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8/26/2018 Special Education Personnel Qualifications and Reporting Guidelines 2013-2014.

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Presentation on theme: "8/26/2018 Special Education Personnel Qualifications and Reporting Guidelines 2013-2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 8/26/2018 Special Education Personnel Qualifications and Reporting Guidelines

2 Topics Why do we collect this data
8/26/2018 Topics Why do we collect this data Personnel Qualifications and Compliance SPED Endorsements/Educator Licensing Reporting Guidelines: Job Classifications Position Assignments Common Miscoding Scenarios Contact Information 2

3 Why Do We Collect This Data?
Data from this collection allows CDE to verify that providers: are Fully Qualified with appropriate license and endorsement serve a majority of special education students with the same identified area of need as the provider’s special education license and endorsement have an endorsement level appropriate for the age being taught populates Federally required data reports Data usages include: Availability on CDE website Pre-populates AYP & Title 1 data reports Indicators 3

4 Personnel Qualifications and Compliance

5 Fully Qualified IDEA - ECEA
Special Education personnel (teachers, special service providers and administrators) must be Fully Qualified as authorized by: Federal law – (IDEA)The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and by State law - (ECEA) Exceptional Children’s Educational Act State Special Education Personnel Standards Section 3.04 Personnel Qualifications ECEA requires the caseload match: 50% or more of the reported student caseload must be appropriate for the license and endorsement of the provider. Fully Qualified specifically relates to whether a provider is appropriately licensed and endorsed for special education services. 5

6 License/Credential Requirements
Providers must hold a valid CO license/credential with: an appropriate special education endorsement for the assignment/caseload or must be employed based on: SEE = Special Educator Eligibility TTE = Temporary Teacher Eligibility TEI = Temporary Educational Interpreter Substitute or Emergency Authorizations are not considered a valid license/credential type for full or part time employees. 6

7 General Information SEE - TTE - TEI
8/26/2018 General Information SEE - TTE - TEI For general information and guidance, review the “Quick Reference Guide” resource at: This easy reference guide will: help to clarify the process for SEE - TTE - TEI help determine which application is appropriate for the position provides various situational scenarios 7

8 SEE - TTE Approval Cycle
Maximum Approval = Three School Years Year 1 requires verified enrollment in an IHE program Years 2 and 3 requires documented annual progress One Year Modified applicant has completed an IHE program but lacks additional licensing requirements, e.g., PLACE or PRAXIS exam, 24 hours, etc. 8

9 TEI (Temporary Educational Interpreter) Approval Cycle
Educational Interpreters (job classification 410) must be Fully Authorized in CO to provide interpreting services in the public schools. If the interpreter does not qualify for the full five year Educational Interpreter Authorization, TEI (temporary authorization) is available. The TEI applicant: has completed an AA degree program in Educational Interpreting is annually working toward completion of licensing requirements: EIPA Written Test EIPA Performance The TEI is issued annually for a maximum of three school years, providing renewal requirements are met. 9

10 Are Teachers on an SEE Qualified?
They may be… IDEA Fully Qualified Teachers employed on an SEE may be considered Fully Qualified depending on the IHE program being completed and the student caseload NCLB Highly Qualified Depending on the assignment, the SEE teacher may satisfy Highly Qualified determinations : teacher holds a CO teaching license/credential (required for SEE approval) has a degree demonstrates subject matter competence for the content area 10

11 Are Teachers on a TTE Qualified?
They are not… IDEA Fully Qualified Teachers employed on a TTE are NOT Fully Qualified NCLB Highly Qualified Teachers employed on a TTE are NOT Highly Qualified Why aren’t they qualified? The TTE teacher DOES NOT hold a CO teaching license/credential which is required for Fully Qualified (IDEA) and Highly Qualified (NCLB) status. 11

12 Are Special Service Providers on a TTE Qualified?
They are not… IDEA Fully Qualified Special service providers employed on a TTE are NOT Fully Qualified: Providers DO NOT hold a CO license/credential NCLB Highly Qualified Not applicable: Highly Qualified determinations apply to K-12 content teachers only 12

