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Novell Workspace Introduction and Overview

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1 Novell Workspace Introduction and Overview
Novell BrainShare 2002 Novell Workspace Introduction and Overview Bruce Cragun Project and Engineering Manager Novell, Inc. Bryan Cardoza Product Manager IO131—Novell Workspace Introduction and Overview

2 Agenda Why should I care about Novell Workspace?
What is the Novell Workspace user experience? Are you just going to tell me, or are you going to show me? What makes Novell Workspace different?

3 Sound Familiar? Basic problems
Commonly deployed collaboration tools do not facilitate work in a project team context Employees are often involved in multiple projects and need to coordinate priorities, tasks, and deliverables across their projects Teams often span organizational and company boundaries, but tools generally do not People come and go on projects, and their data goes with them Users, especially managers, want self-provisioning, but IT needs to set policy

4 User Intents Executive sponsor Project team leader Knowledge worker
I have ten projects under my responsibility—Which ones are on schedule? Which ones aren’t? Where can my effort be best spent right now to make sure they all succeed? Project team leader I need to know how the project is progressing—Where are the problem areas? What is behind schedule? Have I balanced the workload across my team? Knowledge worker I have a lot of work assigned to me; help me track, prioritize, and organize the work I have many roles and responsibilities; I need to balance all of the demands on my time as I plan and organize my day

5 Today’s Environment Nature of teams changing with the economy…
Teams now span organizational boundaries (customers, suppliers, etc.) Teams now geographically dispersed (locations, telecommuters, mobile workforce, etc.) Team members involved with multiple efforts; overwhelming communication challenges (“I get three hundred s a day…”) Search for ROI from Net investments… “I know we’re all connected, so how do we get work done?” “I can do this with a portal, but the cost of custom development is too high…”

6 Introducing Novell Workspace
A tool for making you individually productive in a team setting Enables cross-company teams Allows for secure, web-based access Gives a team leader control over the team’s data

7 User Experience: Setting Up a Team
“I need a team to solve a problem” Supply Novell Workspace with the information I know… Identify initial team lead, initial team members Identify mission, objectives, etc. Identify project parameters (schedule, scope, resources) A workspace is created for the team The project is added to my list My team has members from different companies We share a common workspace on the web Novell Workspace helps us manage our documents, track our work, and report our progress Novell Workspace helps us get ready for our team kick-off meeting so we can get to work

8 User Experience: Team Meetings
Workspace meeting rooms help me prepare for, run, and record the results of meetings Agenda wizards help me prepare I can make preparatory assignments I can attach documents, and it will always be the current copy Everything I need to get ready for a meeting is found in the meeting room The meeting room gives us a place to record our minutes, action items, and decisions Since everything is in our shared workspace, we all have the same record of what happened No more lost assignments or miscommunication

9 User Experience: Organize and Do My Work
I wear many hats—I have to organize my work across many different work teams and responsibilities As I plan, let me focus on what’s important I need to account for personal activities when I organize my day Put my communications in context of my work relationships Help me find the information I need to get my job done Give me an intelligent way to store and manage my documents Ease of use is paramount; don’t force me to become an expert in order to get to work Help me keep track of how my team is progressing towards objectives

10 The Hotlist The Hotlist is central to a user’s day-to-day work
Automatically displays… Today’s appointments All of my tasks and action items that are overdue, due today, or due soon Allows me to manually add additional items Example: I need to edit the sales forecasts document this week— auto-create a task for me, then show the task and its document in my Hotlist Allows me to postpone work Example: I’m not going to have time today to set up the catering; remove that task from today’s Hotlist but show it to me again tomorrow

11 Task Manager Task Manager…
Is geared towards the project manager, but is available to all project members Displays all project tasks, organized by user within milestone Provides status information at all levels Allows drill-down Click on Milestone to see all task owners for the milestone Click on Task Owner to see all tasks assigned to that person

12 User Experience: Changes in Team Membership
Team documents, appointments, assignments, etc. belong to the project first, and to people second When people are removed from a project, their data remains with the project Assignments and ownership of information can be easily transitioned as team membership changes The shared team workspace and record of decisions from the meeting room helps new team members come up to speed quickly

13 User Experience: Communicating Progress and Results
Sponsor views give executives an up-to-the minute dashboard of team progress Helps sponsors spend their time resolving problems instead of finding them Project information can be shared with Novell Workspace users who are not project team members What you see depends on your relationship to the team

14 Dashboard The dashboard…
Is geared to the sponsor but can be used by all project members Displays a snapshot of all of your projects The overall status of the project Each milestone and its status Provides drill-down Click on Milestone to see expanded milestone data Number of tasks, broken down by task status Click on Task Status to see expanded status data List of tasks with that status

15 Summary: What Makes Novell Workspace Different
I am the center of the universe… Ease of use is paramount—get me working quickly Focus on team effort is good, but I need to look across all of my personal and team efforts as I plan my work day Other products center on IT, the tool, an application, or the project My work is not determined by what IT thinks or has time to implement My work does not revolve around any one team It takes more than one vendor’s applications to get my work done

16 Summary: What Makes Novell Workspace Different (cont.)
I already have a collaborative tool set Don’t force me to use something other than my current integrated collaborative environment (Outlook/Exchange, Notes, GroupWise®) when I already know how to perform a task there I need an extension of my collaborative environment, not a replacement Users want self-provisioning, but IT needs to set policy Some consider departmentally-sourced, hosted service contracts to be disempowering Some organizations have strong “behind-the-firewall” information security policies

17 Vision…one Net Mission
A world where networks of all types—corporate and public, intranets, extranets, and the Internet—work together as one Net and securely connect employees, customers, suppliers, and partners across organizational boundaries Mission To solve complex business and technical challenges with Net business solutions that enable people, processes, and systems to work together and our customers to profit from the opportunities of a networked world




21 Fit with Other Novell Collaborative Products and Services
Novell BrainShare 2002 Fit with Other Novell Collaborative Products and Services Desk-based workers Deskless workers Partners and customers Project teams Cross-org. processes Enterprise collaboration Standards messaging Instant messaging Team collaboration BPM GroupWise NIMS™ Quasar (Codename) Novell Workspace eWork Partner products Novell eDirectory™ IO131—Novell Workspace Introduction and Overview

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