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Presentation 3 – Mary’s VIP Home: An educational tool to showcase a connected home for an older person Adrian Scaife Tunstall Healthcare Rupert Lawrence.

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Presentation on theme: "Presentation 3 – Mary’s VIP Home: An educational tool to showcase a connected home for an older person Adrian Scaife Tunstall Healthcare Rupert Lawrence."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presentation 3 – Mary’s VIP Home: An educational tool to showcase a connected home for an older person Adrian Scaife Tunstall Healthcare Rupert Lawrence Worcestershire telecare

2 Objectives Raise awareness of Connected Healthcare and the Connected Home Illustrate how Communicall Vi IP acts as an enabler for new services Discovery and explore how existing connected services can support Mary and her family Collect feedback to assist with future priorities

3 Mary’s VIP home Real flat at Halberg House, Pontefract
Planning started Autumn 2015 Opened to visitors February 2016 Visits every week from Health Social Care Housing Third Sector Fire and Rescue Users and families Connected solutions on display continue to be updated

4 Introducing Mary- the importance of persona
Mary moved into her VIP home after her husband passed away Previously she had cared for her husband during a long illness She has three children Niki and Suzy who live away and a son with learning disabilities who lives independently in Wakefield Gets lonely and sometimes depressed Sometimes forgetful but not sure if due to depression, age or early signs of dementia Takes medication for hypertension She is going to be 80 this year and is looking forward to the arrival of her first Great Grandchild

5 Mary’s Connected Healthcare
Lighting control Connected Health Heating control Digital assistant Digital inclusion Events and reminders Self care & wellbeing Enabling Preventative Social inclusion Supporting carers Activities of daily living Mobile Door bell Carelock Carbon monoxide Property exit Responsive Gas Falls Fire Pendant

6 Unobtrusive

7 User doesn’t have to be IT literate

8 Enable, geographically remote, family to provide support

9 Worcestershire Telecare Assistive Technology Showcase
“Promoting AT through effective stakeholder engagement” Rupert Lawrence, Head of Worcestershire Telecare

10 The Challenge The need to engage key stakeholders to consider AT as core part of care & support provision and ensure opportunities not missed Raising awareness of the capabilities and potential of digital and mobile AT – making sure that this is as part of tailored solutions approach Evidencing an outcomes-focused service delivery model – changing mind sets and seeing cost-benefits across whole care pathway Integration with Health, Adult Social Care and Housing – proving the benefits for each sector

11 The Showcase Located in Berrington Court – flagship Extra Care Facility opened in November 2016; 100 properties and restaurant, bar, cinema as well as facilities for Health and Care professionals Case studies and multiple personas to demonstrate wider range of solutions Flexible & tailored solutions that truly integrate with support networks and deliver outcomes A realistic environment including on-site care & support teams – technology linked to our centre and call handling facility on-site

12 Demonstration & Results
Real-life scenarios and experience to inform TECS demonstrations – we use informed examples, we point out the potential and the pitfalls Commissioners interest in AT “re-ignited” by real-life demonstrations – visits from over 100 people since June opening – commissioners, social workers, OTs, housing professionals, etc. Significant increase in referrals, particularly for complex cases and much closer work with Social Care teams during assessment

13 Future Development Increased interest from suppliers is driving the level and amount of technology we have available for demos Increased use of mobile apps, LTC management and home automation systems Increased self-funder visits and open events for the wider public Joint visits with commissioners and care providers to set out expectations for their services to work in a more effective way with AT

14 Questions and Further Information
Rupert Lawrence, Head of Worcestershire Telecare Tel:

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