13 SETA (Special Educator Temporary Authorization) SEE – TTE – TEI Online Process
The SEE/TTE and TEI submission and approval process is accessed through the Educator Licensing Online System. Applicants are required to: Create an account, or login to an existing account in the licensing online system Click on “Applications” in left side column SEE – TTE applicants Select “Special Education Temporary Authorization” from the alpha list Based on application questions, will be directed to either the SEE or TTE form TEI applicants Select “Educational Interpreter Temporary Authorization TEI” 13

14 Special Education Teachers and NCLB Highly Qualified
All special education teachers must hold the appropriate endorsement for the assignment and student caseload (ECEA). All elementary special education teachers must meet NCLB elementary HQ requirements. Secondary special education teachers who are sole providers of content must meet NCLB HQ requirements for the subject area of assignment. Secondary teachers working with students who are working toward alternative standards (CoAlt) must be elementary qualified. 14

15 Educator Licensing SPED Endorsements and Online System

16 Initial Licensure Special Education Generalist
Initial licensure in any endorsement area requires: completed approved IHE licensure program take and pass appropriate exams Initial or added endorsement based on completion of an “approved IHE program” requires: completed approved teacher preparation program in Special Education Generalist take and pass the SPED Generalist PLACE exam #20 NOTE - Colorado IHE programs also require completion of the Elementary Education exam 16

17 Added Endorsement Special Education Generalist Assessment or 24 Semester Hours
Senate Bill 160 allows a licensed/credentialed teacher to add the Special Education Generalist endorsement to their existing license/credential by: Having a passing score on the SPED Generalist PLACE exam #20 OR BY Documenting 24 semester hours of relevant coursework applicable to the Generalist licensing standard with 2.6 overall degree GPA maximum of 6 semester hours of documented professional development or work experience allowed 17

18 Adding the Generalist Endorsement to the Current Teaching License
Teacher completes the Online application for “added endorsement” through the Educator Licensing website at: Teacher pays the online application fee of $80 Educator Licensing evaluates the application Endorsement is added to the teacher’s current license/credential NOTE - the original expiration date of the license/credential will not change per the added endorsement process 18

19 Assessment or 24 Semester Hours Allowable Endorsement Areas
The added endorsement process via completion of assessment or 24 semester hours include such areas, but are not limited to: Early Childhood Language Arts Linguistically Diverse Mathematics Science Social Studies Special Education Generalist ** a complete list may be found on Educator Licensing’s website NOTE - Special Education Specialist endorsements may only be obtained via completion of an IHE teacher preparation program in: Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Deaf/Hard of Hearing Visually Impaired 19

20 Educator Licensing Status Check Website
#1 Current license/credential by SSN and Date of Birth Access the CDE Educator Licensing website click “Check Application Status” you MUST have the provider’s SSN and Date of Birth to access licensure information Website: 20

21 Educator Licensing Status Check Website
#2 Current or Expired license/credential by Name Access the CDE Educator Licensing website click “Check Licensing History” you MUST have the provider’s First and Last Name to access licensure information Website: 21


23 Licensure/Status Check Helpful Hints
Verification of license/credential and endorsement helps to: determine the appropriate job classification for both December Count and Federal Application (Part B) submissions If no license/credential information is found using the Status Check Website: verify the SSN for accuracy often one or two numbers have been transposed slashes, dashes or spaces are not allowed Personnel without a CO license/credential, if required for the assignment, will result in a compliance citation on the December Count. 23

24 Licensure Responsibility
It is the responsibility of the AU to verify licensure status for personnel and not the responsibility of CDE to monitor the licensure status of your staff. Communicate openly with your staff about their individual license/credential status or application process. Individual applicants may verify their own licensure status by: Logging into their E-Licensing account Checking for messages from Educator Licensing pertinent to their online application 24

25 Proper Job Class Codes and Position Assignments

26 Coding Helpful Hints Pay close attention to the actual assignment of the provider. Unsure? verify the assignment with your Human Resources Department Verify the provider’s CO license/credential type and SPED endorsement. Very Important in determining the Job Class Code selection 26

