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1 Manajemen

2 Definition of management
According G.R. Terry in his book The Principles of Scientific Management, the management is an attempt to get the goal that has been set in advance by using the activities of others. According S.P. Hasibuan, manajemensebagai science and art organize the process of utilizing human and other resources effectively and efficiently to achieve a goal In general, the management activities of planning, organizing, pengararan and control of a company / BU to achieve the objectives that has been designated. Implementing the management called Managers

3 Levels of Management Top Manager Midlle Manager Low Manager
1. Top Management or upper level management are often called      Chief executive Officier. Midlle Manager 2. Middle management or mid-level management is often called the head part. Low Manager 3. Lower Management or management level who is also known under the term operational dg (Supervisor, foreman)

4 Elements of Management
In the management to achieve the necessary equipment or facilities that are called resources or management elements. Element management is an essential part and absolutely must be provided on an activity. Equipment / facility (management elements) to achieve the goal of: man, money, materials, machines, methods, and markets (6 M).

5 Principles of management according to Henry Fayol
The division of labor is balanced (Division of work) Granting authority and responsibility (Authority and Responsibility) Discipline (Dicipline) Command unity (unity of command) Unity of direction (Unity of direction) Altruistic Above Personal kepentinag (Subordination of Individual interest to general Interest) Payroll (Payroll) Centralization of authority (Centralization) Study bertangga (Hierarchie) Code of Conduct Justice (Egnity) Initiative (initiative) Solidarity (Esprit de Corp)

6 Fungsi Manajemen Management functions are the basic elements that are always there and inherent in the management process that will be used as a reference by dlm managers carry out tasks to achieve the goal. Management functions consist of ABCDEFLMOPS, namely Actuating (mobilization), Budgeting (budgeting) Commanding, Communications, Coordinating, Controlling, Directing (giving directions), Evaluating, Forecasting (forecasting) Leading, Motivating, Organizing, Planning and Staffing (staffing)

7 Planning The first activity of a manager is to plan. Develop a plan means thinking about what will be done dg owned resources. Planning (should be able to effectively meet the formula 5W + 1H, which is as follows: What Why Where When Who How

8 Organizing A manager should be able to carry out the process of organizing, which in keeping with the implementation of work plans or instructions. Organizing processes that are commonly used as follows: Dividing the work that will be done, assign tasks, and responsibilities. Set up arrangement position and role with naming. Forming systems of power and formal status. Forming an organizational structure to conduct internal communications. One important task of the organization is to create a harmonious relationship in a group which consists of various individuals and various interests.

9 Actuating Actuating Is an act of manipulating people to want to work full awareness dg scr itself or together to measure in the desired destination with scr effective. In this case the required leadership (Leadership). 2. Leadership Leadership Is an act of manipulating people to want to work full awareness dg scr itself or together to measure in the desired destination with scr effective. In this case the required leadership (Leadership). In moving employees, a leader must have a specific approach. Olek because the leader is expected to communicate, provide guidance / advice, creative thinking, initiative, and provide stimulus to employees.

10 Controlling Supervision is the act of a manager to assess and control the course of an activity. The goal is to prevent or correct errors, irregularities, fraud, and other activities that are not in keeping with the plan. Step up the process of supervision is to set standards and methods of achievement, job performance measurement, determination of appropriate performance standards, and take action perbaikkan

11 AREAS OF MANAGEMENT Production management personnel management
Financial management Marketing Management Office management

12 Dapat Juga Diakses : PlayStore : econosmart Web :

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