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Sorrento, Italy, October 1-3, 2015

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2 Sorrento, Italy, October 1-3, 2015
The 7th European Pediatric GI Motility Meeting Sorrento, Italy, October 1-3, 2015 Efficacy and safety of enemas administered high in the rectum/sigmoid for fecal disimpaction in children. Marjolijn Landman, nurse practitioner pediatric gastroenterology Michael Groeneweg, pediatric gastroenterologist


4 Poeppoli Rotterdam Multidisciplinary team
Referral center for children with functional constipation and/or fecal incontinence 500 patients / yr

5 City of Rotterdam A R

6 Efficacy and safety of enemas administered high in the rectum/sigmoid for fecal disimpaction in children. The Procedure

7 The procedure The child is lying on its left side after explaining the procedure Rectal canulla: positioned as high as possible Lidocain ointment Syringe (60ml) Olive oil / sweat oil: for softening hard stools (15-20 min.) Age < 2 yr: 25 ml Age 2-6 yr: 50 ml Age > 6 yr: 100 ml Iriflex waterpump Tap water (handwarm): Age < 2 yr: 250 – 500 ml Age 2-6 yr: ml Age > 6 yr: 1000 ml Colex enema (120 ml): sodium phosphate 3,2 grm / monobasic sodium phosphate 13,9 grm

8 Materials used:

9 Practice Based procedure

10 No data in literature on effectivity or safety of this procedure in children

11 Study aim How effective is this procedure ?
What are the side effects ? How safe is it ?

12 Study design Retrospective analysis of all procedures
performed in 2013 and 2014 Effectivity: -- Bristol stool scale (consistancy) -- the amount of produced stool semi quantitative -- the number of procedures needed Side-effects (reported by patients, and observed by nurse) Safety

13 The patients Indication: fecal impaction:
- functional constipation by ROME III - evidence of impacted stools: -- palpable in the abdomen -- by rectal examination

14 Consistancy of stools produced

15 Method to estimate the amount of stools produced
No production 12 hrs after enema Small amount defined as: far less then expected for the age of the child Normal amount of stools normal for the age of the child Large amount of stools defined as: at least twice the amount expected for the age of the child Normal or Large amount and feeling releaved = succes

16 Results Charts of 123 procedures were evaluated
N=77 all data were documented, performed in 75 children 36 girls / 39 boys Mean age 9,8 yr (3,6 – 19) 25 (30 %) children needed more than 1 procedure

17 Stool consistancy: Bristol Stool Scale

18 Stool consistancy: Bristol Stool Scale
Bristol 1 - 4: N=37 procedures Bristol 5 - 7: N=40 procedures Combinations of two Bristol types: N=16 N=14 of these combination of at least Bristol 5-7 Softening of stools in the large majority of patients

19 The amount of stools produced

20 Side-effects during and after procedure:
abdominal pain cramps especially when water is pumped in significant anxiety: 20% (15 procedures) with impact on performance of procedure, NOT on effectivity no procedure-related complications

21 Conclusions This method of fecal disimpaction is effective in 68 % of children 32 % of children need a repetitive procedure to get disimpacted: -- only 2 patients needed 3 procedures In 1 out of 5 (20%) patients there is considerable anxiety, making hard to fully perform the procedure


23 What can we learn from our study ?
Safe and effective method of disimpaction Yes, but we cannot mirror our results with studies by others.. Is it better than just a ‘regular’ enemas ? Is it better than an oral disimpaction scheme ? …prospective studies needed

24 Poeppoli Rotterdam Ineke Olivier continence nurse
Anne Sofie Pijpers behavioral therapist Stefanie Lipic behavioral therapist Els van Everdingen psychologist Diana van Mechelen endoscopy nurse Ulcu Bekali endoscopy nurse Marjolijn Landman nurse practitioner Jurjen Boes pediatrician Michael Groeneweg pediatric GE

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