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Cooling systems for HL-LHC (WP17.3)

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Presentation on theme: "Cooling systems for HL-LHC (WP17.3)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Cooling systems for HL-LHC (WP17.3)
Alexandre Broche CERN Engineering Department Cooling and Ventilation Group Cooling and Ventilation Review – 14th March 2017

2 Cooling infrastructure Point 1 and 5 User Requirements Design Criteria
Content Cooling infrastructure Point 1 and 5 User Requirements Design Criteria Cooling overview schematic SFx7 Primary water station SUx7 Chiller water station UWx7 Underground cooling station Central heating Point 1 Cooling infrastructure Point 1 and 5 User Requirements Design Criteria Cooling overview schematic SFx7 Primary water station SUx7 Chiller water station UWx7 Underground cooling station Central heating Point 1 HL-LHC CV Tech Review, CERN, 14 March '17

3 Cooling infrastructure Point 1
Chiller water station SU17 Underground cooling station UW17 Primary water station SF17 HL-LHC CV Tech Review, CERN, 14 March '17

4 Cooling infrastructure Point 5
Chiller water station SU57 Primary water station SF57 Underground cooling station UW57 HL-LHC CV Tech Review, CERN, 14 March '17

5 Cooling infrastructure Point 1 and 5 User Requirements Design Criteria
Content Cooling infrastructure Point 1 and 5 User Requirements Design Criteria Cooling overview schematic SFx7 Primary water station SUx7 Chiller water station UWx7 Underground cooling station Central heating Point 1 HL-LHC CV Tech Review, CERN, 14 March '17

6 Primary water for surface buildings
User requirements (1/4) Primary water for surface buildings Location Name Heat load (kW) Supply temperature (°C) ∆T ∆P (bar) Pmax SHMx7 Helium compressor 5000 25 8 3 10 SDx7 Cold box 200 TOTAL 5200 Secondary raw-water for underground Location Name Heat load (kW) Supply temperature (°C) ∆T ∆P (bar) Pmax USx7 Cold box 70 27 10 3 HL-LHC CV Tech Review, CERN, 14 March '17

7 Secondary demineralised water for underground
User requirements (2/4) Secondary demineralised water for underground Location Name Heat load (kW) Supply temperature (°C) ∆T ∆P (bar) Pmax URx5 Power converters 272 27 10 3 16 WCC 420 2 Energy extraction 78 NC UAx3 RF amplifier 332 (664) 5 HV PS 92 (184) UAx7 TOTAL 1618 (2466) ½ CC (Full CC) HL-LHC CV Tech Review, CERN, 14 March '17

8 Cooling power on chilled water Cooling power on mixed water
User requirements (3/4) Surface Air Handling Units Location Name Heating power 50°C – 40°C (kW) Heat recovery power 30°C – 25°C Cooling power on chilled water 5°C – 10°C Cooling power on mixed water 14°C – 20°C SUx7 Pressurisation shaft 120 - 80 Primary air 60 50 250 SU building 35 SD building 30 SHMx7 SHM building SFx7 SF building 20 SEx7 SE – LV 15 SE – HV TOTAL 325 265 HL-LHC CV Tech Review, CERN, 14 March '17

9 Underground Air Handling Units
User requirements (4/4) Underground Air Handling Units Location Name Heat load (kW) Supply temperature (°C) ∆T ∆P (bar) UAx3 RF – HV PS 80 (160) 14 6 0.3 UAx7 URx5 PC – WCC –EE – Racks 240 Faraday cage 11 (20) USx7 Safe room 10 UWx7 Safe room back-up US cavern 55 Station UW 12 TOTAL 499 (677) Mixed water ½ CC (Full CC) HL-LHC CV Tech Review, CERN, 14 March '17

10 Cooling infrastructure Point 1 and 5 User Requirements Design Criteria
Content Cooling infrastructure Point 1 and 5 User Requirements Design Criteria Cooling overview schematic SFx7 Primary water station SUx7 Chiller water station UWx7 Underground cooling station Central heating Point 1 HL-LHC CV Tech Review, CERN, 14 March '17

