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Term 2. Week beginning Monday 4th December 2017.

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1 Term 2. Week beginning Monday 4th December 2017.
Thought for the week. Term 2. Week beginning Monday 4th December 2017.

2 LO: to explore the differences between justice and injustice.

3 Justice- being fair, treating people fairly.
KEYWORDS Justice- being fair, treating people fairly. Injustice- being unfair, treating people unfairly. LO: to explore the differences between justice and injustice

4 Discuss! Peter was talking in class but the teacher did not see who was talking and told Amira off. Is this justice? Why? Or why not? Hussein was planning his birthday party but decided to invite only the boys in his class. Is this justice? LO: to explore the differences between justice and injustice

5 Group Work – real life cases
Everyone in the group: discuss if there has been justice in these cases and why. Anyone can be selected to answer/justify their decision. LO: to explore the differences between justice and injustice

6 Couple arrested for kissing
Summary: A British couple was sentenced to prison for kissing in a restaurant in Dubai. The couple was given a one-month prison sentence. The couple was taken to court after a woman complained about the kiss, but the couple said it was just a kiss on the cheek. They were arrested in November and found guilty of inappropriate behaviour and drinking. Dubai has relaxed laws compared to other countries in the area, but they have strict decency laws and punish people who push the limits, which can include everything from wearing a mini skirt to getting angry in traffic. Ayman Najafi and Charlotte Adams – both in their 20s – were arrested after a woman said they kissed in a restaurant where she and her daughter were having dinner. Their lawyer told the court that they kissed on the cheek as a greeting and "never intended to break the law.“ However, others argued the couple knew the laws in Dubai and should have respected them. The judge agreed that the couple is guilty and said they will be deported after spending the month in prison. Their lawyer said Najafi and Adams were not in a relationship, but knew each other before they met in Dubai. Najafi worked in Dubai and Adams was visiting the country as a tourist.

7 Discuss There has been justice because...
There has not been justice because...

8 London Riots Summary: A college student with no criminal record was jailed for six months in August 2011 for stealing a £3.50 case of bottled water during a night of rioting. Nicolas Robinson, 23, carried out the “opportunistic” theft at a supermarket in Brixton as he went home from his girlfriend’s house. Robinson threw away the water and ran when the police tried to stop him but was arrested and quickly admitted what he had done. His lawyer told the court, he had “got caught up in the moment” and was “incredibly ashamed”. But the judge said we have to think about the background of “serious public disorder”. People in the court were in shock as the judge told Nicholas he would be going to prison for 6 months. The judge said: “The burglary of this kind during the riots was very serious.” He said because Nicolas did not have a criminal record and admitted what he had done, he would not be sent to a higher court where he may get a longer prison sentence. The judge sentenced him to 6 months in prison. The police said “People who live in London, and beyond have seen the riots and public disorder. Nicholas has added, through his actions, to the lawlessness.

9 Discuss There has been justice because...
There has not been justice because...

10 The murder of James Bulger
Summary: Ten year old John Thompson and Robert Venables tortured and killed two year old James Bulger. John and Robert served 8 years in prison before being released into the community with a new identity so they could lead a normal life. James Bulger went missing while out shopping with his mother in a shopping centre. The picture, captured on CCTV, showed James Bulger being led away by hand by the ten year old boys. After murdering James the boys left his body on a nearby railway line where it was discovered two days later. After their arrest and throughout the court case the boys were known only as Child A & Child B. The details of the murder shocked many people and led to public anger, particularly in Liverpool. James had at least 10 injuries on his head as he was hit by a metal bar and he had around 42 injuries on his body. Even though they were 10, John and Robert were tried in an adult court and in November 1993, they were found guilty of murdering James Bulger. The judge then revealed their names. In June 2001 John and Robert were released from prison and given new, secret identities.

11 Discuss There has been justice because...
There has not been justice because...

12 LO: to explore the differences between justice and injustice
What are the differences?

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