27 Not Sure of Proper Coding?
You know the provider’s assignment You’ve verified the provider’s licensure/credential and endorsement Still unsure of the Job Class Code to use? Contact CDE with your questions before coding a provider incorrectly Incorrect coding may result in a provider’s position being out-of-compliance A complete list of Job Class Codes may be found at: NOTE – These Codes are from the 2012 collection and will be updated for 2013 27

28 Special Education Staff Qualifications
To determine the appropriate licensing/endorsement requirements for specific assignments/job classifications, refer to the resource document at: This document lists: Job Code Assignment Disability (student) Area of Endorsement (provider) 28

29 Instructional or Non-Instructional?
Key words tied to proper coding as determined by actual assignment and license/credential type and endorsement: Instructional or Non-Instructional holds a teacher license/credential holds a special services or SPED administrator license/credential It is very common for AU’s to miscode positions in instructional vs non-instructional categories. Miscoding may result in non-approval of staff due to inappropriate licensure/endorsement for the reported Job Class Code. 29

30 Examples of Instructional Positions
Does the position provide services or oversees services in an instructional capacity? Does the provider hold a teaching license/credential? If YES, code: Special Education Coordinators/Supervisors - JCC 107 (instructional) Special Education Consultants - JCC 215 (instructional) position may be salaried or a contracted service 30

31 Instructional Positions
Coordinates, manages or directs services within an instructional program or areas of instruction. Consults in the management or direction of instructional programs or areas of instruction. JCC 215 Instructional Program Consultant JCC 107 Instructional Program Coordinator/Supervisor Personnel is required to hold a CO teaching license with an appropriate instructional endorsement for the program or services provided. Fully Qualified 31

32 Examples of Non-Instructional Positions
Does the position provide or oversees supportive services, e.g. mental health or related services? Does the provider hold a special services or SPED administrator license/credential? If YES, code: Special Education Coordinators/Supervisors - JCC 108 (non-instructional) Special Education Consultants - JCC 335 (non-instructional) position may be salaried or a contracted service 32

33 Non-Instructional Positions
Coordinates, manages or directs services within an non-instructional program or areas of instruction. Consults in the management or direction of services within a non-instructional program. (e.g. licensed School Psychologist or School Social Worker) JCC 108 Non-Instructional Program Coordinator/Supervisor JCC 335 Non-Instructional Program Consultant Personnel is required to hold a CO special services license with an appropriate special services endorsement for the program or services provided. (e.g., School Psychologist, School Social Worker) Fully Qualified 33

34 Common Miscoding of Related Services Personnel
Most common miscoding occur with: Miscoding results in the non-approval of positions. Verify the provider’s license/credential and endorsement prior to coding. Verify how positions are classified in your HR system. Work collaboratively with HR personnel/Data Respondents/IT personnel! Counselor – JCC 211 and School Psychologist – JCC 236 School Social Worker – JCC 237 Occupational Therapist – JCC 234 and Physical Therapist – JCC 235 34

35 School Counselor JCC 211 School Counselor
Counselors differ in the types of services they offer to both general and special education students. As a “related service provider” counselors can offer academic/career guidance and/or individual/group counseling services to students with disabilities. JCC 211 School Counselor Counselors very likely work with both general and special education students. Your AU must conduct a time study analysis of the position. December Count – report the hours per day attributed to students with disabilities. Remaining hours per day are reported on the regular HR collection for general education students. 35

36 Personnel serving both GenEd and SPED Students
Personnel who provide services to both general and special education student populations are required to: conduct and maintain a position Time and Effort study the AU reports only the hours per day attributed to servicing special education students on the December Count the district reports the hours per day attributed to servicing the general education population on regular HR Examples of these positions are: Nurses Counselors School Psychologists Administrators (who supervise or Social Workers coordinate services in areas other than special education) 36

37 Interns Psychologist/Social Worker Other Related Service Providers
Interns have very specific licensing and reporting requirements Report Interns: in the job classification appropriate for the position, e.g., JCC 236 if School Psychologist JCC 237 if School Social Worker JCC 235 if Physical Therapist with Employment Status Code 08-Intern Providers must apply for the Intern Authorization through the Educator Licensing online system. Available for either an in-state or out-of-state program 37

