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Correct the errors in the following paragraph.

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Presentation on theme: "Correct the errors in the following paragraph."— Presentation transcript:

1 Correct the errors in the following paragraph.
13 Mistakes © Presto Plans Pick up a bellringer off the back table. Correct the errors in the following paragraph. Its true what they say love actually does have the power too heel. Studys shows that when you have positive loving relationships in you’re life it increases your level of Oxytocin. This hormone increases your pain tolerence reduces blood pressure and eases stress. It’s ; to heal Studies show , o your , tolerance , , © Presto Plans

2 Come to class with a pencil for testing on Tuesday and Wednesday.
District Reading Assessment District Writing Assessment No School for Students

3 Objective SWBAT utilize iStation to monitor reading comprehension. SWBAT successfully complete the prewriting and drafting steps of the writing process.

4 iStation Follow the instructions below: Logon to the Chromebook
Double click the iStation icon. A box should appear. In the box labeled “Domain”, type in Coleman. Find Coleman in Cedar Hill, TX, and hit “OK” Username – Student ID# Password – Date of Birth (MDDYYYY) – Do not put a 0 if your Birthday falls between January and September. Click on “Assignments”, and begin on the first assignment. Ear Buds or Headphones are needed!!


6 We are here!

7 Why is Revising important?
Provides feedback from your peers. Corrects mistakes that you may have missed in your writing. Allows you to see other peers’ writing, while improving your own. Give practice with revising and editing skills

8 Revising Practice Revising Steps: Give compliments Give suggestions
Using editing marks, make corrections. Ever since my grandmother came town. We love to go to seattle and rode the monotrail. I love to eat SugarBombs. You can feel the sweetness! My brother loved to play on the saw see. …And then he went home. The next time I saw him… Let’s practice!

9 Rough Draft Peer Editing
Editing Steps: Give compliments What did the student do well? Give suggestions What needs to be improved? Using editing marks, make corrections. Make corrections (spelling, punctuation, etc.) corrections to the paper. Instructions: Switch papers with a neighbor. Write your first and last name at the bottom of the essay in colored pen. Follow the editing process! Highlight the thesis statement. Cross out the following pronouns (he, she, I, we, me, my, they, our, us, etc.) Circle all transition words. Great vocabulary words = Follow these steps!

10 Final Draft – HW Due Thursday (10/19/17)
Based on the corrections given by your peer, write your FINAL draft on your new lined paper. Remember to: Stick to the prompt! Include a thesis statement. (Your belief/opinion about the importance of friendship.) Write neatly. Don’t skip ANY lines. Indent Every Paragraph Eliminate pronouns (I, me, my, we, us, she/he, our, etc.) Include a transition word in each paragraph

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