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Climate finance and the role of civil society

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1 Climate finance and the role of civil society
Vadim Ni Chairperson of Ecoforum of NGOs of Kazakhstan 23 October 2017

2 Green Climate Fund finance in Kazakhstan from the NGO perspective
Policy framework Legal framework Transparency of action and support Development of national, sectoral and local adaptation plans Development of national low-carbon development policy document Criteria and determination of projects (mitigation and adaptation) Green finance instruments Monitoring, reporting and verification Public awareness on funding, funded projects and their outcomes Institutional framework for MRV and public awareness raising

3 Possible niches for CSOs in relation to climate finance in Central Asia
Transparency of support and climate action Participation in consultations on decision-making of financing and evaluation of outcomes Public awareness Dissemination of information on climate financing, eligible project and activities Implementation of community-based projects and activities Projects on sustainable energy and transport in cities, adaptation and mitigation projects in communities

4 The environmental information platform for Central Asia was established by the EU funded “Media for Improved Reporting on Environment and Natural Resources in Central Asia” The project was implemented by the Internews Europe Ecoforum of NGOs of Kazakhstan is the operator of Living Asia from October 2017 Advanced, user-friendly and popular online platform of environmental information in Central Asia

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