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Ana Kanareva-Dimitrovska, PhD

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1 New Curricular Developments in Danish Higher and Secondary Education and the relation with the CEFR
Ana Kanareva-Dimitrovska, PhD Project manager at ECML Contact Point Denmark Aarhus University October, 2017

2 Secondary and Higher Education in Denmark

3 7-point grading scale The Danish marking scale is a 7-point grading scale. It was introduced in 2007 to make Danish grades more comparable in an international context.

4 Aarhus University MA in French language, literature and culture
Knowledge, skills, competences Language skills (“Express correctly, nuanced and situation-oriented in oral and written French”)- No subject with focus only on language (oral/written) Language is not evaluate separately, only as a part of for ex. grammar, literature, language theory, … Curriculum 2017 – Oral language skills 5 ECTS Profile subject Teaching in theory and praxis – secondary school teacher

5 Aarhus University MA in French language, literature and culture

6 Aarhus University Profile subject - Teaching profile – Secondary school teacher The teaching profile consists of the following components: 1) Teaching in theory and practice (20 ECTS, compulsory), comprising: An element of practice (teaching placement, including a presentation course consisting of four workshops) A subject-didactic element. If you choose the teaching profile based on your main subject or supplementary subject, you must choose one of five didactic areas: The didactics of Danish The didactics of design and artistic subjects The didactics of history The subject didactics of the study of religion Second language acquisition and pedagogy 2) An elective profile course (10 ECTS)  

7 Aarhus University Profile subject - Teaching profile – secondary school teacher Second Language Acquisition and Pedagogy This course will introduce students to theories of second language acquisition (SLA) and to the practical application of findings from the study of SLA to actual classroom practice. The course is intended to help students gain a clearer understanding of what is most effective in second language learning and teaching, and what the effects are of different individual factors and contexts of learning. Students will understand their own past and future SLA progress and that of their own students from the perspective of theoretical and applied linguistics. The first part of the semester will lay a foundation in first and second language acquisition theories and research, the various teaching methods that have been developed in response to these theories, and individual differences and learner strategies. The second part of the course will focus on research and pedagogy of specific language skills, including reading and writing in a second language, the teaching of grammar, listening comprehension and pronunciation skills, vocabulary assessment and acquisition, and approaches to teaching intercultural competence. Students will acquire the conceptual tools to pursue future work of their own in these areas. Assessment: passed/failed

8 Teoretisk pædagogikum /Theoretical pedagogy
First year as a secondary school teacher  - theory and practice of teaching Teaching and following everyday in the school (practical pedagogy and self-tuition) alternating with theoretical courses (theoretical pedagogy) – 1924 hours /year incl. holidays Theoretical pedagogy (1/3 of annual working hours) – ca. 20 courses days General didactics + subject didactics University of Southern Denmark with Aarhus University, Aalborg University and Roskilde University (a team of university teachers and experienced secondary school teachers, and language consultants)

9 Teoretisk pædagogikum /Theoretical pedagogy
General didactics Content The following perspectives will be incorporated into the classes: didactic principles; teaching practices (work methods, differentiation, evaluation); student prerequisites (social background and youth culture); student learning processes; motivation; current secondary education programmes in a historical perspective; educational objectives according to the type of school and student prerequisites; skills development and formation; introduction to working with Web-based communication and IT-based teaching.

10 Teoretisk pædagogikum /Theoretical pedagogy
Workshop 1: Choosing work and organisational methods Workshop 2: Evaluation Workshop 3: Differentiated teaching Workshop 4: Web-based teaching and digital formation Workshop 5: Teaching through guidance

11 Copenhagen University
MA in Foreign Language Pedagogy (vocationally oriented education, 3 years part-time, 60 ECTS) Minimum 2 years professional experience Dorte Albrechtsen, KU

12 Copenhagen University
Module 5: Evaluation, teaching materials and activities in second/foreign language teaching Knowledge and understanding for • theories and methods relevant to the development and use of language tests to different purposes, for example diagnostic tests and placement tests, including ability to reflect on and identify issues with regard to for the choice of language tests, • research and analysis methods relevant to the description of evaluation, materials and methods in language teaching.

13 Copenhagen University
BA in French language and culture – secondary school teacher option/profile Oral and written proficiency 5 ECTS

14 Secondary school New curricula – august Knowledge, culture, literature and proficiency subject. CEFR more focus on competences/skills – theoretical knowledge, culture, literature texts, global society Signal markers – terminology in CEFR Language skills separate for the first time + language, text, culture Stx, hf, hhx, htx – languages skills are the same A line (3 years) – B line (2 years) Beginner level – Continuous level

15 Secondary school Evaluation
Formative – oral and written skills – focus on 5 communicative skills according CEFR National tests: language, text and content Foreign/exchange students – challenge – language + content

16 Secondary school English A = 3 years Understanding Speaking Reading

17 Danish curricula ↔ CEFR
Information and knowledge about CEFR in general Need to learn more specifically under-levels in B2-C1 (exams: content and language skills-approximately. Under-levels will be more important) Not mandatory Practical examples from other countries Try step by step working with the CEFR National Language Strategy in autumn 2017

18 Danish curricula ↔ CEFR
General objectives: Introduce university, university colleges’ and secondary schools’ language teachers as well as policy makers to the CEFR in general and more specifically to the descriptors Introduce them to ways to relate existing or upcoming curricula to the CEFR

19 ECML Contact Point Denmark

20 ECML Contact Point Denmark

21 ECML Contact Point Denmark

22 Thank you!

23 Danish Curricula in Higher and Secondary Education and the relation with the CEFR
Ana Kanareva-Dimitrovska, PhD Project manager at ECML Contact Point Denmark Aarhus University

24 Secondary and Higher Education in Denmark

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