38 Contracted personnel MUST be reported on the December Count
Employment Status Code = 04 Purchased Services If the “contract for services” is valid for the period covering December 1st report the position regardless of whether the provider is actually providing services on December 1st Contractual personnel are: not exempt from licensure requirements MUST hold the appropriate license and endorsement for the position, regardless of the amount of time, days or hours of the contract 38

39 Daily Substitute teachers are not reported on the December Count
What to do if… AU assigned a sub to fill in for a permanent employee who will be returning to the assignment: regular employee is out on paid leave as of December 1st. report the permanent employee Employment Status Code 02 – On Leave and Not Replaced student caseload is reported to the permanent employee A permanent employee is out on unpaid leave or has resigned, as of December 1st.: position is now classified as vacant replacement teacher (new permanent hire or a sub) must hold a valid CDE license/credential with an appropriate special education endorsement report the new employee Employment Status Code 01 – Active Employment student caseload is reported to this new employee 39

40 Professional Development Consultants
Consultants hired on a purchase service contract who: provide trainings/conduct conferences and workshops to AU staff whose contract is valid as of December 1st position MUST be reported on the December Count Consultant is reported as: Job Class Code = 347 Staff Developer Employment Status Code = 04 Purchased Services Do not use Job Class Code 347 if the Consultant: provides direct services to students conducts assessments for students then use the proper Job Class Code for the assignment 40

41 Additional Pay Chart of Accounts defines Additional Pay as:
amounts paid to employees of a school district/administrative unit for work performed in addition to the employee’s regular work assignment Report the Additional Pay assignment as: a separate staff detail record Job Class Code = appropriate for the particular assignment Employment Status Code = 10 Additional Pay/Additional Duties 41

42 Home/Hospital Teachers
Home/Hospital Teachers MUST: hold a CO teaching license/credential hold endorsement in special education or in an area of general education, e.g., Elementary Education. Code a Home/Hospital Teacher as: Job Class Code = 202 Teaching Subject Area = 1700 Special Education Admin/Instructional Code = 0032 Home/Hospital Instruction 42

43 Specialty Teachers Specialty Teachers are teachers who provide services in: Art (also must be HQ in Art) Music (also must be HQ in Music) PE (adaptive) Family and Consumer Education Industrial Arts Specialty Teachers MUST: hold a valid CO teaching license/credential hold the appropriate specialty area endorsement for the assignment Code a Specialty Teacher as: Job Class Code = 202 Teaching Subject Area = 4 digit specialty area code Admin/Instructional Code = 0037 Specialty Teacher 43

44 Primary versus Secondary Provider Fields
All students reported in the student ESSU IEP Interchange must be assigned with a: Special Education Teacher (JCC 202) or Speech/Language Pathologist (JCC 238) providers are reported in either the primary provider/service coordinator field or in a secondary provider field Accurately reporting provider EDID’s on the student file, and in the correct order (primary vs. secondary), will be a determining factor in the staff approval process. Staff approval is an automated internal CDE process that occurs after AU’s have approved their data. Elements for staff approval: match the endorsement of the provider with the reported student caseload 50% or more of the caseload must be appropriate for the endorsement(s) of the provider 44

45 Coding a Special Education Teacher
Things to Remember: The EDID of the teacher is reported in the ESSU IEP Interchange in either the primary provider/service coordinator field or in one of the secondary provider fields. The 50% appropriate caseload allowance for a SPED teacher is based on data provided in BOTH the primary and the secondary caseload. 45

46 Early Childhood Special Education Endorsement
ECSE teachers are exempt from NCLB Highly Qualified regulations ECSE endorsement has various age level designations: Ages 3-8 – appropriate for: Admin/Inst Area Code 0035 Early Childhood/Preschool Admin/Inst Area Code 0041 Early Childhood/Elementary Age level 0-5 – appropriate for: Admin/Inst Area Code 0034 Infant Services (Birth to age 3) Current licensing age range is Age level 0-8 – appropriate for: 46

