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Sedimentary Rocks By:Mathew Alcantara

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Presentation on theme: "Sedimentary Rocks By:Mathew Alcantara"— Presentation transcript:

1 Sedimentary Rocks By:Mathew Alcantara

2 What are Sedimentary rocks?
-2nd great rock class -mostly underwater -consist of layers of strata (Strata)

3 Types of Sedimentary rock
Clastic -made of mechanical weathering debris(Clasts) -most common -may contain shells and stones Breccia Conglomerate

4 Types of Sedimentary rocks
Chemical -when dissolved materials are separated from the solution Iron ore Rock salt

5 Types of Sedimentary rocks
Organic -made of remains of living organisms -plants -microscopic shells (Coal) (Limestone)

6 How are they formed? Weathering Deposition Erosion Lithification
-Breaking of rocks into smaller pieces or sediments Deposition -The transportation of sediments Erosion -the combination of weathering and movement of the resulting sediments Lithification -the process of changing of sediments into rock -compaction -cementation

7 How are they formed? How are they classified? Clastic Chemical/Organic
Compaction -The process of turning sediments into rock via pressure Cementation -Minerals act as glue binding sediments together How are they classified? Clastic -the size of the sediments Chemical/Organic -chemical composition

8 Clastic classification

9 Chemical/Organic classification
CaCO3 (Calcium carbonate) SiO2 Silicon dioxide CaH4O6S NaCl

10 The role of sedimentary rocks in the carbon cycle

11 Thank you for watching

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