple memberships at the same time. Membership is managed by adult leaders who have full control permissions. Adult leaders can add a scout to a den/patrol Manually with scoutbook Wait until registration process and sync the scout in. Scouts can be given access to their own account when the following conditions are met. They are part of a paid subscription They have their own account Someone is in the parent/guardian role for the scout That someone edits the scout's profile to invite them. ONLY THE PARENT CAN DO THIS!
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Training Committee Chair, Unit Admins, Training Coordinator can see unit trainings Each individual can see their own training progress Training can be synced to scoutbook from Each leader needs their BSA member ID added to their profile. Those with access go to the unit page >> reports >> Trained Leader Report Lists Each person, and the required training for their positions. Green, Blue and Gold check marks reflect the status of each training component. Click on a user's name to go to their training page and update the sync. Pulls from my.scouting database. Completions recorded by the CC manually in my.scouting will come through as well.
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Reports Built In Custom
Built in Reports Individual Advancement Record OA Eligability
Exactly what it sounds like. OA Eligability Lists boys in the unit, and those who have met the camping requirements for OA elections. Trained Leaders Leader training status (discussed earlier) Needs Approving Lists requirements that have been marked completed, but need to be approved by a leader Mark as approved from this page. Needs Purchasing Lists completed awards that are ready for purchase. Generate a Purchase Order for a trip to the scout shop! Needs Awarding Verify that awards have been handed out to the scouts that need them.
Report Builder Cubs or Boys All or Custom selection
Select Ranks and Requirements, Merit Badges, and some awards from affiliated religious groups as data to display. For Merit Badges, you can select specific merit badges to show information for. Settings modifies how you see that data: % complete instead of the colored check boxes, Dates of completions, descriptions, Age, DOB, Member ID, etc. Choose to save your report to use later (or not), then Generate the report. Reports with lots of scouts/lots of data or both will take a REALLY long time to generate, if they do at all
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Events and Messaging Events Messaging Calendar items
When selecting the calendars, a default selection of meeting type, linked to the default attendees for that meeting are selected. JTE options Planned Advancement can be included with the invite. Your invitees default based on the meeting type, but you can add/remove as necessary. RSVP option Permission Slips Reminders If on your admin page, you select your unit, and each leader/parent/scout individually. If done from Unit or Den/Patrol page, it defaults to select the leaders, parents, scouts of that group. Subject and Body vs. Text Activating text from user profile. Sends a verification text to your mobile number Every account has an , unless you control, does every parent/leader have a mobile number set and activated? BCC doesn't work on either text or . Text are one way Area Code 410
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