47 Coding an Early Childhood Special Education (ECSE) Teacher
Code an ECSE Early Childhood/Preschool Teacher as: Age level of endorsement = 3-8, 0-5 or 0-8 Job Class Code = 202 Teaching Subject Area = 1700 Series Admin/Instructional Code = 0035 Early Childhood/Preschool The ECSE teacher should be the direct primary provider/service coordinator for students identified as a preschooler with a disability. The EDID of the ECSE teacher is reported in the ESSU IEP Interchange in the primary provider/service coordinator field. The 50% caseload allowance for an ECSE teacher is based on data provided by BOTH the primary and the secondary caseload. 47

48 Coding a Developmental Delay Teacher
Code a Developmental Delay Teacher as: Age level of ECSE endorsement = 3-8 or 0-8 or SPED Generalist 5-21 Job Class Code = 202 Teaching Subject Area = 1700 Series Admin/Instructional Code = 0041 Early Childhood/Elementary The Developmental Delay teacher should be the direct primary provider/service coordinator for students identified with the new “developmental delay” disability. The EDID of the DD teacher is reported in the ESSU IEP Interchange in the primary provider/service coordinator field. The 50% caseload allowance for a DD teacher is based on data provided by BOTH the primary and the secondary caseload. 48

49 Low Incidence Teachers Visually Impaired Specialist Deaf/Hard of Hearing Specialist
These teachers should be the direct primary provider/service coordinator for students identified with either a visual impairment or a hearing disability. The EDID of the teacher is reported in the ESSU IEP Interchange in either the primary provider field (for students identified with visual impairment or hearing disability) or in one of the secondary provider fields (other disability categories for students who also require secondary vision or hearing services). The 50% allowance for a vision or hearing teacher is reflective of the students reported on the primary caseload only. The secondary caseload is not a factor in determining compliance for a vision or hearing teacher as they may serve a broad range of students as a secondary provider. 49

50 Coding a Visually Impaired Specialist or Deaf/Hard of Hearing Specialist
Endorsement level = 0-21 (Infant, Pre-K, grades K-12) Code a Visually Impaired Specialist as: Job Class Code = 202 Teaching Subject Area 1720 Vision Disability or 1700 Special Education Admin/Instructional Code 0002 if K-12 or 0035 if Pre-K Code a Deaf/Hard of Hearing Specialist as: 1730 Hearing Disability or 1700 Special Education 50

51 Special Education Teacher Caseload with Categorical Endorsements
50% or more of the entire SPED teacher’s student caseload (both primary and secondary) must be appropriate for the SPED endorsement on the teacher’s CO license/credential. Teacher holds an older SPED endorsement, e.g., Educable Mentally Handicapped, Educationally Handicapped. Teacher holds a categorical endorsement, e.g., Moderate Needs, SN Affective, SN Cognitive, etc. If the range of student disabilities on the caseload is broad-based and is not reflective of the 50% caseload allowance for the provider’s endorsement: position is not approved NOT Fully Qualified 51

52 Special Education Teacher Caseload with SPED Generalist Endorsement
50% or more of the entire SPED teacher’s student caseload (both primary and secondary) must be appropriate for the SPED endorsement on the teacher’s CO license/credential. Teacher holds a cross-categorical endorsement, e.g., Special Education Generalist. Fully Qualified The range of student disabilities on the caseload is broad-based and satisfies the 50% caseload allowance for appropriate endorsement: position is approved 52

53 Coding a Speech-Language Pathologist
The SLP should be the direct primary provider/service coordinator for students identified with a speech language impairment (SLI). The EDID of the SLP is reported in the ESSU IEP Interchange in either the primary provider field (students identified as speech) or in one of the secondary provider fields (other disability categories). The 50% allowance for an SLP is reflective of the students reported on the primary caseload only. The secondary caseload is not a factor in determining compliance for an SLP as they serve a broad range of students as a secondary provider. 53

54 Speech-Language Pathologist Caseload
50% or more of the SLP’s primary student caseload must be appropriate for the Speech-Language Pathologist endorsement on the SLP’s CO license/credential. Equals Fully Qualified 54