11 Design criteria Outdoor wet bulb temperature : 21.7°C
Piping ISO 1127 ISO 4200 ISO 5252 EN & EN EN EN EN /6 Welding ISO 9712 ISO 15609 EN-ISO EN-ISO 14732 EN-ISO 15614 Pumps EN-ISO 2858 EN-ISO 5199 EN 733 Valves EN 588 Outdoor wet bulb temperature : 21.7°C Point 1 and 5 : same design with different layout ISO and EN standards Redundancy and durability Level N+1 for the pumps, chillers, cooling towers Pipes made of stainless steel Concrete cooling tower Half Crab Cavities vs Full Crab Cavities: Full CC: Pipes, chillers, heat exchangers and cooling tower ½ CC: Pumps Redundancy on Safe Room, Faraday Cage, primary air SIA 2028 Avoid a component failure to cause a system wide failure 1 hour of cooling stop for cryo equipment is 10 hours of cryo stop HL-LHC CV Tech Review, CERN, 14 March '17

12 Design criteria Margin Energy saving Heat recovery Variable flow rate
Water cooled chillers Good COP, low noise, high life expectancy, low cost, compact Standardised equipment for reliability and management of spare parts Primary water Secondary raw & demineralised water Chilled/Mixed water for AHUs +15% No margin System Pumps and chillers are matching ventilation needs HL-LHC CV Tech Review, CERN, 14 March '17

13 Cooling infrastructure Point 1 and 5 User Requirements Design Criteria
Content Cooling infrastructure Point 1 and 5 User Requirements Design Criteria Cooling overview schematic SFx7 Primary water station SUx7 Chiller water station UWx7 Underground cooling station Central heating Point 1 HL-LHC CV Tech Review, CERN, 14 March '17

14 Cooling overview schematic Point 1&5
SF SU SHM SD UW Internal C&S review of WP17, CERN, September '16

15 Cooling overview schematic Point 1&5
SF 9 MW (10.2) 1.04 MW (1.33) SU Chiller 5-10°C 250 kW Ventilation Primary air Primary network 3 UW Chiller 14-19°C 579 (757) kW Ventilation Pressurisation 80 kW Ventilation 13 AHUs UA, UR, FC, SR, US, UW 500 (677) kW Primary network 2 1.94 MW (2.92) UW Power Converters WCC, EE RF-IOTs, HV-PS 1618 (2466) kW Cryo Cold box 70 kW US UR+UA 6.0 MW SD Cryo Cold box 200 kW SHM Compressor 5000 kW Primary network 1 ½ CC (Full CC) Surface Underground HL-LHC CV Tech Review, CERN, 14 March '17

16 Cooling overview schematic Point 1
SFx7 SHMx7 SUx7 SDx7 25ºC DN300 DN200 DN200 PMx7 35ºC 30ºC 33ºC Technical galleries Primary network 2 UWx7 Raw water→70kW Demineralised water→ 1618 (2466) kW Primary network 1 SHMx7→ 5MW SDx7→200kW Primary network 3 SUx7 → 1040 (1325) kW UWx7 USx7 HL-LHC CV Tech Review, CERN, 14 March '17

17 Cooling infrastructure Point 1 and 5 User Requirements Design Criteria
Content Cooling infrastructure Point 1 and 5 User Requirements Design Criteria Cooling overview schematic SFx7 Primary water station SUx7 Chiller water station UWx7 Underground cooling station Central heating Point 1 HL-LHC CV Tech Review, CERN, 14 March '17

18 SFx7 Primary water station
Make – up water 3 cells (N+1) Filtration Heating Blowdown Distribution Sump HL-LHC CV Tech Review, CERN, 14 March '17

19 SFx7 Primary water station
Evaporation Twb=21.7°C 17 m3/h 32.8 °C 25°C 5.1 MW CF=3 Biocides, Biodispersant, Corrosion inhibitor UW 1941 kW (2916 kW) SHM 5750 kW SD 230 kW SU 1040 kW (1325 kW) 167 m3/h (251 m3/h) 644 m3/h 179 m3/h (228 m3/h) 400 µm Make-up water 25.5 m3/h Heating circuit 60 m3/h 150 kW Filtration circuit 50 to 100 m3/h < 100 µm Blowdown 8.5 m3/h Sump circuit 60 m3/h Constant flow VSD to start pumps and save energy HL-LHC CV Tech Review, CERN, 14 March '17

20 Cooling infrastructure Point 1 and 5 User Requirements Design Criteria
Content Cooling infrastructure Point 1 and 5 User Requirements Design Criteria Cooling overview schematic SFx7 Primary water station SUx7 Chiller water station UWx7 Underground cooling station Central heating Point 1 HL-LHC CV Tech Review, CERN, 14 March '17

