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The New Jersey Driver License System

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1 The New Jersey Driver License System
Chapter One The New Jersey Driver License System

2 Legal residence changes must be made within 1 week.
The NJ License System Legal name changes MUST be reported to the MVC within 2 weeks. Legal residence changes must be made within 1 week. To get a basic driver’s license you must be 18 years of age.

3 The NJ License System When going for a road test, a driver who has been licensed for 3 years must accompany the driver. This person must also be over years old. If you possess a license from out of state, you have 60 days to apply for a New Jersey license, or until the out-of-state license expires. PG: 6-7

4 The NJ License System Drivers under age 21, who possess an examination permit or probationary license, shall not operate a motor vehicle without displaying two visible, reflective GDL decals which are provided by the Motor Vehicle Commission on the license plates of the vehicle

5 Digital Driver License
In 2004 NJ stopped using laminated paper licenses In 2011 NJ began using a next generation of security-enhanced DDL, along with new facial recognition features DDL Has more than 20 hidden and obvious security features PG: 8

6 Digital Driver License
Motorists under 21 are issued a distinctive vertical-format DDL Motorists 21 years of age and older are issued a horizontal format DDL Driver Licenses are valid for 4 years PG: 8

7 Digital Driver License
An Altered DDL can result in 6 month suspension, loss of driving privileges & $1000 fine Getting a license illegally can result in loss of driving license, a fine of $200-$500, and imprisonment of 30 to 90 days PG: 8

8 The future of driving…

9 LICENSE RESTRICTIONS Restrictions on licenses appear on license in a coded form Restrictions include: 1 - Corrective Lenses 2 - Prosthetic Device 3 - Mechanical Device 4 - Hearing Impaired 5 - Attached Restrictions

10 REQUIRED DOCUMENTS Motorist MUST always carry a valid driver or probationary license, a current vehicle registration and proof of valid liability auto insurance while operating a vehicle on New Jersey roadways. If you move from out-of-state into New Jersey you have up to 60 days to apply for a new license. Commercial drivers have 30 days.

11 Can you come of with 7 different types of driver licenses?
TYPES OF LICENSES Can you come of with 7 different types of driver licenses?

Class D: Basic Driver License. For all types of motor vehicles except motorcycles. Must be minimum of 18 years old Class A, B, C: Commercial Driver License. Driving lager trucks, buses, and vehicles that move hazardous materials. Must hold a Basic Driver License and be 18 years of age Class E: Motorcycle License. PG 9-10

Class M if Driver holds a Basic License. Must be minimum of 17 years old Class F: Moped license. For unlicensed drivers at least 15 years old and older. Not needed if driver already has class A, B, C, D, or E license. Class G: Agricultural license. Farming purposes only. May obtain for individuals between ages 16 and 17 Boating License which doesn't have a class. Only needed in non- tidal water. Must be minimum of 16 years old PG 9-10

14 Commercial Driver License (CDL)
For large trucks buses and vehicles. There Are Three Classes of a Commercial License: A, B, C Applicants must be 18 years of age and hold a Basic Driver License Different Classes are determined by vehicle PG 10 PG: 6

15 Holder must have basic drivers license
COMMERCIAL LICENSE MOTORCYCLE LICENSE Class E Holder must have basic drivers license Class M if holder already holds a Basic Driver License Class A,B,C Large trucks, buses, HAZMAT AGRICULTURAL LICENSE BOAT LICENSE Class G Holder must years old No Class Motorboats in non tidal waters 16 years old

16 Lost or Stolen Licenses
What do you do if your license is lost or stolen? If your license is lost or stolen you report it to the Police. To obtain a new license go to an MVC agency. Your new license will be labeled as a duplicate.

17 Go to Graphic Organizer Notes

18 The 6 Point I.D Verification Program
In order to obtain your driving permit you must have identification that total up to 6 points. They must verify your age, name, address, and social security number (SSN). PG: 11

19 The 6 Point I.D Verification Program
Such as your birth certificate, social security, passport, or your citizenship. At Least One Primary Document At Least One Secondary Document Social Security Number Proof of Address Total points must add to 6 PG: 11

20 Examples of Primary Documents
Valid Birth Certificate (4 points) US Passport (4 points) Current NJ Digital Driver License (4 points) Current NJ Digital non-driver ID card (4 points) Current NJ Digital Boat License (4 points) US Adoption Papers (4 points) PG 13

21 Examples of Secondary Documents
Civil marriage, domestic partner, or civil union certificate (3 points) Ordered or decree of divorce, dissolution or termination (3 points) Court order for legal name change (3 points) US School photo ID card with transcript or school records (2 points) US College photo ID card with transcript (2 points) Bank statement or record (1 point) Social Security Card (1 point) PG 14

22 Examples of Proof of Address
Utility or credit card bill issued in past 90 days showing your name at current address Checking or savings account statement from a bank or credit union issued in the past 60 days High school or college report card containing your address within the past 2 years If you are under 18 a parent or guardian certification that verifies you are living with a parent or guardian PG 15

23 Graduated Driver License Program
GDL Roll Call Video * GDL Introduced in 2001 * Purpose of System is to introduce driving privileges gradually for first-time drivers, extends practice time * Requires a MINIMUM age of 18 years old to receive an unrestricted Basic Driver License * Failure to comply with GDL Restrictions will result in a fine of $100 and possible suspension of driving privileges PG 16

