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EEA/EIONET – Support to the Fitness Check Actions and Action Plan

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Presentation on theme: "EEA/EIONET – Support to the Fitness Check Actions and Action Plan"— Presentation transcript:

1 EEA/EIONET – Support to the Fitness Check Actions and Action Plan
Workshop on Streamlining Environmental Reporting Tallinn, 7-8 November 2017 EEA/EIONET – Support to the Fitness Check Actions and Action Plan Chris Steenmans – Head of Programme EEA EEA/EIONET – Support to the Fitness Check Actions and Action Plan Chris Steenmans – Head of Programme EEA

2 Streamlining environmental reporting...
21st century

3 181 reporting obligations from 58 pieces of legislation
Reportnet daily deliveries Frequency of reporting Primary type of information Source: Reportnet Source: SWD(2017)230 final

4 Increasing number of data flows managed by EEA
3500+ Data deliveries uploaded yearly by 700+ individual data reporters 89 regular data flows handled via EEA 18 Eionet core data flows 60+ non-core data flows 40-50 data flows per year (due to different reporting cycles) Datasets Source: Reportnet 2016 *Source: Reportnet 9/2017

5 Eionet regular performance monitoring of reporting
Annual cycle of monitoring national reporting Daily monitoring of national reporting Source: Reportnet, 2017

6 Emerging opportunities and challenges
Growth of Open Data activities eGovernment and economy as a driver i.e. Single Digital Market Web and geo-location services New ways of monitoring emerging issues e.g. EO, citizen science and crowdsourcing Big data QA/QC based on machine learning and AI Data protection and information security => Review of environmental reporting and monitoring

7 Reportnet Action 3 - Modernising e-reporting

8 Action 3 - User requirements upgrade Reportnet
Support active dissemination at European and national level Ease QA/QC by using custom made rules and checks Handle all data types (numeric, geospatial and textual) Reduce cost per individual data flow Facilitate communication between EC and Member States Promote cooperation among Member States Serve reporting and monitoring of EU environment policy and beyond

9 Action 3 – Reportnet 2.0 project
Specific objectives: Ability to handle increased volume and complexity of data flows Higher security Higher maintainability Improved operational management of Reportnet e-reporting from national air quality monitoring stations Hourly + yearly + aggregations + metadata ~ measures per day per pollutant Yearly: stations, hourly values, ~70 million measures per pollutant Based on integrated monitoring from space and in situ Source:

10 Action 3 - Scoping Reportnet 3.0
Provides a modernised generic e-Reporting infrastructure for next decade Supports the key functions of the whole data flow management lifecycle Built upon interoperable generic modules and standards Incorporates Reportnet 2.0 investments Reduced cost per individual data flow Supports active dissemination based on data harvesting Handles all data types (numeric, geospatial and textual) Promotes cooperation among EEA member countries

11 Action 3 – Implementation Reportnet 2.0/3.0
2017 2020 Reportnet core Scalability Complexity Security Maintainability Reportnet 2.0 Inspire integration Data harvesting tools Copernicus services Citizen science 2017 2019 Reportnet 3.0 ROD, CDR, DD, CR, …

12 Online information services
Action Improving information systems EC study : Promotion of best practices for national environmental information systems and tools for data harvesting Online information services Current data reporting Countries Organisations A C B D E Source:SEIS 2006

13 Action 6 - Promote full implementation of INSPIRE

14 Action 6 - Number of requests on EEA map servers
Source: EEA Discover Map Services

15 Action 7 - Use of Copernicus data and services

16 Action 8 - Promote citizens science data
Source: EEA Marine Liiter 2017

17 Action 8 - Data quality challenges
Suitability needs to be assessed against accuracy, sustainability and methological soundness Representativity of the data Continuity of data Minimizing reputational risks Source: IMF, 2017

18 Action 9 - Cooperate with other domains
Improving sharing and use of data gathered in other areas for the benefit of the environment cfr. EC new European Interoperability Framework Source: New European Interoperability Framework 2017

19 Action 10 - Wider international streamlining
YEAR EEA/Eionet related activities EU related activities Pan-European Global 2006 Aarhus Regulation adopted  GEOSS 2007 Belgrade pan-European assessment INSPIRE Directive Rec. on env. indicators adopted 2008 SEIS Communication 2009 EEA MAWP ENP/SEIS project 2010 SEIS state-of-play report SENSE I project; SOER2010 Europe2020 Strategy 2011 AoA report; FLIS established Astana Declaration 2012 SENSE II 7th EAP Rio+20 outcome 2013 EEA data policy adopted SENSE III Copernicus Regulation SEIS implementation outlook Launch UNEP Live 2014 EEA MAWP /20 In-SEIS project Friends of SEIS group 2015 SEIS side event Aarhus; SOER2015 2016 SEIS side event Batumi ENI/SEIS project II EU-ENP min declaration Batumi Declaration Report SEIS/regular reporting Geo6 pan-European report 2017 M&R REFIT 2018 SEIS impl. progress report 2019 SOER2020 2020

20 Summary – EEA/Eionet support to the action plan
Potential EEA/Eionet involvement 1 Amend legislation - 2 Change reporting obligations Support through DG ENV rolling work programme 3 Modernise e-Reporting Reportnet 2.0 / 3.0 project 4 Develop and test tools for harvesting Share of National and European experiences 5 Guidance for information systems Support steering DG ENV project 6 Promote full implementation INSPIRE Through INSPIRE Monitoring and Implementation Group 7 Use of Copernicus data and services Increasing use in EEA/Eionet products and services 8 Promote citizen science data Support on guidelines and pilot 9 Cooperate with other domains Link to EKC data centres and information systems 10 Wider international streamlining Trilateral UNECE, UNEP, EEA

21 Thank you! Sign up to receive EEA news, reports
and alerts on your areas of interest at Source word cloud: EEA data management framework, 2017

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