55 December Count Personnel and IDEA Application Personnel
Teacher position is denied approval status on the December Count due to holding an inappropriate special education endorsement for the student caseload, this same teacher, in the same assignment, is not eligible for federal funds and should not be reported on your IDEA applications. Job Class Codes must be consistent between the IDEA Application and December Count collections, for example: A position is reported on the IDEA Application as JCC 202 SPED Teacher (no caseload required) The same individual is also reported on the December Count, but reported as JCC 218 Teacher Mentor (bypassing the caseload requirement) The position is in fact a teaching position and should be reported consistently in both collections. If the teacher does not hold appropriate credentials, the AU must have the teacher obtain the proper sped endorsement for the caseload via either: the SEE process or obtaining the added endorsement (SPED GENERALIST only) via 24 hours or content assessment through Educator Licensing 55

56 Split Funding or Multiple Assignments
Required to report separate assignment records for personnel whose positions are: funded out of two or more fund sources are reported in two or more projects have two or more assignments in which services are provided Example of multiple assignments: report one assignment record for Job Class Code 236-School Psychologist report one assignment record for Job Class Code 202-SPED Teacher Remember: Time and Effort requirements! 56

57 Link Between December Count and IDEA Federal Applications
Please Remember! Share this information with the person(s) at your AU who are responsible for the submission of your IDEA Federal and EOY Applications Job Class Codes and Grant Project Codes for all individuals must be consistent between the two collections SPED Teachers and SLP’s who are out-of-compliance due to student caseload implications are not eligible for federal funding and should not be reported on your IDEA applications unless your AU has rectified the situation by a reassignment or the provider’s licensure status has changed, e.g., teacher adds an endorsement appropriate for the caseload 57

58 Notification of Non-Compliance
Post December Count collection personnel verification process: AU passes all edits and data submission file is approved CDE runs the personnel approval process matching provider license/credential and endorsement with reported Job Class Code assignment and student caseload Personnel is determined to either be in compliance or out-of-compliance The outcome of the personnel verification process will now serve as official Notification of Non-Compliance AUs will be contacted by members of the General Supervision Team for follow-up. The non-compliance will require a Corrective Action Plan and CDE’s verification of correction. 58

59 Grade Case Load Match Providers serving multiple grade levels should indicate all applicable grade levels. Separate assignment records are required for Infant, Pre-K, K-12 for ALL staff. If Job class code is 201 or 202, K-12 must be broken down further and a separate assignment record is required for elementary, middle school and high school grades. 59

60 How is caseload being reported?
Teacher reported by school building Teacher reported by grade levels of individual students Elementary School Middle School High School One to one match Grades K – 6th must be marked ’1’ –yes. All other grades MUST be marked ‘0’ - no Grades 6th – 8th must be marked ’1’ –yes. All other grades MUST be marked ‘0’ - no Grades 9th – 12th must be marked ’1’ –yes. All other grades MUST be marked ‘0’ - no Grades of ALL students on a teacher’s caseload must be marked as ‘1’ – yes. ALL other grades must be marked ‘0’ – no. District Wide: school code = ‘9980’ Grades K-12 MUST be marked ‘1’ – yes. 60

61 Staff Caseloads Staff required to have a student caseload:
SPED Teachers (JCC 202) or Speech Language Pathologists (JCC 238) EDID must be reported in either the primary provider/service coordinator or secondary provider field Method A - One to one match Most accurate (preferred method) Grades selected on assignment record must exactly match the grades of the individual students on the caseload Method B – By school building Should be used for staff who serve a particular school building Grades selected on assignment record must cover the entire grade range of the reported school building 61

62 District wide Personnel
Reporting for district wide personnel who are not assigned to a specific elementary or secondary setting. Submit one assignment record with grades K-12 selected if JCC is: 102, 104 (SPED Director/Assistant Director) 320, 322, 344 (Accountant, Admin/Executive Assistant, Personnel Officer) 380, 381, 382 (Computer Technology) (Office/Administrative Support)  Report school code as 9980 District wide 62

63 WARNINGS General Warnings Displays data anomalies
Warnings are for your information to assist with data verification may approve your date with outstanding warnings review all warnings to verify that data are reported accurately HQ Warnings Displays all teachers who: do not meet HQ requirements includes the non-HQ reason 63

64 Lauren Rossini - Personnel Reporting/Staff Qualifications
Contact Information Lauren Rossini - Personnel Reporting/Staff Qualifications Phone: Thank you for Your Participation! 64

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