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Creighton Students Union

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1 Creighton Students Union
Funding Policies & Procedures

2 Joseph Peterson Vice President For Finance Skutt Student Center RM 120
E| P|(402)

3 Brief Introduction CSU is funded every semester by a portion of the Student Activity Fee We use some of this money for overhead But a large percentage of it goes towards funding student organizations around campus

4 Want To Apply For Funding?

5 Organization Requirements
Must: Be a registered undergraduate Student Organization through the Student Leadership & Involvement Center (SLIC). For questions regarding how to become a registered organization, please contact Katie Kelsey Have an account with the Creighton Federal Credit Union or Fund/Org Account with the University. Be in good standing with the Creighton Students Union as well as the Student Leadership & Involvement Center Be open to all students in enrollment as well as in performance of your group’s activity May NOT receive funding if you are a Social Greek organization

6 The Funding Process Application Appropriations Approval Actual Event
Activity Report

7 Stage 1: Application Must be submitted at least 15 university Business days (3 weeks) prior to your event.




11 Two types of budget Requests
Activity Budget Organizations must submit a funding request for each activity for which they desire funding On an “occurrence” basis No funding goes towards the daily operational expenses of the club Semester/Yearly Budgets Organizations outline all expenses for a semester/year This style of budget is more typical among clubs that have long-term fixed costs which can be predicted from year to year Used primarily for Sports Clubs and students governments

12 Three types of Funding Requests
Reimbursement Funding Needs a simple majority vote in Appropriations The organization pays all of their costs and CSU funds are used to pay them back up to the approved amount after activity report submission Within 15 business days after the activity report is received, funds will be transferred into the subsequent student organization CFCU account. Upfront Funding CSU transfers requested funds to the organization and after the event takes place the difference is given back to CSU Funds take 15 business days to arrive in the student organization CFCU account.

13 Interdisciplinary Funding
Appropriations does NOT hear these requests Requests in which at least three student governments of Creighton’s campus intend to plan an event or conference Separate application from funding requests and is heard by the cabinet meetings If you intend to apply for interdisciplinary funding please contact the Vice President of Finance

14 Stage 2: Appropriations Meeting

15 Appropriations Meetings
Meetings are typically Friday evenings. Schedule will be publicized once I hear back from my committee regarding their availability. Meeting times will be posted on our website under “Appropriations Committee.” Meetings typically last anywhere from 25min – 45min depending upon the request. 1 to 3 student representatives from your club are allowed to attend. Moderators are not allowed. Please come prepared to discuss your request and budget as well as answer any questions the Appropriations Committee might have.

16 Stage 3: Approval

17 Approval of Student Request
Once passed through the Appropriations Committee meeting, your request is then transferred to: Board of Representatives – For presentation, questioning, & approval CSU President – To be signed after approved by the representatives Upon verification, the request is then prepared by the Vice President for Finance to be sent and processed by the Business Services Center. Allow 15 university business days to process this request as timing is often unpredictable.

18 Stage 4: Actual event

19 Actual Event Guidelines
Advertisements for student organization events may begin before your event should you contact the Vice President for Finance for special permission. Without permission, you may ONLY advertise for your event once you have received verification by the Appropriations Committee that your request has been approved. Be sure to include the CSU “Funded By” Logo:

20 Stage 5: Activity Report

21 Itemized Activity Reports
Activity Report forms may be found on CU-Involved under “Forms.” Submission of Activity report is due at maximum 15 business days (3 weeks) after event Make sure you keep receipts and keep track of all funding sources You will need to maintain appropriate records to avoid deductions for missing receipts. The funding process is not over until the activity report is submitted, you can still be penalized even after your event

22 How to USE CSU Funds?

23 CSU Funds Cannot be Used As Follows:
Be used to Purchase Assets Be used to Purchase Alcohol Be used to Purchase Gift Certificates Be used to cover coaching fees or expenses for non-students Be donated to any organization Be used to make a profit for the group or any member Must abide by the one bed one body policy

24 Failure To Comply with CSU P&P

25 Repercussions for inappropriate Usage of Funding:
Could result in a deduction in funds Could result in a denial of funding for current and subsequent semesters CSU Probation where funding can be limited, restricted or held for a specified amount of time Inability to apply for future funding

26 QUESTIONS? Joseph Peterson Vice President For Finance
Skutt Student Center RM 120 P|(402) E|

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