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Power and conflict Los: To know the key themes in the poems

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Presentation on theme: "Power and conflict Los: To know the key themes in the poems"— Presentation transcript:

1 Power and conflict Los: To know the key themes in the poems
To understand the links between poems To be able to analyse and make comparisons between two poems

2 Themes in Power and Conflict Poetry
Starter In the exam, the question will ask you to analyse how a theme is presented by the writers of two poems. How many themes can you think of? Themes in Power and Conflict Poetry

3 Key themes: which poems link to each theme?
Power of Human Negative Emotions – Anger Power of Nature Negative Emotions – Guilt Effects of Conflict Negative Emotions – Pride Reality of Conflict Negative Emotions – Fear Loss and Absence Identity Memory Individual Experiences

4 Poetry Que cards QUESTION TOPIC Themes and Ideas (AO1/AO3)
Ozymandias My Last Duchess Tissue The Emigree Checkin’ out me History War Photographer Remains Charge of the Light Brigade Bayonet Charge Exposure Storm on the Island The Prelude London Poppies Kamikaze QUESTION TOPIC Themes and Ideas (AO1/AO3) Language (AO2) Structure and Form (AO2) Context (AO3) Personal Response (AO1) On this slide, insert the question that you are going to tackle as a class in the heading and you can copy and paste copies of the poems that you are going to analyse and compare.

5 Example Exam Question and plan: Power and Conflict
Compare the ways in which power is presented in ‘Ozymandias’ and in one other poem from ‘Power and Conflict’. (30 marks) AOs Ozymandias My Last Duchess Themes and Ideas (AO1/AO3) Power of man insignificant compared to power of time/nature Duke’s obsession with power over people and objects Language (AO2) Arrogant language Irony Objectification of Duchess Sinister language Structure and Form (AO2) Second-hand account. Sonnet with irregular rhyme scheme. Dramatic monologue. Rhyming couplets. Enjambment. Context (AO3) Cultural/Historical: time has changed the importance of his place in history Social: Duke believes he is above the law due to his place in society. Personal Response (AO1)

6 Example Questions continued
Compare how poets present the effects of conflict in ‘Remains’ and in one other poem from ‘Power and Conflict’. (30 marks) Compare how poets present negative feelings in ‘London’ and in one other poem from ‘Power and Conflict’. (30 marks) Compare how memory is presented as a powerful force in ‘Kamikaze’ and one other poem from ‘Power and Conflict’. (30 marks) Compare how poets present the power of nature in ‘The Prelude: Stealing the Boat’ and in one other poem from ‘Power and Conflict’. (30 marks) Compare the ways poets present ideas about loss in ‘The Emigree’ and in one other poem from ‘Power and Conflict’. (30 marks).

7 Planning is key! Use the table below to help you.
AOs Poem 1 Poem 2 QUESTION: Themes and Ideas (AO1/AO3) Language (AO2) Structure and Form (AO2) Context (AO3) Personal Response (AO1)

8 Example structure of a response
Point: Begin each paragraph by making a comparison between the two poems Example: Then give an example from one of the poems. Explain: Explain how the example supports your opening point. After you’ve explained your first example, give an example from the other poem and explain that too. Link: Develop your point by writing about its effect on the reader, how it links to another part of the poem, how it relates to the poem’s context and/or by adding to the comparison with the other poem.

9 Example PEED paragraph
‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’ and ‘Bayonet Charge’ both emphasise the sounds of battle. Tennyson repeats the onomatopoeic verbs “Volley’d”, “thunder’d” and “Storm’d” to suggest the noise of the cannons that the Light Brigade faced. Similarly, in ‘Bayonet Charge’, the metaphor “blue cracking air” uses onomatopoeia to vividly depict the noise of machine gun fire. In both poems, this emphasis on sound adds a horrifying dimension to the depictions of conflict, making them vivid and realistic for the reader. Extension task: Can you add in any alternative interpretations?

10 Now it’s your turn Select an example exam question Plan your response
Write a PEED paragraph

11 Plenary: feedback Peer assess your partner’s work
Have they addressed all 3 AOs in their response? Themes and Ideas (AO1/3) Language, Structure, Form (AO2) Context (AO3) Personal Response (AO1)

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