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Study of the 2012 Trip on the HV module with independent generator

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1 Study of the 2012 Trip on the HV module with independent generator
Elodie Tiouchichine, Elisabeth Petit 8/26/2018 E. Tiouchichine

2 Introduction Aim of the study
Look at trips of HV modules with independent generator and current regulation functionality→ Effect on the reconstructed objects ? Last presentation on this subject: Method Consider data 2012 (more statistic than in 2011). Look at the CosmicCalo stream (empty bunch) and JetTauEtmiss The aim of the study is to compare the objects reconstructed (jets, photons) in two kind of Lbs : HV trip of a new module : GRLAllGood and defect LAR_xx_TRIP_NEWMODULE Good : GRLAllGood and no defect LAR_xx_TRIP_NEWMODULE Selection Event with data corruption or data integrity are rejected (LarError==2) LB with SEVNOISEBURST are removed 8/26/2018 E. Tiouchichine

3 Trips of New Module? Voltage Trip status Current When there is a trip the module switches from voltage mode to current mode . voltage mode to current mode => defect : LAR_xx_TRIP_NEWMODULE More information on Valerio's presentations: Is there any consequences on reconstructed object during Lbs affected by this transition of Mode Voltage → Current? 8/26/2018 E. Tiouchichine

4 Trips of new module in 2012 RunNumber Lbs affected HV line 202609 238,239 M343-C2 203636 978,1043,1044 M132-C3 203779 548,560,561 204465 456 204772 58 204932 246,534 M20-C5, M333-C7 205055 442,443 208485 261,262 M333-C7 208642 254,255 M142-C11 208930 221,222 209550 340,341 M30-C11 209736 693,694,723,724 M132-C3, M146-C4 209994 447,448 Lb = Lumiblock not in the GRL ALLGood → Not used in this analysis 8/26/2018 E. Tiouchichine

5 Trips of new module in 2012 Statistic(CosmicCalo/JetTauEtmiss)
Number of HV Trip EMECC EMECA Statistic(CosmicCalo/JetTauEtmiss) During HV trips: 895 / events During no HV trips: / events 8/26/2018 E. Tiouchichine

6 Jet Results - Cosmic Calo stream
Jet map in good lbs Jet map in trip LBs Jets / events Good LBs Trip LBs 0.18 ± 0.00 0.28 ± 0.02 72.8 % are Loose bad jets ~100% are Tight bad jets 66.8% are Loose bad jets ~100% are Tight bad jets Same number of jets during trip and no trip 8/26/2018 E. Tiouchichine

7 Photon Results - Cosmic Calo stream
Photon map in good lbs Photon map in trip LBs Photon / events Good LBs Trip LBs 0.13 ± 0.00 0.20 ± 0.02 9.2% pass loose ID 7.9% pass loose ID Same number of photon during trip and no trip 8/26/2018 E. Tiouchichine

8 ETmiss , Φmiss - Cosmic Calo stream
8/26/2018 E. Tiouchichine

9 ETmiss , Φmiss - Cosmic Calo stream
Remove event with looser bad jets After jet cleaning (as it's recommended to do in analysis group) → agreement within statistic 8/26/2018 E. Tiouchichine

10 ETmiss , Φmiss - Cosmic Calo stream
Remove event with looser bad jets After jet cleaning (as it's recommended to do in analysis group) → agreement within statistic Remark :Noise burst No evident correlation with HV Trip in the new module and noise burst In the case there were noise burst, there were well cleaned by the LAr windows veto 8/26/2018 E. Tiouchichine

11 Jet Results - JetTauEtmiss stream
Jet map in good lbs Jet map in trip LBs Jets / events Good LBs Trip LBs 9.03 ± 0.00 9.76 ± 0.03 0.7 % are Loose bad jets 25% are Tight bad jets 0.6% are Loose bad jets 25% are Tight bad jets Same jet activity in Lbs with trips and w/o 8/26/2018 E. Tiouchichine

12 Photon Results - JetTauEtmiss stream
Photon map in good lbs Photon map in trip LBs Photon / events Good LBs Trip LBs 19.0 ± 0.01 20.1 ± 0.06 Same photon activity in Lbs with trips and without 8/26/2018 E. Tiouchichine

13 ETmiss - JetTauEtmiss stream
Jet cleaning applied (remove event with looser bad jets) Good agreement between the distributions 8/26/2018 E. Tiouchichine

14 Conclusion Looked at Cosmic Calo and JetTauEtmiss stream
Comparison of object reconstructed in Lbs contained in GRL AllGood splitting Lbs HV Trip in new module No HV trip in new module No strange behavior detected Based on these studies we confirm that we are safe to include Lbs with HV trip new module in physics analysis 8/26/2018 E. Tiouchichine

15 BackUp 8/26/2018 E. Tiouchichine

16 HV – Current distributions Run: 203636
8/26/2018 E. Tiouchichine

17 HV – Current distributions Run: 203636
8/26/2018 E. Tiouchichine

18 HV – Current distributions Run: 203779
8/26/2018 E. Tiouchichine

19 HV – Current distributions Run: 204265
8/26/2018 E. Tiouchichine

20 HV – Current distributions Run: 204772
8/26/2018 E. Tiouchichine

21 HV – Current distributions Run: 204932
8/26/2018 E. Tiouchichine

22 HV – Current distributions Run: 205055
8/26/2018 E. Tiouchichine

23 HV – Current distributions Run: 208485
8/26/2018 E. Tiouchichine

24 HV – Current distributions Run: 208642
8/26/2018 E. Tiouchichine

25 HV – Current distributions Run: 208642
8/26/2018 E. Tiouchichine

26 HV – Current distributions Run: 209550
8/26/2018 E. Tiouchichine

27 HV – Current distributions Run: 209736
8/26/2018 E. Tiouchichine

28 Noise Burst Follow this link for more informations : Definitions :
Definitions : Q = Quality factor quadratic difference between measured and expected shape of the pulse Bad channel = Q > 4000 Bad FEB = More than 30 bad channels in the FEB Noise burst = 5 or more Bad FEB found in the event 8/26/2018 E. Tiouchichine

29 8/26/2018 E. Tiouchichine

30 Flag SEVNOISEBURST When the time stamp of the noise burst is find a LAr time windows veto of 2 sec around the time stamp is applied during the Bulk processing→ LArError == 2 But the defect SEVNOISEBURST can be applied for the lumiblock when: The cleaning didn't worked well (Burst during more than 2 seconds)(extremely rare) Burst detected in the collision stream and not in express stream so the time stamp of the brust was not updated in the db before the bulk processing. → 1% of LB (Lar tream is working on a trigger dedicated which will allow to see this noiseburst at the express processing level) 8/26/2018 E. Tiouchichine

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