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Monday, September 12, 2016 Learning Objective: Differentiate the rights of free expression protected by the First Amendment and determine the boundaries.

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Presentation on theme: "Monday, September 12, 2016 Learning Objective: Differentiate the rights of free expression protected by the First Amendment and determine the boundaries."— Presentation transcript:

1 Monday, September 12, 2016 Learning Objective: Differentiate the rights of free expression protected by the First Amendment and determine the boundaries of those rights.

2 Assignments/Activities
Due in Class: nothing Due Online: nothing Activity: Reading Quiz You Can’t’ Say That! by Bernstein [5 points]; Discussion: What does the first Amendment Protect?; Homework: Read Pages in Wilson before Tuesday, September 13; Ch 5 Study Guide {due Tuesday, September 20-5 extra points}; Find one quote or fact about the Constitution for Constitution Day; Respond to at least 2 classmate posts on Edmodo by Saturday, September 17

3 Tuesday, September 13, 2016 Learning Objective: Describe the right to assemble and associate protected by the First Amendment and their limitations.

4 Assignments/Activities
Due in Class: Fact or quote about the Constitution printed on paper , bag of lollipops Due Online: nothing Activity: Reading Quiz on Pages [5 points]; Important cases assignment introduced {due Monday, October 3-40 points}; Work time on project *Chromebooks Homework: Read Pages in Wilson before Thursday, September 15

5 Thursday, September 15, 2016 Learning Objective: Distinguish the two types of religious rights protected by the First Amendment and determine the boundaries of those rights.

6 Assignments/Activities
Due in Class: nothing Due Online: nothing Activity: Reading Quiz on Pages [5 points]; Work on Open letter to the presidential candidates on what needs to change in government *Chromebooks [15 points; due on Monday, September 19] Homework: Read Pages in Wilson before Friday, September 16

7 Friday, September 16, 2016 Learning Objective: Trace the process by which the Bill of Rights has been applied to the states.

8 Assignments/Activities
Due in Class: Open letter to the presidential candidates [15 points] Due Online: Respond to at least 2 classmate posts on Edmodo by Saturday, September 17 [5 points] Activity: Constitution Day Stuff (20 min); Reading Quiz on Pages [5 points]; Incorporation Assignment [5 points] Homework: Read Pages in Wilson before Monday, September 19

9 Monday, September 19, 2016 Learning Objective: Describe the right to bear arms protected by the Second Amendment and its limitations.

10 Assignments/Activities
Due in Class: Incorporation Assignment [5 points] Due Online: nothing Activity: Reading Quiz on pages [5 points]; Watch “Supreme Court for Dummies” (38 minutes) Homework: Read Security Versus Civil Liberties by Posner and Arguing the “Pentagon Papers” Case by Griswold before Tuesday, September 20; Post Current Event #4 on Edmodo by Saturday, September 24

11 Tuesday, September 20, 2016 Learning Objective: Assess how civil liberties affect democratic government and how they both limit and expand the scope of government.

12 Assignments/Activities
Due in Class: Ch 5 Study Guide {5 extra points} Due Online: nothing Activity: Reading Quiz on Security Versus Civil Liberties by Posner and Arguing the “Pentagon Papers” Case by Griswold [5 points]; Free Response practice (25 minutes); Lecture: No Human Actions are Unconstitutional and Defendants’ Rights Homework: Read Pages in Wilson before Thursday, September 22

13 Thursday, September 22, 2016 Learning Objective: Characterize defendant’s rights and identify issues that arise in their implementations..

14 Assignments/Activities
Due in Class: nothing Due Online: nothing Activity: Reading Quiz on Pages [5 points]; Due Process Lesson Homework: Read Pages in Wilson before Friday, September 23; Ch 6 Study Guide {due Thursday, September 29-5 extra points}

15 Friday, September 23, 2016 Learning Objective: Trace the evolution of protections of the rights of African Americans and explain the application of nondiscrimination principles of issues of race.

16 Assignments/Activities
Due in Class: nothing Due Online: Post Current Event #4 by Saturday, September 24 [5 points] Activity: Reading Quiz on Pages [5 points]; Lecture: Brown, Heart of Atlanta motel, Bakke, Gratz Homework: Read Pages in Wilson before Monday, September 26

17 Monday, September 26, 2016 Learning Objective: Trace the evolution of women’s rights and explain how civil rights principles apply to gender issues.

18 Assignments/Activities
Due in Class: nothing Due Online: nothing Activity: Reading Quiz on pages [5 points]; Lecture: Women’s rights, Title 9 Homework: Read Speaking in a Judicial Voice by Ginsburg and Sex, Death, and the Courts by Dworkin before Tuesday, September 27; Respond to at least 2 classmate posts on Edmodo by Saturday, October 1

19 Tuesday, September 27, 2016 Learning Objective: Outline the evolution of the right to privacy and its application to the issue of abortion.

20 Assignments/Activities
Due in Class: nothing Due Online: nothing Activity: Reading Quiz on Speaking in a Judicial Voice and Sex, Death, and the Courts [5 points]; Prepare for debate; Free Response practice Homework: Read Pages in Wilson by Thursday, September 29

21 Thursday, September 29, 2016 Learning Objective: Trace the evolution of affirmative action policy and assess the arguments for and against it.

22 Assignments/Activities
Due in Class: nothing Due Online: nothing Activity: Reading Quiz on Pages [5 points]; Debate Homework: Read Ch 3 (pg 25-36) in Wasserman before Monday, October 3

23 Friday, September 30, 2016 Learning Objective: Differentiate the Supreme Court’s three standards of review for classifying people and the equal protection clause.

24 Assignments/Activities
Due in Class: nothing Due Online: Post Current Event #4 by Saturday, September 24 [5 points] Activity: Discussion: the Supreme Court’s three standards of review for classifying people and the equal protection clause. Homework: Read Ch 3 (pg 25-36) in Wasserman before Monday, October 3; Respond to at least 2 classmate posts on Edmodo by Saturday, October 1

25 Monday, October 3, 2016 Learning Objective: Show how civil rights principles have been applied to seniors, people with disabilities and the LGBQT community. (And how to register to Vote).

26 Assignments/Activities
Due in Class: Important cases assignment [40 points]; Due Online: nothing Activity: Reading Quiz on pages [5 points]; Share Project with 2 people; Discussion: LGBQT rights and cases Homework: Study for Exam

27 Tuesday, October 4, 2016 Learning Objective: Summative Assessment of Unit 2: Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.

28 Assignments/Activities
Due in Class: pencil and eraser Due Online: nothing Activity: Score last week’s free response practice (20 min); Exam Homework: nothing

29 Thursday, October 6, 2016 Learning Objective: Summative Assessment of Unit 2: Civil Rights and Civil Liberties.

30 Assignments/Activities
Due in Class: colored pens Due Online: nothing Activity: Exam Return, corrections, free response scoring Homework: Read Why We Vote by Campbell, How the Mass Media Divide Us by Mutz, People of Paradox by Kammen; and Habits of the Heart by Bellah/Others before Monday, October 17

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