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Napoleon’s established dictatorship

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1 Napoleon’s established dictatorship
LO: To have a detailed understanding of Chapter 9 and its significance within the story Starter Task Recap what has happened so far in the book: What has Napoleon done to establish his dictatorship?

2 Recap: Chapter 7 The animals decide to rebuild the windmill with thicker walls. Food falls short in January and they are close to starvation. Napoleon uses Whymper to fool the outside world that Animal Farm is OK. Napoleon rarely comes out in public and is always accompanied by 2 dogs when he does. Napoleon decides the hens must surrender their eggs and they rebel. He starves them into submission. The animals believe that Snowball was in league with Jones all along and that he is breaking into the farm at night – they blame all shortcomings on him. Boxer is identified as a threat and attacked by the dogs and he fights them off, but Napoleon slaughters many animals as traitors. ‘Beasts of England’ is banned.

3 Recap: Chapter 8 The animals work harder to rebuild the windmill.
Squealer reads out figures that the animals don’t understand to prove they are better off than under Jones. The gun is fired on Napoleon’s birthday and a trumpet announces him and the new anthem is about him. Napoleon plays Frederick and Pilkington against each other to get a better price for the wood, but Frederick pays in forged notes. The windmill is destroyed by the humans at the Battle of the Windmill. Napoleon arranges celebrations and gifts of food for the animals which makes them forget that they were defeated and that the money was forged.

4 Chapter 9 The main events that happen within Chapter 9 are… Key Words:
They are significant because… Key Words: Totalitarian Liberal Complicity (being an accomplice) Stratagem (cunning plan) Contemptuously Demeanour (expression) Lamented (mourned)

5 Chapter 9: Animalism is completely corrupted
The pigs don’t justify their actions anymore- this shows how deep their corruption is because they don’t feel the need to hide it! They use new tactics to keep the farm happy (“Spontaneous demonstration”) The animals’ innocent belief in a better future helps take their minds off the “harsh” farm conditions (Moses and Sugarcandy Mountain) When Boxer dies, the pigs only care about money = Turning point! Boxer is the most loyal worker but the pigs kill him without a thought … Ironically, Boxer’s self sacrifice and blind commitment to Animalism ultimately led to his death!

6 It was Boxer who helped contribute to Napoleon’s rise to power (?)
Task: How far do you agree: It was Boxer who helped contribute to Napoleon’s rise to power (?) Discuss… AO1: Respond critically and imaginatively and select and evaluate relevant textual detail to support interpretations AO2: Language, structure and form contribute to ideas of themes, ideas and settings

7 Do you think you know why Chapter 9 is significant?

8 The end of Animal Farm LO: To understand why Orwell wrote Animal Farm through an analysis of Chapter 10 Band 3: To describe why Orwell wrote Animal Farm Band 4: To explain why Orwell wrote Animal Farm with specific references to events Band 5: To analyse Orwell’s intentions through single word analysis Discussion: After finishing the book, do you think anything has changed? Why/why not?

9 Key words: Cyclical Dystopia Totalitarian Microcosm Allegory Fable Chapter 10 Why is the last quote of the book significant? What does it tell us and how does it fulfil George Orwell’s intentions? “The creatures outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again: but already it was impossible to say which was which.”

10 Quotation Device The effect and Orwell’s tone and intentions “The seasons came and went, the short animal lives fled by” Hyperbolic language (exaggeration) To show that Napoleon had the power to keep on ruling, whilst animals around him were dying…Dystopian! “Snowball was forgotten. Boxer was forgotten…” Repetition and simple sentence “They were generally hungry, they slept on straw, they drank from the pool, they laboured the fields” “The creature outside looked from pig to man, and from man to pig, and from pig to man again; but already it was impossible to say which was which.”

11 Significance of Chapter 10
Using your ideas, why do you think Orwell wrote Animal Farm? (Key words) Nobody remembers life before Napoleon Significance of Chapter 10 The animals are working harder than ever The revolution has come full circle (Cyclical) Brainstorm around …The first few have been done for you! Then, explain why your points are important in relation to the story.

12 What type of story is Animal Farm? What society do the pigs create?
Recap: What type of story is Animal Farm? What society do the pigs create? Why is Chapter 10 significant?

13 LO: To demonstrate an understanding of the principles behind a political ‘ism’
Starter: Animal Farm word game

14 In groups you now have to create your own ‘ism’. You must have:
Task: In groups you now have to create your own ‘ism’. You must have: 7 commandments A song A speech that persuades people to join the ‘ism’ and why Have a clear sense of what you are rebelling against! (teachers, homework, bad dinners etc)

15 Themes within Animal Farm: Power and Language
LO: To have an understanding of how Orwell uses Language to symbolise power Band 3: To describe the language devices Orwell uses Band 4: To identify the effect of the language devices Orwell uses Band 5: To analyse the effect of how Orwell uses language to demonstrate power Starter: Watch the Mr. Deeds ‘Good manners’ clip. How is language used to show status and power?

16 Key words: Corruption Education Tool Manipulation Allegory Inequality
Uses Language (Which characters? And how?) Lack of language (Which animals? Does this show power or weakness?) Squealer: He uses persuasive devices to brainwash the animals and gain their trust. - Give an example from the book Napoleon: He uses Squealer as his mouth- piece. This could represent a certain arrogance; dictators have people to do their dirty work. Key words: Corruption Education Tool Manipulation Allegory Inequality Restriction

17 How could you use language to show status?
What linguistic devices might you use?

18 When has someone used language to have a hold over you?
A variety of simple, complex and compound sentences, used for effect Direct address (personal pronouns) Eloquent delivery of words Rhetorical questions Change in tone of voice (punctuation) Lack of language (Napoleon through Snowball) Using pauses effectively Exaggerating (hyperbolic and emotive language) When has someone used language to have a hold over you?

19 Is it just power that it shows or why else might Orwell use language?
How does Orwell use language to demonstrate Napoleon’s complete disctatorship? It is just him, or the rest of the pigs that use language to show power? Is it just power that it shows or why else might Orwell use language? Manipulate Show difference between upper and lower classes Dictatorship Education Model on the board for students! Use the key words. Write up the AO’s after and whether or not they have been achieved and what has been met! Write a list of linguistic devices up on the board and then span off from them, giving specific examples and textual references.


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