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Extensions to the Multicycle CPU

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1 Extensions to the Multicycle CPU
Additional Instructions Exceptions

2 addi No new circuits needed
third state (after instruction decode) is the same as for lw/sw add the register and the sign-extended immediate fourth state is similar to R-type write-back but RegDst must be 0 call this new state 10

3 bne branch off zero line with a not
combine this line with the zero line in a MUX send result to AND gate with PCWriteCond control with new control line called bne 0 to select beq, 1 to select bne FSM needs a new state similar to Branch completion add the control bne = 1, call this state 11 in the existing branch completion, set bne = 0

4 Control A B ALUOp PCWriteCond PCSrc bne PCWrite MemWrite ALUSrcA
31-26 1 2 Shift Left 2 bne PCWrite 25-0 PC 31-28 1 MemWrite Zero ALUSrcA MemRead PC IorD IRWrite RegDst RegWrite 1 1 25-21 Read/Write Addr IR Read Reg 1 Read Data 1 A 20-16 A L U Read Reg 2 ALU Out Memory Registers 1 Read Data 2 B 1 2 3 Mem Data Write Reg 4 Write Data 15-11 Write Data 1 ALUSrcB Mem Data Reg Sign Ext Shift Left 2 15-0 ALU Ctrl MemtoReg 5-0 ALUOp

5 Finite State Machine with addi, bne
Instruction Fetch 0 MemRead IorD = 0 IRWrite ALUSrcA = 0 ALUSrcB = 01 ALUOp = 00 PCSrc = 00 PCWrite Instruction Decode 1 ALUSrcA = 0 ALUSrcB = 11 ALUOp = 00 Start lw or sw or addi R-type j ALUSrcA = 1 ALUSrcB = 10 ALUOp = 00 Memory Address Comp 2 bne beq ALUSrcA = 1 ALUSrcB = 00 ALUOp = 10 PCWrite PCSrc = 10 Execution 6 addi Jump Completion 9 ALUSrcA = 1 ALUSrcB = 00 ALUOp = 01 PCWriteCond PCSrc = 01 bne = 1 lw sw RegDst = 0 RegWrite MemtoReg = 0 Write Back 10 Memory Access lw 3 MemRead IorD = 1 ALUSrcA = 1 ALUSrcB = 00 ALUOp = 01 PCWriteCond PCSrc = 01 bne = 0 MemWrite IorD = 1 RegDst = 1 RegWrite MemtoReg = 0 Memory Access sw 5 Branch Completion 11 Write Back 7 RegWrite MemToReg = 1 RegDst = 0 Write Back 4 Branch Completion 8

6 Exceptions Unexpected or Unscheduled event which causes a change in the flow of instructions Examples: Internal Non-existent opcode Integer overflow Program request to operating system External Interrupt I/O request Hardware malfunction Requires change in instruction sequence

7 Exception Handling - Multicycle
Detection and Cause non-existent opcode -- control overflow signal from ALU I/O request external signal set register to record cause Save location in program (address of current instruction) register (EPC), needed Change control to exception handling code enter address of exception code into PC

8 Exception Circuitry - Multicycle
Overflow signal to control to detect overflow Register to save address of current instruction EPC (Exception Program Counter) Register to record the cause of the exception As many bits as needed to record the different types of exception 32 bits in MIPS, but not all bits are used Called Cause register Address of exception code through MUX to PC Selected by PCSrc, choice 11

9 Control A B ALUOp CauseWrite PCWriteCond PCSrc bne PCWrite MemWrite
31-26 bne 1 2 3 4 PCWrite 25-0 Shift Left 2 PC 31-28 C 1 MemWrite Zero ALUSrcA MemRead EPCWrite PC IorD IRWrite RegDst RegWrite 1 1 25-21 Overflow Read/Write Addr IR Read Reg 1 Read Data 1 A 20-16 A L U EPC Read Reg 2 ALU Out Memory Registers 1 Read Data 2 B 1 2 3 Mem Data Write Reg 4 Write Data 15-11 Write Data IntCause 1 ALUSrcB Mem Data Reg C a u s e 1 1 Sign Ext Shift Left 2 15-0 ALU Ctrl MemtoReg 5-0 ALUOp

10 IntCause = 0; CauseWrite IntCause = 1; CauseWrite
Finite State Machine with exceptions 13 Instruction Fetch 1 ALUOp = 01 ALUSrcA = 0; ALUSrcB = 01 IntCause = 0; CauseWrite EPCWrite; PCWrite PCSrc = 11 Instruction Decode/ Register Fetch Start other Ops lw or sw or addi R-type j rfe Mem Addr Comp or Addi Exe 2 bne beq R-Type Execute 6 PCWrite PCSrc = 100 addi 9 jump completion bne completion lw sw Write-back addi 10 3 Mem Access lw beq completion Mem Access sw Write-back R-Type 5 11 7 14 Write-back 4 8 Overflow ALUOp = 01 ALUSrcA = 0; ALUSrcB = 01 IntCause = 1; CauseWrite EPCWrite; PCWrite PCSrc = 11 12

11 Exception Code Located a fixed memory location
Must first save state (as with any function call) At end must restore state Decodes Cause Register to determine type of exception branches to appropriate code Some exceptions cause program to be aborted print appropriate error message

12 Exception Code Some exceptions take an action
run code to handle input from disk/keyboard/mouse run code to handle output to screen/other device The return control to previous program restore state rfe (return from exception) put the address held in the EPC back into the PC previous program continues from point where it was interrupted

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