21 SUx7 Chiller water station
Primary water Chilled water Mixed water production Heat recovery Mixed water distribution Make-up HL-LHC CV Tech Review, CERN, 14 March '17

22 SUx7 Chiller water station
250 kW Ventilation Primary air 250 kW 42 m3/h 53 m3/h 250 kW 10°C 5°C 7 m3 7 m3 422 kW 88 m3/h 73 m3/h 19°C 14°C 12 m3 20°C 14°C 13 AHUs 499 kW (677 kW) Pressu. 80 kW Primary water 25°C - 30°C Small chillers, 1 screw, 25 to 100% Large chillers, Double screw, 12.5 to 100% R134A then HFO Hydrofluoroléfine classé A2L (lslightly inflammable) Heat recovery circuit . delta P constant. 2 ways valve summer Primary air, mid season lower load, winter up to max SHMx7 30 kW SDx7 Primary air 50 kW Pressurisation 120 kW SUx7 35 kW 46 m3/h 30°C 25°C 27°C °C 265 kW 31°C 1040 kW (1325 kW) HL-LHC CV Tech Review, CERN, 14 March '17

23 Cooling infrastructure Point 1 and 5 User Requirements Design Criteria
Content Cooling infrastructure Point 1 and 5 User Requirements Design Criteria Cooling overview schematic SFx7 Primary water station SUx7 Chiller water station UWx7 Underground cooling station Central heating Point 1 HL-LHC CV Tech Review, CERN, 14 March '17

24 UWx7 Underground cooling station
Secondary Demineralised water Primary water Secondary Raw-water HL-LHC CV Tech Review, CERN, 14 March '17

25 UWx7 Underground cooling station
PMx7 UAx3 ULx3 ULx7 UAx7 ½ CC (Full CC) HV PS 92 kW (184 kW) HV PS 92 kW (184 kW) 35°C °C RF Amplifier 332 kW (664 kW) RF Amplifier 332 kW (664 kW) UWx7 81 kW QURCG 70 kW 7 m3/h 27°C 37°C URx5 USx7 WCC 210 kW 160 m3/h (244 m3/h) Energy extraction 39 kW Power converters 272 kW Energy extraction 39 kW WCC 210 kW 27°C 37°C 1861 kW (2836 kW) HL-LHC CV Tech Review, CERN, 14 March '17

26 UWx7 Underground cooling station
Demineralised water Conductivity <0.5μS/cm HL-LHC CV Tech Review, CERN, 14 March '17

27 Cooling infrastructure Point 1 and 5 User Requirements Design Criteria
Content Cooling infrastructure Point 1 and 5 User Requirements Design Criteria Cooling overview schematic SFx7 Primary water station SUx7 Chiller water station UWx7 Underground cooling station Central heating Point 1 HL-LHC CV Tech Review, CERN, 14 March '17

28 Central heating Point 1 Heating sub-station in SU17
Meyrin central heating is available from October to May SHM17 30 kW SU17 35 kW Primary air 50 kW Pressurisation 120 kW SD17 41 m3/h 50°C 40°C 475 kW 80°C 60°C SE17 SF17 - AHU 20 kW SF17 - Heater 150 kW 3 ways valve but delta pressure constant because of the basin heater SF17 is 2 ways HL-LHC CV Tech Review, CERN, 14 March '17

29 Existing central heating network
Central heating Point 1 SF17 SHM17 SU17 SE17 Technical galleries Existing central heating network 80/60ºC SD17 New pipeline HL-LHC CV Tech Review, CERN, 14 March '17

30 …any questions? Thanks to:
M. Battistin, Y. Body, F. Borralho, A. Mejica, M. Nonis, P. Pepinster. HL-LHC CV Tech Review, CERN, 14 March '17


32 Payback study energy savings

33 SFx7 Primary water plant
Cooling cell HL-LHC CV Tech Review, CERN, 14 March '17

34 SFx7 Primary water plant A distribution circuit
HL-LHC CV Tech Review, CERN, 14 March '17

35 SFx7 Primary water plant
Filtration Running cycle Internal C&S review of WP17, CERN, September '16

36 SFx7 Primary water plant
Filtration Water and air Internal C&S review of WP17, CERN, September '16

37 SFx7 Primary water plant
Filtration Cleaning Internal C&S review of WP17, CERN, September '16

38 SFx7 Primary water plant
Filtration Rinsing Internal C&S review of WP17, CERN, September '16

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