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Educator effectiveness:

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1 Educator effectiveness:
An Orientation for Teachers August 2016

2 The purpose of the Wisconsin Educator Effectiveness System is to help educators grow as professionals in order to increase student learning. Mindset is important. If this is about jumping through hoops a great opportunity will be lost. This is about connecting to our passion to do great things for the students we serve. Evaluation is a part of every profession. The EE System is about engaging in ongoing processes of continuous improvement, getting a little bit better every year.

3 Educator Effectiveness in our school
PRINCIPAL: Lay out talking points in this slide that will help you share the value you see in EE such as “We value working together and always trying to be better at what we do. EE is a way to support this work. It is not something we do to ‘check a box’.” or “We use the yearly processes of goal-setting to support continuous improvement for the adults in the school. This is not about a ‘gotcha’. This is about a process of getting better a little bit at a time.” Where do you as the principal see EE fitting in to your mission and vision for your school? How can you communicate that EE serves a purpose beyond evaluation? This is an important thing to communicate again and again to all staff members. Remove all uncertainty that you approach this process like a checklist…they’ll catch your attitude.

4 The Educator Effectiveness System in Wisconsin
DPI has established minimum expectations for educator evaluation Districts have the authority to add to the system requirements but cannot do less (i.e. A district could require 2 SLOs each year) There are aspects of the EE System that are left to local discretion (Which educators fit the definition of teacher?) This is the place where you can simply say that you will talk about some of the local decisions you have made as you go through the presentation.

5 First year, and every third year after
DPI requires educators receive a Summary Evaluation in their first year of employment and every 3 years thereafter. Districts may apply local considerations here – ie: if a 2 year probationary period, a new teacher would have 2 Summary Years, then their 3 year cycle would start the next year (technically 3rd year of employment). Add a slide if your local considerations have a unique process for new teachers and be sure to clearly communicate what the unique process is.

6 Who is in Which Year of the Cycle?
Supporting Year 1? Supporting Year2? Summary Year? Educators not in the system? It is a good thing to make sure teachers are all clear on who is where in the cycle. After this year, all veteran teachers will have gone been through a Summary Evaluation. You might want to ask a veteran (or two) to discuss their Summary Year process with this group.

7 Multiple measures

8 Continuous Improvement Using Multiple Measures
Practice Outcomes Traditionally, educator evaluations have only looked at the practice. Educator Effectiveness asks us to think about student learning as part of the mix. The Outcomes measure is the part for most educators (principals as well as teachers) has been new and different. This is a place where you as principal can talk about how teachers have adapted to the idea of SLOs. What was it like in years 1 & 2? What lessons have you learned? What benefits have you seen as a result of educators (you included!) engaging in the SLO process? Who can teachers go to with their questions?

9 Educator Practice The Educator Practice Summary is comprised of scores for each of the components in the Danielson Framework for Teaching or the 6 Teacher Practice Standards in the Effectiveness Project. This is the part of evaluations that has been around forever. But the need for ongoing observations and feedback, and the use of the Framework for Teaching Practice/Stronge Standards, has made teachers a more engaged partner in the evaluation process and provided ongoing opportunities for collaboration and growth.

10 For educators in the DPI Model, here is Danielson’s Framework for Teacher
4 Domains 22 components Domains 1 & 4 are the unobservable or off stage Domains. Can’t typically see these during observation Domains 2 & 3 are the observable or on-stage Domains. Evidence for these is collected by observation

11 Effectiveness Project Teacher and Ed Specialist Standards
For teachers in the Cesa #4 Model, here are the teacher/specialist standards and indicators 6 standards

12 Teacher Observations The Announced Observation and 2 minis must occur in the Summary Year In the Summary Year, the Announced Observation should be at least 45 minutes or can also be done as 2-20 minute observations. Other mini observations or formal observations can be added as needed. (Typical with first year teachers.) 1 or more mini-observations can occur during formative years

