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Propaganda Animal Farm.

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1 Propaganda Animal Farm

2 Propaganda spreading of rumors, false or correct information, or an idea in order to influence the opinion of the society. In literature: writers use propaganda as a literary technique to manipulate the public opinion for or against one idea or another.

3 Propaganda in History Used to shape the public perceptions, and direct their behavior to get a response. a technique for convincing people, misleading in nature and promotes a viewpoint or a political cause.

4 Popular examples of Propaganda
US dropped leaflets as propaganda campaign in Iraq to let the people know that Saddam Hussein was the real culprit, who caused problems for them. People use name-calling as propaganda, such as “My enemy is a drug addict.” During the era of McCarthy, mass media attempted to persuade public as propaganda that Communists had become very powerful and they would take over US.

5 More examples

6 Animal Farm Major Theme: Anti- Communist propaganda
Orwell manipulated the speech of a character, Squealer, who is portrayed as Napoleon’s spokesperson. Snowball uses propaganda to rush Snowball off the farm

7 Technique #1 – Glittering Generalities
Words of praise for product or person; nice words like goodness or patriotism

8 Technique #2 – Name Calling
Trash-talking another product or person

9 Technique #3 – Testimonial
A famous person recommends a product or a political endorsement

10 Technique # 4 – Appeals to everyone
Appeals to regular people and their values such as health, family and patriotism

11 Technique # 5 - Transfer An appeal that helps a person imagine themselves as part of a picture

12 Technique #6 – Card stacking
Manipulating information to make a product appear better than it is, often by unfair comparison or omitting facts

13 Analyze the following Propaganda posters

14 #1

15 #2

16 #3

17 #4 Women who wanted to play a more active role could serve as nurses. This poster showed nursing as the natural extension of motherhood. A Red Cross nurse, “our greatest mother,” shelters a young girl from the war raging in the background.

18 Liberty Bonds = Fund the war
#5 Americans at home were reminded that their boys in uniform were “giving their lives over there” and encouraged to “give every cent” they could spare to buy Liberty Bonds. Children couldn’t afford liberty bonds, but to encourage them to support the war, the government sold war savings stamps worth 10 cents and 25 cents. Like war bonds, the stamps paid interest. In this poster, Uncle Sam teaches children a lesson not only about patriotism but about the importance of saving. Liberty Bonds = Fund the war

19 #6 Even the smallest children were enlisted in the war effort. Wheat was needed for soldiers, and so children (and their mothers) were encouraged to eat other grains such as oatmeal, corn, and rice — and were reminded, like children everywhere, to clean their plates.

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