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ECE 4110–5110 Digital System Design

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1 ECE 4110–5110 Digital System Design
Lecture #28 Agenda Counters Announcements HW#14 due Next: HW#15 report due and demo Final Test3, comprehensive open book and notes (printed/handwritten) Lecture #28 Page 1

2 Counters Counters in VHDL - strong type casting in VHDL can make modeling counters difficult (at first glance) - the reason for this is that the STANDARD and STD_LOGIC Packages do not define "+", "-", or inequality operators for BIT_VECTOR or STD_LOGIC_VECTOR types Lecture #28 Page 2

3 Counters Counters in VHDL - there are a couple of ways to get around this 1) Use the STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED Package this package defines "+" and "-" functions for STD_LOGIC_VECTOR we can use +1 just like normal the vector will wrap as suspected ( ) one catch is that we can't assign to a Port we need to create an internal signal of STD_LOGIC_VECTOR for counting we then assign to the Port at the end Lecture #28 Page 3

4 Counters Counters in VHDL using STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED.ALL; call the package entity counter is Port ( Clock : in STD_LOGIC; Reset : in STD_LOGIC; Direction : in STD_LOGIC; Count_Out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0)); end counter; Lecture #28 Page 4

5 Counters Counters in VHDL using STD_LOGIC_UNSIGNED
architecture counter_arch of counter is signal count_temp : std_logic_vector(3 downto 0); -- Notice internal signal begin process (Clock, Reset) if (Reset = '0') then count_temp <= "0000"; elsif (Clock='1' and Clock'event) then if (Direction='0') then count_temp <= count_temp + '1'; -- count_temp can be used on both LHS and RHS else count_temp <= count_temp - '1'; end if; end process; Count_Out <= count_temp; assign to Port after the process end counter_arch; Lecture #28 Page 5

6 Counters Counters in VHDL 2) Use integers for the counter and then convert back to STD_LOGIC_VECTOR STD_LOGIC_ARITH is a Package that defines a conversion function the function is: conv_std_logic_vector (ARG, SIZE) functions are defined for ARG = integer, unsigned, signed, STD_ULOGIC SIZE is the number of bits in the vector to convert to, given as an integer we need to keep track of the RANGE and Counter Overflow Lecture #28 Page 6

7 Counters Counters in VHDL using STD_LOGIC_ARITH use IEEE.STD_LOGIC_ARITH.ALL; call the package entity counter is Port ( Clock : in STD_LOGIC; Reset : in STD_LOGIC; Direction : in STD_LOGIC; Count_Out : out STD_LOGIC_VECTOR (3 downto 0)); end counter; Lecture #28 Page 7

8 Counters Counters in VHDL using STD_LOGIC_ARITH
architecture counter_arch of counter is signal count_temp : integer range 0 to 15; -- Notice internal integer specified with Range begin process (Clock, Reset) if (Reset = '0') then count_temp <= 0; integer assignment doesn't requires quotes elsif (Clock='1' and Clock'event) then if (count_temp = 15) then count_temp <= 0; we manually check for overflow else count_temp <= count_temp + 1; end if; end process; Count_Out <= conv_std_logic_vector (count_temp, 4); -- convert integer into a 4-bit STD_LOGIC_VECTOR end counter_arch; Lecture #28 Page 8

9 Counters Counters in VHDL Notes for the UNSIGNED data type: - STD_LOGIC_ARITH also defines "+", "-", and equality for UNSIGNED types UNSIGNED is a Data type defined in STD_LOGIC_ARITH UNSIGNED is an array of STD_LOGIC An UNSIGNED type is the equivalent to a STD_LOGIC_VECTOR type the equality operators assume it is unsigned (as opposed to 2's comp SIGNED) Pro's and Cons - using integers allows a higher level of abstraction and more functionality can be included - easier to write unsynthesizable code or code that produces unwanted logic - both are synthesizable when written correctly Lecture #28 Page 9

10 Counters slow rate LED blinker
library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all; use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; entity oneHzblink is port (Clk, Rst_L : in std_logic; LED_out: buffer std_logic); end oneHzblink; architecture behavioral of oneHzblink is signal count: integer range downto 0; --assume Clk is 50MHz begin process (Clk) begin if (Clk'event and Clk='1') then if (Rst_L='0') then count<= ;--reset active low elsif (count >0) then count<=count-1; -- count down else count<= ; --loop back starting from maximum count end if; end process; process (count, RST_L) begin if (Rst_L='0') then LED_out<='0'; elsif (count=0) then LED_out<= not LED_out; --implied latch desired, that is why it is of mode buffer end behavioral ; Lecture #28 Page 10

11 Counters test bench library ieee; use ieee.std_logic_1164.all;
use ieee.std_logic_arith.all; entity test_oneHzblink is end entity; architecture behavioral of test_oneHzblink is signal Clk, Rst_L, LED_out: std_logic; component oneHzblink port (Clk, Rst_L : in std_logic; LED_out: buffer std_logic); end component oneHzblink; begin UUT: oneHzblink port map (Clk, Rst_L, LED_out); clk_gen: process begin Clk<='0'; wait for 10 ns; Clk<='1'; wait for 10 ns; end process; Stim: process begin Rst_L<='0'; wait for 100 ns; Rst_L<='1'; wait for 2000 ms; end behavioral; Lecture #28 Page 11

12 Counters Ring Counters in VHDL - to mimic the shift register behavior, we need access to the signal value before and after clock'event - consider the following concurrent signal assignments: architecture … begin Q0 <= Q3; Q1 <= Q0; Q2 <= Q1; Q3 <= Q2; end architecture… - since they are executed concurrently, it is equivalent to Q0=Q1=Q2=Q3, or a simple wire… NOT THIS Lecture #28 Page 12

13 Counters Ring Counters in VHDL - since a process doesn't assign the signal values until it suspends, we can use this to model the "before and after" behavior of a clock event. process (Clock, Reset) begin if (Reset = ‘1') then Q0<='1'; Q1<='0'; Q2<='0'; Q3<='0'; elsif (Clock'event and Clock='1') then Q0<=Q3; Q1<=Q0; Q2<=Q1; Q3<=Q2; end if; end process - notice that the signals DO NOT appear in the sensitivity list. If they did the process would continually execute and not be synthesized as a flip-flop structure Lecture #28 Page 13

14 Counters Johnson Counters in VHDL process (Clock, Reset) begin if (Reset = ‘1') then Q0<='0'; Q1<='0'; Q2<='0'; Q3<='0'; elsif (Clock'event and Clock='1') then Q0<=not Q3; Q1<=Q0; Q2<=Q1; Q3<=Q2; end if; end process Lecture #28 Page 14

15 Counters Linear Feedback Shift Register Counters in VHDL For 4-state LFSR, X4=X1 xor X0, check Table 8.26 of the textbook process (Clock, Reset) begin if (Reset = ‘1') then Q0<=‘1'; Q1<='0'; Q2<='0'; Q3<='0'; elsif (Clock'event and Clock='1') then Q0<=Q3 xor Q2; Q1<=Q0; Q2<=Q1; Q3<=Q2; end if; end process Lecture #28 Page 15

16 Counters Multiple Processes - we can now use State Machines to control the start/stop/load/reset of counters - each are independent processes that interact with each other through signals - a common task for a state machine is: 1) at a certain state, load and enable a counter 2) go to a state and wait until the counter reaches a certain value 3) when it reaches the certain value, disable the counter and continue to the next state - since the counter runs off of a clock, we know how long it will count between the start and stop Lecture #28 Page 16

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