13 Collecting Evidence of Practice
Observations Artifacts Typically Danielson Domains 2 & 3 or EP Standards 1, 3, 4 & 5 Evidence acquired during announced and mini-observations Evaluator documents and uploads evidence of practice from the announced and unannounced observations Typically Danielson Domains 1 & 4 or EP Standards 2, 4 & 6 Some are mandated forms to be completed in MLPOASYS or in local platform Others can be uploaded by educator or evaluator

14 What is an Artifact? A source of evidence, especially to document effectiveness of components in Domains 1 and 4 or EP Standards 1, 3, and 5 Some artifacts will provide evidence for multiple components or standards Evaluators will use the rubric to identify the performance level that best matches the evidence of practice within the artifact that has been uploaded. This is a good practice for educators, too. Share local decisions (if any) related to artifacts such the number of artifacts per component or specific artifacts you have decided to make mandatory. Might also share lessons learned. What artifacts have been helpful to you, the evaluator? Are there some less-helpful examples you would want to share? You will also want to talk about how evidence comes from artifacts. A certificate from a training is evidence of nothing except that you attended. Evidence would be a reflection or some documentation of how you put what you learned into practice. Principals, this is your chance to ‘teach’ them what kinds of evidence statements/reflections you find helpful.

15 A Few Considerations… Is there value in aligning some of your artifacts (Unit plan and/or lesson plan that lead to the lesson you teach when you are observed and the assessment you used at the end) and a self-reflection unit’s effectiveness at the end? Where will you enter the evidence statement(s) associated with your artifact? (for now, possibly the Description Box on the artifact upload form? In September (DPI Model) an Evidence box will be added. Be sure to include local decisions related to artifacts!! This is a great place to pause and let the group talk through these questions. With the move to Frontline/MLP, question #2 is an important discussion at the beginning of this year. Also encourage folks to read the level 3 language in the rubric for the artifact they are uploading to make sure it is going to provide evidence of effective practice.

16 The Educator Effectiveness Plan (EEP)
Made up of two different goals Professional Practice Goal (PPG) Student Learning Objective (SLO) Everybody does these each year

17 Professional Practice Goal
A goal related to improving your skills as an educator (and a plan to accomplish that) Set after completing the Self-Review (required in Summary Year and considered best-practice in Supporting Years.) May or may not be connected to the SLO Locate the Beginning-of-Year PPG form Open up Frontline and show them how to access the form…provide a quick overview.

18 Student Learning Objectives (SLOs)
1 SLO each year Educator self-approves and scores in all years. The SLO is part of the Educator Effectiveness Plan Locate the Beginning-of-Interval SLO Form in Frontline/MLP This is where you will want to share local decisions (if any) related to SLOs. May want to show them the new rubric and how closely it is linked to the SLO Quality Indicator Checklist!!! Good time to reiterate how you/they will use the SLO scores (hopefully for improvement and not for high stakes decisions) Open up Frontline and show them how to access the form…provide a quick overview.

19 Creating the SLO Score Educators self-scores his/her SLO annually using the Revised SLO scoring rubric (There’s a new rubric!) There are several critical attributes to consider regarding process and outcome (Target). Final score is derived by looking at the preponderance of evidence across all criteria. This is new…good place to show them the end of year, dig out the Quality Indicator Rubric and pass this out. Go into Frontline/MLP and show them the End-of-Interval Review SLO Form.

20 Enhanced SLO Scoring Form
This is the enhanced SLO End of Year scoring form. DPI has added the Quality Indicators and created a clickable scoring form to help educators consider all of the factors that surround a high quality SLO process. Enhanced SLO Scoring Form

21 SLO Quality Indicator Checklist
Here is the Quality Indicator Checklist. Educators can use this throughout the year when writing their own SLO or when reviewing/providing feedback to others. SLO Quality Indicator Checklist

22 In the Summary Year, the evaluator will assign a holistic score (based on a 1-4 scale) after considering all SLOs in the educator’s evaluation cycle. Score is based on the preponderance of evidence from accompanying documentation and conversations with the evaluator related to the SLO(s). The educator self-scores the SLO each year. Evaluator considers all of the outcomes and processes across all of the years and applies the rubric to identify the score.

