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Corporate Risk Registers

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1 Corporate Risk Registers
Tom Davies AMBCS, Solutions Engagement Team

2 Corporate Risk Register Module
Manage Risk within a multi layered Corporate Structure Extend beyond standard Risk Module functionality Risk owner, Risk Probability and Likelihood, Risk Matrix, Enhancement to create “Action Plans ” for each Risk With multiple “Owners” for a Risk-Action Results in matrix view of Risk, Risk Actions + Owners Managed within ProjectVision Portfolio / Programme Structure

3 Corporate Risk Register Module
Functionality Overview Actions are managed for each specific risk Separation of Risk and Risk-Action Access User only get access to the level of detailed based on their ownership of a Risk or Risk-Action Specific “Risk and Actions” reporting Benefits : Increased level of detail around “progress” on the risk Clearly identify all Actions to mitigate / manage the risk Clear Ownership on each Risk-Action Overall Improved Assurance / Governance Enable senior managers to designate staff to “Acton their behalf”

4 Functional Review of Risk & Actions Register
Core Requirement : - A Risk can have an Action(s) assigned against it. - Each Action can have multiple owners. Standard Project Vision ProjectVision Actions + Owner for Risks Owner 1 Programme Structure Owner 2 Action 01 Owner 3 Risk ID Action 02 Owner 1 Owner 2 Owner 3 Risk ID New PV Function : - Trigger from new tab in Risk Register. Organisational Assignment of Action Owner : - Based on Organisation relationship between “Risk Owner” and “Action Owner” - Users will need to be linked to the Organisation Structure in ProjectVision.

5 Actions and Action Owners Functionality
Core functionality : Actions Associated with a Risk 1 or Multiple Actions Action will have at least one owner assigned Action can have multiple owners Rules for Assignment of Action Owner Risk ID Risk ID Action 01 Action 02 Owner 1 Owner 2 Owner 3 Actions + Owner for Risks

6 Risk Action Owner – Access via User Widget
Users can receive alerts outside of ProjectVision related to Actions on Risks. For Example: Action Owner When Assigned an Action Risk Owner – when Action Owner Fields are updated

7 Functionality: Delegation
A Risk Action Owner (“delegated from”) can delegate to a single user (“delegated to”) at any time. Delegation to another user will still allow the original Risk Action Owner to view and edit the Risk Actions For auditing purposes updates by the “delegated to” user will be tracked via the Audit trail, where a specific column be added to indicate the name of the “delegated to” user for each record update.

8 Risk and Actions Reporting
Specific Reports Developed - Combined View of Risk and Actions + Action Owner Report Filters : - Programmes/Directorates - Risk Date Ranges - Risk Owner - Risk Levels - Action Owner + Status - Action Status - Action Date Range


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