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Chapter 16 “Postwar America”

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1 Chapter 16 “Postwar America”

2 Ch. 16.1 Notes “The Eisenhower Era”
Ch Warm-up Describe three of the most important political issues the United States faced after WWII.

3 A. The Election of 1952 Truman steps aside The “I like Ike” campaign
Ike promises to end war Nixon the anti-communist Nixon’s “Checkers” speech

4 B. The Cold War Continues
Ike visits Korea for peace talks 1953 – armistice signed John Foster Dulles The brinkmanship policy Massive retaliation 1947 – CIA formed USSR - Khrushchev takes over Warsaw Pact formed 1955 – The Geneva Summit 1960 – the U-2 incident

5 C. Cold War "Hot Spots" 1954 – the Vietnam conflict begins
SEATO formed 1948 – creation of Israel Egypt and the Soviet Union The Suez Crisis 1957 – The Eisenhower Doctrine

6 Ch. 16.2 Notes “Atomic Anxiety”
Ch Warm-up Describe three events that demonstrated the continuing of Cold War tensions into the Eisenhower administration.

7 A. The Hydrogen Bomb 1952 – First H-bomb tested by U.S.
Many times more powerful than A –bomb Debate over development Put U.S. ahead of USSR in arms race 1953 – Soviets get H-bomb

8 B. The Arms Race Nations began stockpiling weapons
Shift from conventional to nuclear weapons Bombs made to be delivered Air force funding increased ICBM’s are developed 1954 – first nuclear-powered sub Nuclear power plants built Soviets launch first satellite called Sputnik NASA created to catch up to Soviets

9 C. Americans React to Nuclear Threat
Fear of nuclear fallout Test in Marshall Islands FCDA created for defense and nuclear preparation “Duck and Cover” Women play a central role in preparing homes Operation Alert Bomb shelters built 1963 – Limited Test Ban Treaty 1961 – Eisenhower warns of the military-industrial complex

10 Ch. 16.3 Notes “The Television Age”
Ch Warm-up Describe three ways in which Americans displayed “atomic anxiety” during the postwar years.

11 A. Television Changes American Life
I Love Lucy - Lucille Ball – one of first successful TV shows 40’s/50’s – millions of TV’s sold TV began to be used in politics Advertising becomes major industry Programs included news, dramas, variety shows Content becomes a concern

12 B. Other Technological Developments
1940’s – first computers Transistors make computers more practical 1951 – UNIVAC – first computer Integrated circuit rapidly advances computer technology Jonas Salk developed the polio vaccine

13 C. Cultural Change in the 1950's
1950’s – U.S. in world’s leading economic power Levittown's created to house a booming population Employment/spending up People move to the Sunbelt Interstate Highway System improves transportation The art of rebellion – actors, beat poets, musicians

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