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Highlights from the Council on Legislation

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1 Highlights from the 2016 Council on Legislation

2 2016 Summary 523 representatives out of 534 districts
181 items of legislation sent to the Council 47 enactments adopted 14 resolutions adopted 2016 was a big year for the Council. 181 pieces of proposed legislation were transmitted to the Council: 117 enactments (proposals to amend the constitutional documents of RI) and 64 resolutions (proposals which do not seek to amend the constitutional documents). The Council adopted 47 enactments and 14 resolutions. Of the 47 adopted enactments, 18 were adopted with amendments. It referred 3 pieces to the RI Board for further study, while consideration of 5 were postponed indefinitely. The Council rejected 53 proposals and 59 proposals were withdrawn from consideration. Representatives adopted legislation that will significantly impact how clubs operate and who can be members. They increased dues to allow Rotary to deliver services to zones, districts, clubs and Rotarians. They even change how the Council will be run in the future.

3 2016 Summary Council App Over 550 Rotarians used, of which over 360 were representatives Distributed amendments Updated vote totals The Council also moved forward by providing more and more of the materials electronically. For the first time, we had an app for the Council, that representatives used to access all legislation, the rules of procedure, amendments, the program book, and many other resources. Over 550 Rotarians downloaded and registered in the app. Representatives were seen through out the room using their mobile devices instead of a heavy binder.

4 16-21 To allow for flexibility in club meetings and attendance
Gives clubs flexibility in setting their own meeting length, meeting frequency and attendance requirements provided that a club must meet at least twice per month Clubs may choose to keep the requirements in the Club Constitution or modify the requirements to meet the needs of their members Allows for club bylaws to contradict the Club Constitution This enactment allows clubs to adopt club bylaws that may not be in accordance with the Standard Rotary Club Constitution, so as to allow for more flexibility. Clubs are still required to meet at least twice per month, but how and where and when they meet is flexible. A club’s modifications can be more or less stringent than current requirements under the constitutional document. Alternatively, a club could choose to make no modifications and simply adhere to the current constitutional provisions.    Each year, reports indicate that 8-9 percent of member terminations are due to an inability to meet attendance requirements. Clubs are in the best position to understand and determine optimal financial and time commitments for current and prospective members in their communities that will allow them to retain the quality and value of Rotary membership. For example, a club might meet more or less often than weekly depending on the unique needs of the club if such regular meeting frequency meets their members’ needs.

5 16-30 To revise attendance provisions to allow for both in-person and
16-30 To revise attendance provisions to allow for both in-person and online meeting participation To remove the distinction between traditional clubs and e-clubs Enactments remove the distinction between e-clubs and traditional clubs In actual practice, clubs take many forms: entirely online to only in-person. This allows each club flexibility within that spectrum Allows traditional clubs to count remote attendance, potentially attracting younger members and busy professionals In practice, many clubs are already using a variety of connection methods: from strictly in-person meetings to teleconference to webinar and other electronic means. These enactments remove the distinction between clubs that meet exclusively in-person or exclusively online, although clubs that meet primarily on-line may retain the prefix “E-Club of” in their club name to identify themselves as such. These enactments also: allow club members to participate in club meetings remotely, although clubs would still keep their in-person weekly meeting format; and allow e-clubs to hold in-person meetings if their bylaws provide for it. There are currently just under 300 e-clubs with a membership of nearly 6,000 strong.

6 16-36 To allow for flexibility in membership
Gives clubs flexibility in setting certain membership requirements, including The types and structure of a club’s membership; How former, transferring or honorary members are managed and accepted by the club Club choose to keep the requirements in the RI Bylaws and Club Constitution or modify the requirements to meet the needs of their members Allow for club bylaws to contradict the RI Bylaws and Club Constitution Aims at attracting and retaining members This enactment gives clubs the option of adopting rules or requirements that may not be in accordance with the RI Constitution, the RI Bylaws, and the Standard Rotary Club Constitution regarding club composition, so as to allow for more flexibility in attracting and retaining members. New Club Membership Types – Clubs may offer additional membership types such as Associate, Corporate, Family, etc. Clubs offering these additional types would report these individuals to Rotary International as Active for inclusion on the club invoice. Other financial obligations (club dues, meal costs etc.), attendance requirements and service expectations are determined by the club. Rotary only records Active members in its database and only Active , dues-paying members may be considered for office and counted for election voting credentials. (16-36) Additional Background Pertaining to Membership Qualifications Streamlined definition of Rotarians: must be “adults who have demonstrated good character, integrity and leadership; have a good reputation in their business, profession and community; and are willing to serve in their community and around the world.” The additional definitions previously detailed in subpoints 1 – 6 have been removed. Clubs may choose to include some or all of these subpoints in their bylaws. (16-38)