24 NJ GDL process made simple:

25 Graduated Driver License (GDL)
Presents driving privileges for first-time drivers and applicants that are under 21 years and 21 and older. Passed MVC's knowledge and vision tests EARLY BIRD PATH (YOUR PATH) Step 1 – Get a Special Learner’s Permit Step 2 – Practice With An Adult Supervising Driver Step 3 – Get a Probationary License Step 4 – Have a Probationary License for one year Step 5 – Get The Basic Driver License PG:

26 Graduated Driver License Program
3 Different Paths of GDL * The Early Bird Road 6 Hours Behind-The-Wheel Instruction Special Learner Permit 6 months Supervised Driving (passenger and time restrictions apply) 16 years old * The Young Adult Road Examination Permit 6 months Supervised Driving (passenger and time restrictions apply) Minimum age 17 Years old The Adult Road Examination Permit 3 months Supervised Driving Passenger and time restrictions DON’T apply to individuals 21 Years and Older PG 17

27 Special Learner’s Permit Driving Restrictions
No driving between 11:01 PM – 5:00 AM Drivers may not use hand held or hands free electronic devices. EVERYONE is required to wear a seatbelt Must be accompanied by an Adult Supervising Driver, in the front seat, who has a valid NJ driver license, be at least 21 years old and licensed for 3 years. Passengers are limited to any parent, guardian, or dependent of the special permit holder and one additional passenger Must display decals on license plates PG: 20

28 Examination Permit Restrictions
Available to any NJ resident who is at least 17 years old and is not in suspension status. No driving between 11:01 PM – 5:00 AM. If permit holder is 21 years of age or older, passenger and hour restrictions do not apply. All examination permit holders must be with a supervising driver, in the front seat, who has a valid NJ driver license with three years of driving experience, and is at least 21 years old. Drivers must not use any hand held devices. Seat belts are a must FOR ALL PASSENGERS Passengers are limited to dependents of the permit holder and one additional passenger unless accompanied by a parent/guardian Must display decals on license plates PG: 20

29 Probationary Driver License Restrictions
Available to any NJ resident who is at least 17 years old and is not in suspension status. No driving between 11:01 PM – 5:00 AM. If permit holder is 21 years of age or older, passenger and hour restrictions do not apply. Remember This is your UNSUPERVISED driving period All Probationary License holders must not use any hand held devices. Seat belts are a must. Passengers are limited one person unless accompanied by a parent/guardian Must display decals on license plates PG: 20

30 Kyleigh’s Law a78-4fa0-8d46-ac9f0172ea27

31 Changes in Graduated Driver License
GDL changes effective May 1, 2010 GDL Drivers under age 21 who possess a permit or probationary license are required to use decals All permit or probationary (formerly provisional) drivers under age 21 must display a reflectorized decal on the top left corner of each license plate (front/back) of any motor vehicle they operate PG 21

32 GDL Exemptions GDL drivers under 21, all hours-related exemptions for employment or religious reasons must come with a legible certification to confirm this need on the letterhead of employer organization or religious institution, with signature of certifying official above title, address and telephone number. PG: 21

33 Special Learners Permit for NJ Residents
Must be at least 16 years old Must have signed parent or guardian consent Must be enrolled in approved behind-the-wheel driving training course through the NJ Department of Education or Commercial Driving School Must pass MVC's knowledge & vision tests Must pay required fee INSTRUCTOR must purchase the permit PG: 21

34 Examination Permits for
NJ Residents After an applicant fills out the form with his/her personal information and provides 6 Points of ID Verification and proof that the U.S. government authorizes his/her presence in this country, he/she can purchase a permit to take to the nearest Driver Testing Center. Basic automobile license applicants must supply a Social Security number or an exemption from the Social Security Administration PG: 22

35 Non-Driver ID & Hearing Impaired Designation
Individuals 17 years old or older, who does not possess a valid drivers license may apply for a non-driver identification card. Must Show Proof of Age Must Provide 6 Points of ID Verification Must be surrendered when Individual receives a License Special license for hearing impaired is provided by MVC PG: 24

36 Non-Driver ID Next-of-Kin Registry (Sara’s Law
The Next-of-Kin Registry is a New Jersey statewide web based system that allows individuals at least 14 years of age to voluntarily submit and maintain emergency contact information through the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission. This non-public information will only be used by law enforcement officers to locate designated emergency contacts in an event that a person is involved in a motor vehicle crash that renders him or her unable to communicate., Any individual who legally possesses a New Jersey-issued driver’s license, probationary license, learner’s permit, non-driver identification card or any other MVC-issued permit or license authorizing an individual to operate a motor vehicle or vessel (i.e., boat) may utilize the registry. Additionally, individuals as young as 14 years old may utilize the Next-of-Kin Registry to submit emergency contacts if they apply for a non-driver identification card. PG 24

37 Commercial Driver Exemptions
Taxi drivers, ride-sharing van drivers, funeral procession drivers, operators of rescue, first-aid squad or firefighters apparatus, farmers hauling their own products & equipment within 150 miles of their farms, non-civilian operators of military equipment & operators of construction equipment not designed for operation on public roads are exempt and need not apply for a commercial driver license. PG: 25

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