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Recording observational drawings of shells –A03

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1 Recording observational drawings of shells –A03
Page Presentation, success criteria: Your drawings should include a range of at least x5 tones You should include a range on mark making techniques to show texture. You should experiment with drawing on collage. REMEMBER do not make up what you are drawing! You should have your eyes 50/50 on your page and on your object! You must include the x5 techniques asked of you (Pencil , Pen/Biro/Ink, Water colour, Colour pencil, a mixture of the above (eg: pencil and pen, water colour and ink)

2 Learning Objective- Develop skills in colour mixing and paint techniques Understand how to mix a specific hue

3 - The purest and brightest colour
These include: Three primary colours RED, BLUE, YELLOW Three secondary colours (Mixed from primary colours) VIOLET, GREEN, ORANGE Six tertiary colours (Mixed from primary and secondary colours) Yellow-Green Yellow-Orange Blue-Green Red-Orange Blue-Violet Red-Violet

4 When white is added to a colour to lighten the hue
When black is added to a colour to darken the hue When both black and white is added to ‘grey’ or ‘dull’ the hue

5 Three stages in the completion of a painting of this still life by the artist Linda Mann. The artist has applied warm and cool colours. The artist has ‘under painted’ where tones and basic colours are applied to areas of the composition. More colours are mixed and painted to give the painting more tone and depth.

6 What colour has been used to paint the shell?
Learning Objective- Demonstrate your understanding of how to use primary colours to mix secondary colours and create dark and light hues to show form and texture when painting A03 What colour has been used to paint the shell? What colour has been used to create the shadow? Where are these colours positioned on the colour wheel? Top tip!!!! You can change the tone of a colour by adding its complementary colour or by adding black or white to it. Adding white to a colour creates a tint, and adding black creates a tone. Success Criteria- Develop a range of textural paint techniques Experiment with blending colours Experiment by layering and combining different techniques

7 Learning Objective- Demonstrate your understanding of how to use a range of materials by setting up and drawing your own shell still life in 3 different medias. (A02, A03)

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