7 16-38 To revise the provisions for membership
Provides flexibility in qualifications for membership and composition of clubs Maintains focus on a balance among members by encouraging clubs to mirror the composition of their community relative to: Business Professions Community organizations This enactment simplifies the qualifications in the RI Constitution and the Standard Rotary Club Constitution for membership in a Rotary club and returns control of defining membership qualifications to individual clubs through their club constitutions and bylaws. Streamlines definition of Rotarians: must be “adults who have demonstrated good character, integrity and leadership; have a good reputation in their business, profession and community; and are willing to serve in their community and around the world.” The additional definitions previously detailed in subpoints 1 – 6 have been removed. Clubs may choose to include some or all of these subpoints in their bylaws.

8 16-40 To allow Rotaractors to be active members
Permits Rotaractors to be members of both a Rotaract club and a Rotary club Simplifies Rotaractors’ entry into Rotary Rotaractors who are members of both a Rotaract club and a Rotary club must pay dues to both clubs accordingly Rotaractors would be eligible for membership in any club This enactment explicitly qualifies Rotaractors for membership in a Rotary club and provides a pathway to membership for Rotaractors who wish to join a Rotary club. Individuals who are members of both a Rotaract club and a Rotary club would maintain a dual identity and pay dues to both clubs as appropriate; however, membership in a Rotary club would take precedence. Many Rotaractors bring up to twelve years of Rotary experience in leadership and service projects and have special skills that are equal to, if not exceeding, those of new Rotarians of any age. All Rotarians who are simultaneously members of a Rotaract club have the same rights and privileges as any other Rotarian. Rotaractors would be eligible for membership in any club, not necessarily the Rotaract club’s sponsor Rotary club However, not all Rotaractors are qualified for membership, and clubs will not be compelled to admit Rotaractors.

9 16-74, 16-76, 16-77 To amend the provisions for selecting the
16-74, 16-76, To amend the provisions for selecting the vice-governor Clarifies the selection of vice-governors and the timing of their year of service The nominating committee selects the candidate from a list proposed by the governor-elect The governor-elect may select a vice-governor if the nominating committee is unable to do so The vice-governor serves in the year after their selection These three enactments regarding the selection of the vice-governor were adopted and merged in Council Operations Committee Report 2. This enactment amends the RI Bylaws to provide that vice-governors shall serve during the year following their selection, modifies the vice-governor selection process so that the nominating committee for governor may only select as vice-governor a past governor proposed by the governor-elect, and adds a new step to the vice-governor selection process which allows the governor-elect to select a past governor as vice-governor if “no nomination is received.”

10 16-84 To revise the Board’s authority to change district boundaries
When a district has more than 100 clubs or fewer than 1,100 Rotarians, the Board is allowed to: Move clubs to other districts Merge districts Divide districts This enactment amends the RI Bylaws to allow the RI Board much greater flexibility in handling clubs from small districts that are bordered by larger districts that, in turn, may refuse to take clubs from the smaller district. 16-86 was also adopted, which makes any district boundary changes not effective for at least 2 years.

11 16-90 To provide for a membership committee of RI
Membership is very important to Rotary A standing committee demonstrates a commitment to long-term membership sustainability and growth Terms are staggered to provide continuity of strategy and message This enactment establishes a standing committee for membership to provide continuity of leadership, guidance, and strategic responsibility over all membership development, retention, and education. This enactment has no substantial financial impact on RI. A membership committee has been frequently appointed since Expenses for this committee in were approximately $60,000.