23 Veteran educators in the Summary Year this will have three SLOs that inform the final holistic score at the end of the year. New teachers will have one SLO that will be used to assign a holistic score at the end of the school year.

24 Reflecting on Last Year
What were the positives about your SLO process last year or what worked well? What do you think you might do differently this year? What questions do you still have? Adjust this slide depending on your audience. If nobody has had any experience with SLOs, discard or adjust the questions so you can give insight on lessons learned across these years.

25 Summarizing the Effectiveness Cycle

26 Final Effectiveness Summary
At the conclusion of the Summary Year, the evaluator assigns a score for each Danielson component or each EP Standard and also determines one holistic SLO score.

27 Educator Effectiveness Scores
The component scores (Practice) and the holistic SLO score (Outcome) are housed in Frontline or in the identified district platform, where only the educator and his or her administrators will be able to view the results. In our district, we use these results to…(how are results used? To set goals for the coming year? To identify types of PD needed by a majority of people? Teachers want and need to know that all of this work is for a purpose!)

28 Summary Year Overview and Timeline
Walk through Summary Year cycle & Timeline, then review the Supporting Years cycle.

29 Turn and Talk What are the similarities and differences between the Supporting Years and the Summary Year? Allow 5 minutes to discuss and share out. Primary differences are: in the Supporting Years, peers review and give feedback on the EEP (beginning of the year, mid-year review and end of year). In the Summary Year, the evaluator and educator meet together for these events In the Summary Year, the evaluator assigns ratings for both practice and a holistic score that encompasses all SLOs. In the Supporting year, the educator self-scores the SLO. In the Summary Year there must be one formal announced observation and at least 2 mini-observations. A third mini-observation must take place at some point in the 3-year cycle; this may or may not occur in the Supporting Years. In the Summary Year, educator self-review is required. DPI does not require this for the Supporting Years.

30 Introducing…. Our Educator Effectiveness Coaches!!
Introduce coaches. You will want to provide an overview of the ways your district has decided that coaches will support educators. Delete this slide if you do not have coaches or instead revise it to include the supports you have created such as through mentors trained in the process etc.

31 Local Talking Points to be Individualized Has your district identified:
where workflow will be housed (MLPOASYS/Google, Word docs)? whether Self-Review is required every year? parameters for the number of artifacts an educator may upload or whether certain artifacts will be mandatory? the number of mini-observations (mandated minimum) and whether or not one or more will happen in the Supporting Years? whether teachers will be directed to write Student Learning Objectives that align to school or district goals? whether teachers will be asked to align their artifacts (ex. formal lesson plans must be uploaded for the lesson in the Formal Observation)? what the Peer Review process for those in years 1 & 2 will look like and how educators are put in teams. This is a slide that must be customized by each principal!! Our bullets are possible topics/questions that you may need to consider and be prepared to share with your staff. Also, reiterate the purpose of EE in your school!!! Link it to improvement for all, teachers and the leader(s).

32 What is Next? Begin thinking about “Beginning of the Year” activities…
Student Learning Outcome Professional Practice Goal Self-review Explain to staff about timelines for completing Beginning of the Year activities in Frontline. Discuss how staff will receive additional Frontline or EE training and support.

33 CESA #4 Educator Effectiveness Support
Billie Finco Sherri Torkelson Kaye Henrickson (EP) Please encourage them to use their CESA contacts for help and assistance. Don’t hesitate to call or …they are there to help!

34 Principals, opportunity at CESA #4 for you to share or not share…
Intro to the DPI Model of Educator Effectiveness for New Teachers Opportunity to meet other new educators and Billie and Sherri Chance to hear about EE and ask questions September 13th 4:00 – 7:00 PM Supper provided (Show them how to register, payment, etc. on the CESA website)

35 For more information and resources related to the Wisconsin Educator Effectiveness System, please visit the WIEE website at:

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