12 16-99 To increase per capita dues
Membership dues are the primary source of financing RI operations Dues fund club and district services and programs RI dues will increase $4 per year for 3 years starting in 9 out of 10 Rotarians have asked Rotary to provide more services The additional dues revenue will allow us to balance budgets Speaking Points The 2016 Council on Legislation voted to increase Rotary International dues by $4 for each year in , , and Dues are $56 for FY2017 (approved by the 2013 COL) and will increase to $60 for FY2018, $64 in FY2019 and $68 in FY2020. The Council took this action with a progressive look toward the future, to address both financial challenges and the need to improve service to clubs. 9 out of 10 Rotarians have asked Rotary to provide more services, but it was clear to the Council that without the dues increase, service to clubs and districts would have to be decreased. Enactment was Adopted 62% voted yes (votes: 317 yes, 197 no) Additional Notes For Presenter: The additional funding will enable Rotary to begin to: Improve the functionality of our website, including better search capabilities. Improve and simplify reporting for clubs and districts, including easier reporting of membership, officer appointments, and other information. Invest in membership initiatives, including the regional membership officers and tools for clubs and districts (such as retention assessment). Bring Rotaractors into the fold, by allowing them access to online tools, thereby engaging our future Rotarians sooner. … and complete projects to: Improve the performance and usability for Rotary Club Central. Improve access to contribution data for timelier online reporting to clubs and individuals. Provide infrastructure and updated tools needed to ensure compliance with changing regulations in the countries where Rotary operates. The $4 dues increase was needed because: World financial markets have been very volatile and Rotary, like other organizations, has experienced investment losses. A $4 increase will result in sufficient funding to maintain existing services and will provide a small surplus of revenues, over and above basic operating expenses and reserve targets. This additional funding can be invested in Rotary’s future. An updated five-year forecast of Rotary’s finances indicates the following outcomes for a dues increase of less than $4: A $1 increase would result in only a 1.8% increase in revenues -- less than the 2.5% impact of global inflation – and large cuts in services would be needed each year to balance the budget; A $1 increase would result in reserve levels falling below the Board target by 2018, requiring Rotary to spend our convention and investment reserves to fund daily operations; A $2 increase would result in reserve levels falling below the Board target by 2019, and a $3 increase would result in reserve levels only marginally above the target by 2018. Although additional funding is needed, Rotary has taken measures to reduce the amount and rate of growth of expenses, including: Nearly $3 million savings per year by moving our data processing and software development to India. $400,000 savings per year by outsourcing the printing, storage and mailing of publications. $250,000 savings per year through the new club invoicing system. $100,000 savings per year through Rotary’s continued move to digital publications and reduction in printed materials. Rotary is well-positioned for the future The world’s foremost membership and service organization, Rotary has remained strong through careful investment in our clubs and districts, while other membership organizations have failed or are contracting. The $4 annual dues increase – less than 8 cents a week – combined with good stewardship, will enable Rotary to deliver to the clubs and districts what they have requested, along with providing the tools needed to attract new members and support new clubs. Supported by the Council’s action, Rotary will have the necessary resources and capacity to prepare for and achieve a strong future.

13 16-113 To provide for a Council on Resolutions
The Council on Resolutions would consider resolutions annually via an online forum The first Council on Resolutions will take place in The Council on Legislation will continue to meet every three years to consider enactments and position statements (from the RI Board). The next Council on Legislation will most likely be April 2019 This enactment provides that resolutions be debated and voted on online at the annual Council on Resolutions. The Council on Legislation would only consider enactments and position statements and would continue to meet in-person every three years.

14 To endorse and affirm that the eradication of polio is a goal of the highest order of Rotary International Rotary’s commitment is to stay with this effort until the world has been certified polio-free Only two endemic countries remain: Afghanistan and Pakistan Rotary has contributed more than $1.4 billion toward this noble cause After smallpox, polio will be the second human disease to be completely eradicated by vaccination This proposed resolution reaffirms that the eradication of polio is Rotary’s highest priority. Mark: You may want to consider mentioning that this is the type of item that the Board could submit to future Councils on Legislation as a position statement.

15 16-139 To acknowledge the centennial anniversary of The Rotary Foundation
The kickoff of the centennial celebration will be at the Seoul Convention. The celebration will culminate during the Atlanta Convention. marks the centennial of The Rotary Foundation. It is to be celebrated throughout the year as an occasion to highlight the Foundation’s accomplishments, attract members, and encourage giving.

16 Significant Dates for the Council
June 2016 Report of Action mailed to all clubs and districts 1 July 2016 Adopted enactments go into effect October 2016 Manual of Procedure published 30 June 2017 Representative selection deadline Resolution submission deadline Late 2017 First Council on Resolutions 31 December 2017 Enactment submission deadline April 2019 (tentative) 2019 Council on Legislation

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